Eric.ed.gov – Languages for Learning: Granting All Students Access to New Skills. Fishman Prize Series

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A single great teacher can change a life by introducing a new language, helping you master a new skill or opening a door you never knew was there. That’s why every year, TNTP awards the Fishman Prize for Superlative Classroom Practice: to celebrate a select cohort of public school teachers who demonstrate exceptionally effective teaching with students from high-poverty communities. Founded in 2012, the Prize is named for Shira Fishman, a TNTP-trained math teacher who has received local and national recognition for her achievements at McKinley Technology High School in Washington, D.C., where she continues to teach today. Each year the selection process becomes more difficult. The winning teachers receive $25,000 each–one of the country’s largest monetary awards for practicing teachers. During the summer of their award… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Strategies for Improving School Performance

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The document is from a presentation at the Texas Region VII 2014 Curriculum Conference. The study examined the effects of a three-tiered high school program designed to increase student achievement and Texas end-of-course (EOC) TAKS and STAAR chemistry scores. The student sample (n = 625) consisted 75% high school sophomores and 25% high school juniors. EOC test results showed the presenter’s students (on-level, inclusion (IN) special education, limited English proficiency (LEP), economically disadvantaged (EDS), and 504 monitored) scored yearly in the 90% passing range. From 2008 to the present, results indicated that the students made significant academic progress. The three-tiered program components were based on school culture findings, productive classroom management research, and classroom programs and strategies. This program will also apply to 6-12 math and social… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Assist Students in Improving Their Math Skills. Module M-5 of Category M–Assisting Students in Improving Their Basic Skills. Professional Teacher Education Module Series.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This module, one in a series of performance-based teacher education learning packages, focuses on a specific skill that vocational educators need in order to integrate the teaching and reinforcement of basic skills into their regular vocational instruction. The purpose of the module is to give educators competency in assisting students in improving their math skills. It provides techniques for (1) assessing students’ math skills in relation to the math requirements for the occupational area, (2) assessing one’s own readiness to assist students with these skills, and (3) working with students to improve math skills. The teacher also gains skill in identifying specific kinds of errors students commonly make and in helping students to improve skills in these specific areas. Introductory material provides terminal and enabling objectives, a… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – GED as Project: Pathways to Passing the GED. Volume 2: Math.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This guide presents math-focused learning projects and accompanying inquiry activities to help students pass the math portion of the GED 2002. It is Volume 2 of a proposed four-volume series; Volume 1 describing the concept of the GED as project is also available. Section 1 relates GED as project to the math portion of the GED and explains how inquiry activities use Official GED Math Practice Test questions as stimuli and can serve as models for teacher-designed activities. It introduces the template for math inquiry activities, a series of steps and questions that fulfill the learner-centered thinking and process this guide proposes. Section 2 is an introductory learning project that helps learners comprehend and internalize information about the GED, “GED Math and You.” The two inquiry activities… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – From 1 to Z: Integrating Math and Language Learning.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Techniques for integrating English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) instruction and mathematics instruction, particularly the language of mathematics, are discussed. Focus here is on mathematics instruction for limited-English-speaking students in the mainstream classroom. First, examples of the academic language of mathematics that students must develop are outlined. Some instructional techniques that incorporate students’ own language and background in the construction of mathematics concepts and formal mathematics register are then offered. These include: techniques to make mathematics lessons more comprehensible and ways to promote interaction and provide a classroom environment conducive to language and literacy acquisition; methods for maintaining high expectations for language minority students and helping them develop higher-order cognitive and metacognitive skills and strategies; and assessment of language development alongside conceptual knowledge. A concluding discussion looks at the roles of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Assessing Teacher-Made Tests in Secondary Math and Science Classrooms.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A model for use in identifying assessment needs in association with teacher-made mathematics and science tests at the secondary level was developed. The model focuses on the identification and narrowing of discrepancies between teachers’ perceptions of their testing practices and actual practice. All 19 math and 16 science teachers at a 4-year high school in a mixed suburban/rural school district participated in the project. Subjects’ involvement consisted of completing a brief survey instrument and supplying their most recently administered unit or quarter test. Data from 35 questionnaires and 34 tests containing more than 1,400 items were analyzed. Results cover the nature of classroom assessment, characteristics of teacher-made tests, item formats, cognitive levels treated, quality of items, and teachers’ confidence in testing skills. Topics identified as important for… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Strategies That Work for Girls and Boys. Math and Science for the Coed Classroom.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This pamphlet offers tips and strategies from teachers who are successful in encouraging both girls and boys to participate in the classroom. Although successful teachers are all different, each classroom has the following things in common: (1) the classroom environment is respectful of students and teachers; (2) all students participate in class; and (3) the classrooms incorporate multiple modes of learning. Sections of the pamphlet include: (1) “Teachers’ Tips and Strategies”; (2) “From Harassment to Respect: Changing Classroom Climates”; (3) “We’re All in This Together: Improving Classroom Interaction”; and (4) “Motivation, Fun, and Hard Work: Increasing Academic Success.” A 9-item reference and sources section concludes the pamphlet. (EH) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Unexpected Answers: Case Study of a Student Teacher Derailing in a Math Lesson.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: An analysis of a student teacher’s lesson in multiplication for Norwegian second graders explored why the lesson did not succeed. Two interpretive frameworks were used to analyze the lesson: teaching as a complex cognitive activity and teaching as improvisation. The student teacher, Marte, believed in child-centered education and tried to create situations in the classroom where her children experienced success. The analysis of student and teacher exchanges showed that Marte’s class derailed because her pupils offered unexpected types of comments for which she was not prepared; she used the dialogue teaching method which created an unstable and unpredictable classroom environment; and in her responses to the unexpected answers she attended to the wrong things. She was also derailed due to lack of pedagogical content knowledge in mathematics.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – To Educate All Children (TEACH), 2015-2016. Research Educational Program Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: To Educate All Children (TEACH) provides educators with intensive one-on-one training in classroom culture, focusing on de-escalation, conflict resolution, nonverbal communication, and building student’s self confidence. Through intensive educator training, TEACH helps educators create safe, calm learning environments for students (TEACH, n.d.). Trained educators develop skills that support positive classroom management. Consequently, it is expected that schools experience a decrease in student disciplinary referrals, calmer and more productive classrooms, and improvements in student achievement. Research has shown that students’ perceptions of teacher support play a central role in feeling connected to school and to socio-emotional well-being (Stracuzzi and Mills, 2010). Student connectedness also has been found to protect students against risky and problem behaviors in school (Catalano, Haggerty, Oesterle, Fleming, & Hawkins, 2004; CDC, 2009). There is… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teaching Math and Science to Language Minority Children: Implications for Teachers.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Factors influencing the learning of mathematics in the linguistically diverse classroom are examined, drawing on the literature of mathematics and science instruction and of multicultural education. Teachers are encouraged to be aware that several linguistic, cultural, and cognitive factors affect the learner’s academic performance, and to use linguistically and culturally sensitive instructional methods and activities to ensure success in math. First, a rationale for multicultural math instruction is presented, and then the relationship between language and math is examined in terms of the specific needs of limited-English-proficient students. Finally, some pedagogical implications and recommendations for classroom activities are offered. The latter include word problems that encourage repetitive language use, concrete and sensory experiences, cooperative activities that encourage interpersonal contact and problem-solving, writing and rewriting math problems, and… Continue Reading