Eric.ed.gov – The Evaluation of Enhanced Academic Instruction in After-School Programs: Final Report. NCEE 2009-4077

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The primary purpose of this study is to determine whether providing structured academic instruction in reading or math to students in grades two to five during their afterschool hours–instead of the less formal academic supports offered in regular after-school programs– improves their academic performance in the subject. This is the second and final report from the Evaluation of Enhanced Academic Instruction in After-School Programs–a two-year demonstration and random assignment evaluation of structured approaches to teaching math and reading in after-school settings. This report includes two parallel impact studies, a math program study (“Mathletics” developed by Harcourt School Publishers) and a reading program study (“Adventure Island” developed by the Success for All Foundation) in which students attending an afterschool program are assigned by lottery to either receive the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Fiscal Year 2008 U.S. Department of Education Budget Summary and Background Information

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Five years ago the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) launched a revolution in our education system by insisting that all students should be proficient in reading and math by 2014 and demanding comprehensive reforms to reach this national goal, including strong assessment and accountability systems, a highly qualified teacher in every classroom, more choices for students and parents, a new emphasis on school improvement, and the use of research-based instructional practices. Under NCLB, States and local school districts have made strides in putting these reforms in place, and the first returns are promising. The latest results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress show that we have reversed a decade of stagnation in student achievement, with scores rising significantly in both reading and math in the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Analysis of the Impact of Title I on Reading and Math Achievement of Elementary School Aged Children. Revised.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report presents the findings of a study that examined the impact of compensatory education services on children’s academic achievement in grades 1 to 6. Examination of data from the 1976-79 Sustaining Effects Study of Title I revealed the following major conclusions: (1) small positive gains in reading achievement are related to participation in Title I programs; (2) the estimated impact of Title I on children’s achievement is sensitive to the definition of a control group; and (3) teacher judgment may be included in the selection and achievement process. The results of the analysis do not clarify the issue examined; results are dependent upon the formulation of the control group: one formulation used in the study showed positive results of Title I on achievement while the other… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – State Policymakers’ Views on the Arts in Education. Issue Brief

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Issue Brief is based on telephone interviews of 21 state policymakers to discuss the salient education issues in their states and their views on arts education. Six state senators, eight state representatives, one state board of education member, two deputy commissioners of education, three current state superintendents and one former state superintendent were interviewed between November 21, 2005 and February 27, 2006. All of the legislators serve on their respective education committees, and most chair these committees. Political affiliation among these policymakers was approximately equal, with nine Republicans, 10 Democrats and two unidentified. When asked to describe the most salient education issues in their states, quite a few policymakers mention issues that arts can help address, such as dropout prevention and the achievement gap between poor… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – How Stable Are Value-Added Estimates across Years, Subjects and Student Groups? What We Know Series: Value-Added Methods and Applications. Knowledge Brief 3

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Value-added models measure teacher performance by the test score gains of their students, adjusted for a variety of factors such as the performance of students when they enter the class. The measures are based on desired student outcomes such as math and reading scores, but they have a number of potential drawbacks. One of them is the inconsistency in estimates for the same teacher when value added is measured in a different year, or for different subjects, or for different groups of students. Some of the differences in value added from year to year result from true differences in a teacher’s performance. Differences can also arise from classroom peer effects; the students themselves contribute to the quality of classroom life, and this contribution changes from year to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Mapping America’s Educational Progress, 2008

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Every day, we learn what works so students can make greater progress. Six years after No Child Left Behind’s passage–and midway to the nation’s goal of having students on grade level or better in reading and math by 2014–we have collected more data than ever before about the academic performance of our students and schools. This information enables all of us to chart where we are as individual states and as a nation and to map a course of action for future progress. The foundation of our success will depend on our continued commitment to the following core principles: (1) High Standards; (2) Annual Assessments; (3) Accountability for Results; (4) Highly Qualified Teachers in Every Classroom (HQT); (4) Information and Options for Parents; (5) All Children on… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – 12th Annual Comparative Analysis of the Racine Unified School District: Demographics, Attendance, Finances, Student Engagement, and Achievement

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This is the 12th annual report on conditions affecting the Racine Unified School District (RUSD). This year, the analysis again focuses on the long-term historical trends in RUSD. The analysis compares RUSD data to data of nine peer school districts as well as statewide data. The peer districts are defined as those Wisconsin districts with enrollments most similar to the enrollment in Racine. In addition to enrollment trends, the findings pertain to three RUSD quality objective measures: operational efficiency, student engagement, and student achievement. Operational efficiency includes finance data, student engagement includes attendance and disciplinary data, while student achievement includes test scores and graduation rates. Major findings include: (1) RUSD enrollment declined for the second year in a row; (2) RUSD jumped up in the peer rankings,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Reading and Math through the Community as Classroom, Summer 1982. Annual Evaluation Report. E.S.E.A. Title I.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report presents evaluation findings for the 1982 summer cycle of “Reading and Math Through the Community as Classroom,” a Title I funded program operated by the Division of Special Education, of the New York City Public Schools. The program was designed to provide supplementary remediation to 1,197 mildly to moderately handicapped youngsters, and incorporate community experiences and sports activities into reading and math instruction. Results of analyses of pupil achievement data and program interviews and observations indicated that the summer program effectively met its proposed goals. Nearly all of the program participants mastered one or more new skills in reading (87.8 percent) and in math (91.9 percent). Students were also reported by teachers to have made social gains. Program sites were well-chosen and staff were enthusiastic.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Participation in a Teacher Incentive Program and Student Achievement in Reading and Math. Economics Working Paper Series B-91-04.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study was conducted to assess the first year of full implementation of a teacher incentive program (TIP) in South Carolina. The study examines the relationship between student achievement and teacher participation in one of several incentive model programs. The research also explores award winning teachers and their association with higher gains by students in reading and mathematics achievement scores. A stratified random sample of schools was selected from which all TIP award recipients and a matched control sample of nonparticipants were selected as subjects, limiting the study to classroom teachers of reading and/or math in grades 1-6 during the 1988-89 school year. Relevant characteristics for all teachers and their classes were recorded, along with achievement data for students. Results demonstrate that participants in TIP are associated… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Computer Use, Parental Expectations, & Latino Academic Achievement

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In the United States, traditionally underrepresented minority children have lower levels of academic achievement than their white counterparts. In the broadest perspective, this quantitative study seeks to help stakeholders and policymakers understand the factors responsible for Hispanic or Latino student achievement relative to that of comparison groups. The key dependent variables in this study are student achievement in reading and writing, and in math and science. Specifically, the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute (TRPI) examines the impact on reading and writing, math and science achievement levels of computer use both at school and at home, and of teacher preparation for computer-based instruction. TRPI researchers analyzed the effects of these factors not only on comprehension of math and science, but also on reading and writing since research demonstrates that… Continue Reading