har udgivet: Designed to assist the classroom teacher interested in implementing career education, this guide presents lesson plans, prepared by public school teachers, which integrate career education activities. Learner objectives, which provide a base for implementation plans, are listed in the introductory section and relate to self-knowledge, decisionmaking skills, career awareness, economic awareness, educational awareness, attitudes and appreciation, and social awareness. Each lesson plan is presented in the following format: Grade or IGE unit, subject, educational concept, elements and element objectives, activities, resources, and followup activities. The lesson plans cover the units of math (grades 9-10); Spanish (grades 9-12); home economics (grades 9-12); agriculture (grades 9-12); physical education (grades 9-12); biology (grade 10); social studies (grades 9-12); math, geometry, algebra (grades 9-12); distributive education (grade 11); French I and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Background and Context. Valid assessment of understanding of programming concepts in primary school children is essential to implement and improve programming education. Objective. We developed and validated the Computerized Adaptive Programming Concepts Test (CAPCT) with a novel application of Item Response Theory. The CAPCT is a web-based and resource-efficient adaptive assessment of 4489 questions measuring: the understanding of basic sequences, loops, conditions (if & if-else statements), debugging, multiple agents, procedures, and the ability to generalize to a new syntax. Method. Data was collected through an existing online adaptive practice and monitoring system called Math Garden. We collected 14 million responses from 93,341 Dutch children (ages 4 – 13). Findings. The CAPCT demonstrated good psychometric qualities because 75% of… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The “Principles and Standards for School Mathematics” published in 2000 by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) created a vision of mathematical concepts and processes to establish core educational guidelines for instruction from grades K to 12. The overall plan does emphasize higher level thinking, problem solving, and communication skills that were traditionally advocated for gifted learners but the implementation of this vision continues to fall short when serving mathematical talent. With the advent of No Child Left Behind (NCLB, 2001), less able math students are provided with support and alternative instruction to meet the proposed standards. Little has been done to identify and serve highly capable students until the high school level. The purpose of this paper is to introduce an understanding of talented… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Teaching buckling of cylindrical shells through an effective laboratory demonstration Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the size of high schools, their percentage of SED (socio-economic disadvantaged) students, and API (academic performance index) scores in California, and determine if teacher preparation is a contributing factor. The 2010 API scores and median income of all 52 counties, and the 2010 API scores and % SED of 1,089 high schools were tabulated and graphed to determine the strength of the correlation between the two different sets of data. Also, the percent proficient levels (in English) for all high school students by grade (9-11) and by socio-economic status from 2003 to 2010 were compared. Lastly, the number and percent of English and math teachers with the proper credentials are presented for analysis. Results indicate there… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. Abstract Statistical modeling continues to gain prominence in the secondary curriculum, and recent recommendations to emphasize data science and computational thinking may soon position algorithmic models into the school curriculum. Many teachers’ preparation for and experiences teaching statistical modeling have focused on probabilistic models. Subsequently, much of the research literature related to the teachers’ understanding has focused on probabilistic models. This study explores the extent to which secondary statistics teachers appear to understand ideas of statistical modeling, specifically the… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In this article, the author shares his experiences on a journey with 10-12-year-old students from Chicago’s Cabrini Green neighborhood. The quintessential point he wants to make is that curriculum is not all about what state boards of education decide is important for teachers to do with children, or what a teacher decides to construct alone. It also is certainly not fixed or finite. Rather, it is a journey of co-creation and looking to the students for what is worthwhile–what is worth knowing, doing, being, becoming, thinking about, pondering, and wondering. The author became fascinated by the idea of an integrated curriculum–not one that merely connected math and science and threw in a little bit of music, but one that takes into consideration the subjects and ideas that… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper presents the results of a large-scale survey of undergraduates in England, concerning their envisaged career choices and how they made them. This gives a more complete account of those who do and do not want to be teachers than usual in the existing literature based primarily on prospective/existing teacher accounts. The paper looks at the issue of shortages, the reasons why people might be deterred from teaching, and summarises the methods used in our new study, followed by the results. The results cover descriptive analyses, and a comparison of responses from those who considered being a teacher (or not), those who had applied to train as a teacher (or not), and those intending to teach. These… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Arguing that transformative teacher professional development may require more than a shift in the content of teachers’ thinking, this paper examines how the structure of teachers’ meaning-making systems might affect their experiences in three mathematics teacher professional development programs. The paper describes the change goals of three teacher professional development programs and their methods for accomplishing those goals. SummerMath for Teachers attempts to support a shift in teachers’ paradigms about mathematics and learning by asking them to personally engage with and reflect on mathematics and pedagogy. The Math Case Methods Project supports teachers in re-evaluating and complicating their ideas about mathematics and mathematics teaching through collaborative inquiry into practice via mathematics teaching cases. The Algebra Project seeks to change the expectations of teachers, students, and the broader… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore how young adolescents participated in various activities in a science summer camp. A total of 26 Taiwanese students and 16 U.S. students participated in a one-week “Argue like a Scientist” summer camp. Based on the design features of project-based learning, this science summer camp aimed at engaging the students in collaborative scientific argumentation about alternative energies and involved them in various activities related to alternative energies such as a field trip to an ethanol plant and a hands-on project building a solar car. All activities, including the students’ collaborative argumentation, were recorded. Their post-camp surveys were also collected. Three themes emerged from the data analysis. First, regardless of cultural… Continue Reading →
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