Eric.ed.gov – Build Engagement and Knowledge One Block at a Time with Minecraft

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The core of instruction is the interaction between the student, the content, and the teacher. Good instructional design accounts for the students’ needs and interests by personalizing the core to each student. Video games and simulations are one way to meet student needs and leverage their interests for increased student learning. In the 2011-12 school year, eighth grade students at Monroe Middle School in Eugene, Oregon, USA, participated in a pilot class that featured the popular online game Minecraft (minecraft.net). The project clarified for the author the question of how video games can be a tool for learning. It also brought into stark relief the misconceptions many career educators have regarding gaming in education. Peter Tromba, formerly a science, math, and computer teacher before becoming a middle… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Passport Reading Journeys [TM]. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Snapshot

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Literacy skills are critical to students’ academic achievement and setting them on a path to successful high school graduation and readiness for college and careers. “Passport Reading Journeys” [TM] is a supplemental literacy curriculum designed to help improve reading comprehension, vocabulary, word study, and writing skills of struggling readers in grades 6-12. Lessons incorporate both teacher led instruction and technology, including whole-class and small-group instruction, independent reading, video segments, and independent computer-based practice. The curriculum includes a series of two-week, ten-lesson instructional sequences on topics in science, math, fine art, literature, and social studies. Each sequence is themed as an expedition or journey for students. This What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) report, part of the WWC’s Adolescent Literacy topic area, explores the effects of “Passport Reading Journeys” [TM]… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – How Students Communicate Mathematical Ideas: An Examination of Multimodal Writing Using Digital Technologies

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article reports the findings of a study designed to examine the influence of multimodal writing on the communication of mathematical ideas. Elementary school students (ages 8-13) were required to write mathematics notes using two digital writing technologies, a personal digital notepad and a social mathematics blog, in the context of a formal intervention. Forty-two students participated, across three schools. The study showed that when students wrote notes that could be assessed for correctness, their answers were predominately right, indicating that mathematical sense-making was taking place. It also showed that the digital notepad and blog were used differently and that the type of technology influences the writing content. Moreover, students’ mathematical writing were understandable by their peers and students collaboratively explored solutions. Younger students were more likely… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Computer Mathematical Tools: Practical Experience of Learning to Use Them

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The article contains general information about the use of specialized mathematics software in the preparation of math teachers. The authors indicate the reasons to study the mathematics software. In particular, they analyze the possibility of presenting basic mathematical courses using mathematical computer tools from both a teacher and a student, argue in favour of using software instead of traditional paper-and-board style. The special course of the study of mathematics software (main tasks of the course are disclosed; knowledge and skills that students should possess on completion of their studies are dedicated; content of computer workshop is detailed) is briefly described. Also the authors give a detailed solution and its methodic basis of typical problem with the use of the SCM Maple. The typical errors which made by… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Relationship between Gender, Ethnicity, and Technology on the Impact of Mathematics Achievement in an After-School Program

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The gap among ethnicities and gender in mathematics achievement is a well-known problem. While the gap has been shrinking over the past three decades, it has not completely diminished (Jencks & Phillips, 1998; McGraw, Lubienski, & Strutchens, 2006). The ALEKS, Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces, tutoring system is one promising example of a technology that can target this problem. ALEKS is a Web-based intelligent tutoring system (ITS) that instructs students on the mathematical topics that they are most ready to learn, assesses students’ current knowledge, and evaluates student performance on problems related to those topics. In order to better understand the role that technology can play in decreasing achievement gaps for gender and ethnicity, the authors examined the effect of interacting with ALEKS in a 6th… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Baseline Report for the Mixed-Methods Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial of Impact Network’s eSchool 360 Model in Rural Zambia. Making Research Relevant

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Low- and middle-income countries have made significant progress getting children into school, but student learning and achievement are often dreadfully low (Berry, Barnett, & Hinton, 2015; Pritchett, 2013). Approximately 250 million children across the world are not acquiring basic reading and math skills, even though about half have spent at least 4 years in school (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation, 2014). Zambia faces many common educational challenges. Literacy rates among young Zambian adults ages 15–24 are 58.5% for females and 70.3% for males, despite an average of 7.7 years and 7.9 years of education, respectively (Zambia Demographic and Health Surveys, 2013–14; UNICEF, 2015). Community schools in Zambia are in need of a cost-effective solution for delivering quality education in order to improve learning outcomes. The… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Product Descriptions: Function Plotters for Secondary Math Teachers. A MicroSIFT Quarterly Report.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Specific programs and software resources are described in this report on function plotters to be used in secondary mathematics instruction. Products are entered in alphabetical order and the following information is provided for each package included: (1) producer; (2) hardware needed; (3) required peripherals; (4) grade level; (5) price; (6) copyright date; (7) policies; (8) objectives; (9) support materials; (10) descriptions; (11) comments; and (12) other review sources. (PK) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Alabama Education News. Volume 32, Number 1, August-September 2008

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Alabama Education News” is published monthly except for June, July, and December by the Alabama Department of Education. This publication, authorized by Section 16-2-4 of the “Code of Alabama,” as recompiled in 1975, is a public service of the Alabama Department of Education designed to inform citizens and educators about programs and goals of public education in Alabama. This issue contains the following articles: (1) 83% of Alabama Schools Make AYP; (2) “First Choice” Gives Alabama’s Graduates an Edge; (3) New Deputy Superintendent’s Plan for Instruction; (4) Math and Science Program Completes its Statewide Expansion; (5) All Alabama High Schools Get Granted ACCESS; (6) Alabama Moving Forward; and (7) McKinney Elected as Board Vice President. Regular features include: (1) Good News in Alabama Schools; (2) Awards, Opportunities,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Consolidated Grant. Title V, Part A: Innovative Programs. Annual Report (For Period of October 2008 to September 30, 2009)

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper presents the annual report of the Consolidated Grant Title V, Part A: Innovative Programs for the fiscal year 2008-2009. This report contains three sections. Section I, “Progress Report by Program”, contains the following programs: (1) Local Education Reform Plan To Improve Reading, Math, and Language Arts; (2) Reading and Math Reform Programs; (3) Improving Teacher Quality; (4) Expanded Learning Opportunities; (5) Alternative School Program; (6) Cooperative Education Services; (7) Technology Education; (8) Integrating Science and Allied Health; (9) Gifted and Talented Education; (10) Private, Non-Profit Schools Program Participation; and (11) Education Technology. Section II focuses on participating schools data. Section III focuses on financial expenditure data. Individual programs contain tables. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Instructional Multimedia in the Math Classroom and Beyond.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper is based on the reflections of a distance education (DE) mathematics instructor at Pellissippi State Technical Community College in Knoxville, Tennesee. In this DE classroom, 30 students were present with the instructor at the main campus, 8 students at a remote campus in Blount County, and 6 students in Knoxville. The link between the classrooms was made by Instructional Television Fixed Service technology, which connected the classrooms via two-way audio, but only one-way video. The typical class period was divided into two parts: a lecture delivered via a multimedia program using Macromedia Director; and discussion of homework problems that were solved in class using an overhead camera. Problems encountered in the classrooms included: (1) the teacher had to attend to the needs of students he… Continue Reading