tandfonline.com – Pre–service teachers’ generic and subject-specific lesson-planning skills: On learning adaptive teaching during initial teacher education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In this article, we analyse pre-service language teachers’ written plans for demonstration lessons in Germany. Our objective is to reconstruct and quantify generic and subject-specific planning decisions related to adaptive teaching, specified as the ways in which a lesson’s main task fits the learning group’s cognitive level. The focus is on aspects of generic planning featured in subject specific planning rather than very specific subject planning that reflects the unique aspect of that particular subject discipline. The sample comprises pre-service teachers during induction, surveyed at two time points. The findings show that planning skills can be measured in a reliable way and that subject-specific decisions are more difficult to implement into planning than generic decisions. Skills increase substantially… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Will “The Way They Teach” Be “The Way They Have Learned”? Pre-Service Teachers’ Beliefs Concerning Computer Embedding in Math Teaching

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Embedding computers in math teaching is not a totally new issue, but the dilemmas related to it multiply more rapidly than the answers are being supplied. This study asks: What is the most appropriate way to prepare instrumentally and mentally the future math teachers to the reality demanding permanent competent adjustment to rapidly developing computerized environment in math teaching? In order to try to refer to this question at least partially, the authors designed a research project in which they studied the performances of several groups of students, studying several courses at different levels of mathematical knowledge and embedding a variety of computerized tools. Moreover, they induced all of the students to experience at least two-three different computerized tools in different courses during three years of their… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Making learning effective – quantity and quality of pre-service teachers’ feedback

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Feedback is an essential formative assessment practice that has the potential to influence student learning and achievement positively. Providing effective feedback, however, is a challenging task for teachers. Especially beginning teachers struggle with the provision of information that supports students in developing and improving their competences. Learning to provide feedback thus is an important aspect of teacher education. The present exploratory study investigates pre-service chemistry teachers’ practices regarding the judgement of students’ level of achievement and the provision of feedback in the context of the control-of-variables strategy. A sample of N = 40 bachelor and master students at Kiel University judged students’ written artefacts and provided feedback with the aim to support students in their progression towards the learning goals.… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Pre-service Primary Teachers’ Mathematical Content Knowledge: An Exploratory Study

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. The Primary Teacher Education (PrimTEd) project was established in response to concerns about the pre-service preparation of primary teachers in South Africa. In order to inform the development of appropriate pre-service mathematics courses, an initial need in the PrimTEd project was to establish the nature of the mathematical knowledge of pre-service teachers both near the start and also near the end of their studies, through an online assessment. This paper describes the design of this PrimTEd online mathematics test… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Mathematics Stories: Preservice Teachers’ Images and Experiences as Learners of Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study seeks to determine whether national trends in subject matter knowledge and in curricular experiences hold true for prospective teachers who attended K-12 schooling during the reform period. It further seeks to determine other influences on teachers’ visions of mathematics and goals for themselves as mathematics teachers. Teachers’ past experiences and knowledge have an impact on their ability to teach mathematics. Autobiographies, or what they are calling math stories, provide one way to study these experiences. Through the powerful lens of mathematics stories, this study seeks to view teachers’ past experiences, to begin to deconstruct possible limiting notions, and to build on solid notions of mathematics and mathematics instruction to better shape classroom practice for tomorrow’s students. (Contains 3 tables and 1 figure.) Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Between the modelling and the engineering of learning: preservice teachers’ performance in course essays

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to explore Swedish preservice teachers’ performance in coursework essays about their observations and analyses of teaching situations. A total of 38 essays were analysed using practical inferences in which the students’ written utterances were interpreted as a means to an end. The results show that, in addition to the students who conducted their analyses in accordance with the normative way of understanding the task, there were students who engaged in ‘alternative performance’. This was done by negotiating the content of the course and explaining the observed actions of teachers in terms of the course’s theoretical perspectives. The results also indicate that, in addition to an analytical interest in understanding and explaining learning,… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Adding Voices to Physical Sciences Preservice Teachers’ Approaches to Learning

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Students’ approaches to learning have a significant impact on the outcomes of any educational programme. In the light of the documented concerns about the quality of students’ engagement with academic work, this study sets out to determine and explain preservice teachers’ (PSTs) approaches to learning. This was based on the premise that, while science teacher-educators may strive to inculcate a deep approach to learning in their PSTs, various contextual factors may impinge on these efforts. Ninety-four Physical Sciences PSTs’ approaches to learning were explored through a survey questionnaire followed by 32 face-to-face interviews. The approaches to learning theory was used to develop the instruments and interpret the data. Mean agreement scores were used to determine the students’ approaches to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Developing Robust Forms of Pre-Service Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge through Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching Analysis

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study documents and describes efforts to develop robust forms of pre-service teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge through a culturally responsive mathematics teaching approach. Embedded in a university K-8 mathematics methods course emphasising the connections among mathematics, children’s mathematical thinking, and children’s cultural/linguistic funds of knowledge, pre-service teachers (N = 40) were given an assignment to analyse their own mathematics lessons utilizing a rubric tool with categories about children’s mathematical thinking, academic language supports, cultural funds of knowledge, and critical math/social justice. Utilizing a mixed methods approach to analyse the pre-service teachers’ (PST) work, we found the highest average self-ratings across the categories associated with children’s mathematical thinking and high variability in the categories related to language, culture, and social justice. To understand the variation within the latter… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – What Do Middle Grades Preservice Teachers Believe about Writing and Writing Instruction?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract After third grade, students’ motivation and enjoyment of writing begins to wane, and this trend continues through most of their education. Middle grade students especially need high-quality writing instruction; however, many teachers report feeling inadequately prepared to teach writing. To combat these issues, teacher preparation programs should understand how their preservice teachers feel about writing and teaching writing. The present study surveyed 150 middle grade preservice teachers to determine their self-efficacy beliefs about writing and writing instruction. Results indicate that preservice teachers valued writing, but did not feel confident with many specific aspects of writing instruction. Link til kilde