Eric.ed.gov – Accelerated Math[R]: Pilot Schools Report. Monograph.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Accelerated Math (AM) math management software is a task level learning information system placed in 4th-11th grade classrooms around the country. AM provides teachers with an information system that assures that students can master all math objectives and state standards from grade 3 through calculus. It eliminates teacher paperwork, improves student motivation, and frees teachers to work individually with each student. AM supports all textbooks and instructional methods. This report is divided into sections that include an AM overview; math classroom ecology; design goals and a description of AM; pilot school project description; teacher, student, and patent surveys; test results; and discussion and conclusion. (ASK) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Mathematics Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities or Difficulty Learning Mathematics: A Guide for Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This guide for teachers is a companion piece to the meta-analysis from the Center on Instruction, “Mathematics Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities or Difficulty Learning Mathematics: A Synthesis of the Intervention Research”. Based on the findings of this report, seven effective instructional practices were identified for teaching mathematics to K-12 students with learning disabilities. It describes these practices and, incorporating recommendations from “The Final Report of The National Mathematics Advisory Panel” as well, specifies research-based recommendations for students with learning disabilities and for students who are experiencing difficulties in learning mathematics but are not identified as having a math learning disability. [To access “The Final Report of The National Mathematics Advisory Panel” see (ED500486) This publication was created by Instructional Research Group.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Teaching Math and Science in the Real World.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This issue offers a collection of timely topics focused on mathematics and science education. It uncovers the past, present, and future of the national standards movement in mathematics and science education with two articles entitled “Setting Standards for Excellence” and “On the Road to REAL Progress.” A close-up look at students doing real-life water ecology research is provided. This issue also features articles on “Math Wars,” teacher shortages, and curriculum research centers. (ASK) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Project Smart-Science and Math Access: Resources & Technology.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper describes Project SMART (Science and Math Access: Resources & Technology), a multi-year professional development effort that includes components for all adults who regularly have contact with children with disabilities. The common goal of each of the components is the development of both efficacy and capacity to inspire children with disabilities to overcome challenges in the pursuit of excellence in math and science education. While the emphasis of the program has been on inservice teacher education, components have been developed for the following groups that support the efforts of children: general education teachers, special education teachers, parents of children with disabilities, and guidance counselors. The model program is intended to promote positive and permanent changes in the academic climate of classrooms and to provide teachers and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Innovative Schools in Michigan. Connect: Making Learning Personal

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This second issue of “Connect” highlights innovative teaching as practiced by teachers and administrators in Michigan schools as they seek to provide greater personalization for every student’s learning. Nicholas Provenzano and Ben Gilpin give field reports from their schools, which have implemented a version of 20-Time–a concept borrowed from business where it has been used to encourage creativity in product development. 20-Time seeks to promote students’ motivation, autonomy, and communication and interpersonal skills in collaborative endeavors–all characteristics deemed essential for their working careers. Tara Maynard and Delia Bush provide field reports on their flipped math classes. Flipped classrooms take advantage of technology by reversing the traditional schoolwork-homework activities. This arrangement allows greater personalization, and creates extra class time for teachers to help individual students or small groups… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Inclusion in High-Achieving Singapore: Challenges of Building an Inclusive Society in Policy and Practice

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Building an inclusive society in which all people can participate effectively and live together requires understanding inclusive education and its impact on the social order. As countries of different regions face the vast array of challenges unique to their educational systems, it becomes apparent that inclusive societies are intricately tied to social inclusion policy initiatives and developments in education. Governments are becoming increasingly aware of the need to review their educational systems as they attempt to define what an inclusive society is and how to make inclusion truly effective. Singapore is a unique example of a country that has the resources and the vision, but currently lacks an educational system designed to fully include individuals with special needs. Although Singaporean students consistently score near the top in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Project-Based Learning: A Literature Review. Working Paper

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The concept of project-based learning (PBL) has garnered wide support among a number of K-12 education policy advocates and funders. This working paper builds on and updates a seminal literature review of PBL published in 2000. Focused primarily on articles and studies that have emerged in the 17 years since then, the working paper discusses the principles that underlie PBL, how PBL has been used in K-12 settings, the challenges teachers have confronted in implementing it, how school and district factors influence its adoption, and what is known about its effectiveness in improving students’ learning outcomes. PBL is grounded in cross-cutting “design principles” often related to what is taught, how it is taught, and how students should be evaluated in a PBL classroom. PBL design principles emphasize… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – District Action Plan 2003-2008: Improving Academic Achievement in Reading, Math and Language Arts

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The results of the SAT 9 tests administered to Guam students in grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, and 11 have consistently indicated below average academic performance in the subjects of reading, math and language arts over the past decade of testing. To ensure that students attain the necessary skills and knowledge in reading, math, and language arts, the Student Focus Committee has constructed a district action plan designed to address problems by focusing on measurable objectives to raise student performance. These objectives, discussed in detail in the plan, are grouped into the following categories: (1) standards and assessment; (2) personnel quality and accountability; (3) federal, state, and local programs; (4) home-school connection; (5) Education Indicator System; and (6) system-wide needs/changes. Appended are the following: (1)… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – State Teacher Policy Yearbook: Progress on Teacher Quality, 2007. National Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Countless reports have analyzed the impact of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 on teacher quality and student achievement. What many of these reports truly leave behind, however, is the reality that state governments–not the federal government–have the strongest impact on the work of America’s 3.1 million teachers. With that in mind, three years ago the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) began the process of analyzing states’ teacher policies. NCTQ analysts sifted through tens of thousands of pages of state codes, regulations and rules, regularly corresponding with state officials who graciously provided their important knowledge and perspectives. The “State Teacher Policy Yearbook” is the first project of its kind to provide a 360-degree detailed analysis of any and every policy that states have that… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) (15th, Assisi, Italy, June 29-July 4, 1991), Volume 2.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Research reports from the annual conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education include: “A Comparison of Children’s Learning in Two Interactive Computer Environments” (Edwards); “On Building a Self-Confidence in Mathematics” (Eisenberg); “Classroom Discourse and Mathematics Learning” (Ellerton); “Constructivism, the Psychology of Learning, and the Nature of Mathematics” (Ernest); “Cognition, Affect, Context in Numerical Activity among Adults” (Evans); “Teachers’ Pedagogical Knowledge: The Case of Functions” (Even; Markovits); “Cognitive Tendencies and Abstraction Processes in Algebra Learning” (Filloy-Yague); “On Some Obstacles in Understanding Mathematical Texts” (Furinghetti; Paola); “Toward a Conceptual-Representational Analysis of the Exponential Function” (Goldin; Herscovics); “Duality, Ambiguity and Flexibility in Successful Mathematical Thinking” (Gray; Tall); “Children’s Word Problems Matching Multiplication and Division Calculations” (Greer; Mc Cann); “Children’s Verbal Communication in Problem Solving Activities” (Grevsmuhl);… Continue Reading