har udgivet: The 2012 study, “Longitudinal Evaluation of a Scale-Up Model for Teaching Mathematics with Trajectories and Technologies,” examined the effects of “Technology-enhanced, Research-based, Instruction, Assessment, and professional Development (TRIAD),” a math intervention for preschoolers that combines a curriculum, a software-based teaching tool, and in-person teacher professional development. “TRIAD” is designed for young children, particularly those at risk of low math achievement. The study also included an assessment of whether continuing the intervention through kindergarten improved math achievement at the end of kindergarten. To measure these effects, two versions of the intervention were delivered: (a) “TRIAD” no follow-through (“TRIAD-NFT”), where children only received “TRIAD” in preschool; and (b) “TRIAD” follow-through (“TRIAD-FT”), where children received “TRIAD” in both preschool and kindergarten. Forty-two schools from Buffalo, NY, and Boston, MA were… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This article presents the results of an evaluation of Positive Family Support, an ecological family intervention and treatment approach to parent supports and family management training developed from a history of basic and translational research. This effectiveness trial, with 41 public middle schools randomly assigned to intervention or control, examined student-, teacher-, and parent-reported outcomes, as well as math and reading scores and school attendance. Multilevel analyses suggested that for students at risk for behavior problems, immediate-intervention schools outperformed control schools on parent-reported negative school contacts for students at risk for behavior problems. Implementation, however, was hampered by several challenges, including school funding cuts, lack of staff time to provide parenting supports, and staff turnover. Given that preventive interventions are generally cost effective, it is critical that… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article discusses how mathematics didactics can be inspired by and further developed through responsive pedagogy, understood as feedback directed at self-regulation and self-efficacy, in mathematics teaching. The authors explain the rationale behind an intervention model for improving mathematics teachers’ feedback practices. The model is a developmental framework for intervention that is context dependent, rather than a fixed model for intervention. The overall aim with such an intervention is to establish a recursive feedback dialogue between teachers and students. Next, the backdrop for the participatory approach used in the development and implementation of such an intervention model is presented, emphasising the importance of researchers and teachers working closely together and engaging in mutual learning. The aim is to… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In low-income countries, private schools are perceived as superior alternatives to the public sector, often improving achievement at a fraction of the cost. It is unclear whether private schools are as effective in middle-income countries where the public sector has relatively more resources. To address this gap, this paper takes advantage of lottery-based admissions in first grade for a Mexico City private school that targets and subsidizes attendance for low-income children. Over three years, selected students via lottery scored 0.21 standard deviation higher than those not selected in literacy tests, corresponding to a normalized gain of one-half of a grade level every two years. Lottery winners also statistically outperformed those not selected in math, but the gains were more modest. Relative to the control group, parents of… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Many states have adopted the Common Core Standards for literacy and math and have begun enacting these standards in school curriculum. In states where these standards have been adopted, professional educators working in K-12 contexts have been working to create transition plans from existing state-based standards to the Common Core standards. A part of this process has included re-aligning professional development models to support implementation of these new standards. While K-12 professional educators have been hard at work in this changeover, little attention has been paid to early childhood contexts and the need of pre-school curriculum to support learners in moving toward new kindergarten goals in the Common Core. This study examines the alignment between an existent professional development model for preschool literacy widely employed in one… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. ABSTRACT Undergraduate biology education has changed over the past decade, incorporating an iterative and evidence-based approach. Many educational assessments have confirmed the effectiveness of integrating authentic research and open-ended inquiry into introductory biology courses, demonstrating a significant positive impact on students’ learning and attitude towards STEM majors. Despite these findings, only a handful of Biology instructors in 2-year colleges adopt this approach, and when adopted, most activities constitute a small fraction of these courses. Finding a feasible, sustainable, semester-long,… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Developing a revised social force model for pedestrians’ earthquake emergency evacuation Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Curriculum development has always been dealt as one of the most important areas of language learning and teaching by educational institutions. Null curriculum has been viewed as one of the significant kinds of curriculum types which is important due to its absence, being left out or overlooked but should not be disregarded. For this reason, a 48-item questionnaire for null curriculum in ELT with a special focus on twenty-first century skills was developed and validated by the application of the Rasch model. The Rasch model was employed to decide whether the scores of an instrument are purposive, meaningful and significant. Rasch analysis using Winsteps software version 3.73 was used to determine the dimensionality, use of response category, sample… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This article describes a 21st century how-to model for successful career and technical education (CTE) programs. The Geometry in Construction program is the brainchild of two educators, a CTE and a math teacher, who wanted to design a rigorous geometry course taught through a project-based curriculum. This article discusses how they did it, and how one can use the basic principles they outline to do some core content integration of one’s own. Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Reading is one of the aspects that help students achieve optimal performance in their education. There are several determining factors that can affect reading, particularly its promotion by teachers, and the students’ behavior and comprehension. This paper seeks to determine the relationship between reading promotion, behavior, and comprehension and educational achievement in Mexican high school students. Our sample consisted of 7,299 students, with an average age of 15.8 years. We analyzed their answers to a questionnaire as well as the database from the 2018 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) test. A theoretical model was built using the reading promotion, reading behavior, reading comprehension, and educational achievement factors; the model was evaluated using the structural equation modelling technique. We… Continue Reading →
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