Eric.ed.gov – Improving Student Achievement through Inclusion of Problem Solving in the Math Curriculum.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper reports on the processes and results of a project on the instruction and practices of mathematics problem solving and strategies. Students in the second, third, and fifth grades were targeted to increase achievement in the area of math problem solving. Problem solving achievement was measured using performance tasks, rubrics, and tests from September 2001 to January 2002. Appendices include a teacher survey, pretests and posttests, scoring rubrics, problem solving steps and strategies, and writing stems. (Contains 26 references.) (KHR) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Computer Mathematical Tools: Practical Experience of Learning to Use Them

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The article contains general information about the use of specialized mathematics software in the preparation of math teachers. The authors indicate the reasons to study the mathematics software. In particular, they analyze the possibility of presenting basic mathematical courses using mathematical computer tools from both a teacher and a student, argue in favour of using software instead of traditional paper-and-board style. The special course of the study of mathematics software (main tasks of the course are disclosed; knowledge and skills that students should possess on completion of their studies are dedicated; content of computer workshop is detailed) is briefly described. Also the authors give a detailed solution and its methodic basis of typical problem with the use of the SCM Maple. The typical errors which made by… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Strengthening Partnerships: How Communication and Collaboration Contribute to School Improvement

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: For most of the past decade, this author has studied union-management efforts to improve public education, and has witnessed extraordinary examples of teachers, union leaders, and administrators working together to improve teaching and learning. In this article, seven case studies on collaborative partnerships between teachers’ unions and administrators from districts located across the country and a mix of urban, rural, large and small schools are analyzed. He identifies themes and patterns common to all these districts: (1) Motivation for initiating collaboration; (2) Strategic priorities for improvement; (3) Supportive system infrastructures; and (4) Sustaining characteristics. Rubenstein then reports on the partnership attitude and climate survey data from the California Academic Performance Index (API), and social network analysis. The API includes standardized test results in math, English, social studies,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Vermont Teachers’ Understanding of Mathematical Problem Solving and “Good” Math Problems.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: For the past five years, Vermont has been developing an innovative statewide assessment system in which portfolios of student work in mathematics and writing are a key element. The use of mathematics portfolios, particularly in elementary school, is a novel aspect of the assessment system. This study examines the elementary school mathematics portfolio assessment and its instructional impact by exploring the conceptions of problem solving, the knowledge of problem-solving strategies, the evaluation of problem-solving tasks, and the instructional practices of 20 fourth-grade teachers. Teachers indicated that the portfolio assessment program has enhanced their understanding of mathematical problem solving and broadened their instructional practices, but that they have encountered difficulty in understanding certain components of the reform and making the relevant changes. Teachers did not share a common… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Network Curriculum Project. Project Summary; Final Report.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document summarizes the work of the Math Curriculum Project at San Francisco State University. The project developed seven curriculum units for the middle school mathematics program, using microcomputers as a problem solving tool to foster mathematical thinking and develop insights into mathematical concepts. They also created a prototype telephone network that is both a message system and a curricular data base for activities in each unit. Finally, they developed a teacher training model from their experiences in piloting the materials. The report describes the objectives, methods and procedures, outcomes, and dissemination activities of the project. An overview of the units, a network manager manual, a message system user manual, and a list of talks about the project are appended. (MNS) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Word Problems. Math in Action. Teacher’s Guide & Resource.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This teacher’s guide was designed to accompany five student workbooks: Math Language, Understanding Word Problems, Using a Calculator, Estimation, and Solving Word Problems. The series was specifically developed for low achieving students. The teaching gradually progresses in difficulty, but concepts are presented in small chunks that students can successfully handle. Questions within the text repeatedly involve the students’ attention, and their learning is checked and reviewed within each lesson. Word problem situations reflect mathematical problems that students would actually do. Following suggestions for how to present and use the workbooks, the guide contains over 200 blackline master worksheets. A description at the bottom of each page states the concept being developed, and the corresponding unit and page in the student’s workbook. Separate introductions are provided for each… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Add-Ventures for Girls: Building Math Confidence, Junior High Teacher’s Guide.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This guide is designed to provide teachers with materials they can use with young women to help them to achieve in mathematics and to encourage them to take as many math courses as possible in high school. During their early school years, students develop skills and attitudes toward learning that form the basis of future academic growth. This guide for elementary school teachers includes strategies, activities and resources that deal with five major topics. Part 1, “Attitudes and Math,” includes materials on mathematics confidence, math aspirations and expectations, and attribution patterns. Part 2, “Math Relevance,” contains materials related to interest in mathematics, making mathematics more relevant and useful, and positive role models for girls. Part 3, “The Learning Environment,” contains materials on teacher-student interaction patterns, cooperative learning,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Sports Shorts. [A Product of] the Regional Math Network: A Teacher Invigoration and Curriculum Development Project.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This middle school mathematics unit is organized around themes relating to sports activities in the Boston (Massachusetts) region and has a content focus on decimals and percents. The activities follow a story line which features a sports reporter (the student) and his/her assignments and adventures. Each activity begins with a headline, defines a task, and includes a follow-up question. The unit is organized by categories dealing with: (1) Sullivan Stadium (and football); (2) Fenway Park (and baseball); (3) Boston Garden (and basketball and hockey); (4) the Boston Marathon; and (5) Miscellaneous Sports. The unit could also be arranged by season, content development sequence, or activity. The materials include student worksheets, fact sheets, editor’s notes, transparency masters and game cards. The math themes that extend throughout the activities… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Project TOPS. Final Evaluation Report. Math Research and Evaluation Studies.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: TOPS, a set of materials designed to improve problem solving instruction, was evaluated in two large urban school districts from Fall 1980 to Spring 1982. At Site A, the program was implemented at the middle school level (grades 5-8), where most mathematics teachers were specialists; they accepted the problem-solving activities after some initial hesitation. At Site B, the program was implemented in grades 3-8, though most often in grades 4 and 5, usually by teachers who were not mathematics specialists. They varied in their belief that the activities would improve problem-solving ability, and, even though in year 2 they were allowed to develop lessons involving problem-solving strategies tied more closely to textbooks and tests, problem solving was never completely accepted by all teachers. At Site A, 80… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – On Teaching Problem Solving in School Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The article begins with a brief overview of the situation throughout the world regarding problem solving. The activities of the ProMath group are then described, as the purpose of this international research group is to improve mathematics teaching in school. One mathematics teaching method that seems to be functioning in school is the use of open problems (i.e., problem fields). Next we discuss the objectives of the Finnish curriculum that are connected with problem solving. Some examples and research results are taken from a Finnish-Chilean research project that monitors the development of problem-solving skills in third grade pupils. Finally, some ideas on “teacher change” are put forward. It is not possible to change teachers, but only to provide hints for possible change routes: the teachers themselves should… Continue Reading