Eric.ed.gov – Important, but Not for Me: Parents and Students in Kansas and Missouri Talk about Math, Science and Technology Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study details parents’ and students’ current thinking about math, science and technology (MST) education and their satisfaction with the existing curriculum which most experts see as vastly below world-class standards. The study finds just 25% of Kansas/Missouri parents think their children should be studying more math and science; 70% think things “are fine as they are now.” The report also explains why parents and students are so complacent in this area and what kinds of changes might be helpful in building more interest in and support for more rigorous MST courses. The findings are based on a random survey of 1,472 parents and 1,295 middle and high school students in Kansas and Missouri, probing their attitudes on math, science, and to a lesser extent, technology education.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Three-Factor Model: A Study of Common Features in Students’ Attitudes towards Studying and Learning Science and Mathematics in the Three Countries of the North Calotte Region

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study investigated common features of students’ attitudes towards studying science and mathematics in comprehensive and secondary schools in three countries. Data were obtained by conducting a survey (N = 581) in Norway, Finland and Russia. A Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) provided a model with a three-factor solution consisting of factors: the perception of the teacher, anxiety towards science and mathematics, and motivation. The results suggest that most students are motivated to study sciences and mathematics. Data analysis indicate gender differences in attitudes to students’ future studies and career plans. Most girls recognized the importance of these subjects for their future studies and careers, while boys showed more interest than girls in local career opportunities in industry. Teachers have a significant role in directing students’ attitudes toward… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Student Achievement Data and Findings, as Reported in Math and Science Partnerships’ Annual and Evaluation Reports

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A primary feature of the Math and Science Partnership Program Evaluation (MSP PE) is the examination of K-12 student achievement changes associated with the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Program. This article describes one of three complementary assessments of K-12 student achievement being conducted by the MSP-PE, and consists of a synthesis of student achievement findings reported by the MSP projects themselves (the other two assessments also are described in this volume). The assessment described in this article covers 39 of the 48 MSP project awards made by NSF from 2002 to 2004. Data sources included the MSP projects’ annual and evaluation reports submitted to NSF through 2006-07 and research manuscripts developed by the MSPs for presentation at three MSP evaluation conferences. A… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Pathfinder Analysis of Knowledge Structures: An Exploratory Investigation of Math and Science Teacher Educators.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The present study was an exploratory study of the content-specific knowledge structures of three teacher educators (two in math and one in science). Pathfinder, a method for eliciting associative memory networks, was used to describe the knowledge structures of the teacher educators. Pathfinder was also used to determine changes in knowledge structures of students enrolled in a teaching methodology class taught by each educator. Finally, a measure of the correspondence between students’ knowledge structures and those of the teacher educators was correlated with students’ performances in the courses. For two teacher educators, students’ knowledge structures corresponded more closely with that of the teacher educator after the course than before. For one teacher educator, students exhibited little change in knowledge structure correspondence. Also, students who corresponded most to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Opening the Classroom Door: Professional Learning Communities in the Math and Science Partnership Program

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article looks at how professional learning communities (PLCs) have become an operational approach for professional development with potential to de-isolate the teaching experience in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The authors offer a short synopsis of the intellectual origins of PLCs, provide multiple examples of PLCs employed in projects funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through its Math and Science Partnership (MSP) program, and consider benefits for varied aspects of the teaching and learning environment. (Contains 1 footnote.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Tackling the STEM Crisis: Five Steps Your State Can Take to Improve the Quality and Quantity of its K-12 Math and Science Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: State laws and regulations can either help or hinder the ability of school districts to hire effective teachers for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects. State officials wanting to tackle this critical problem need to begin with a thorough review of relevant policies, asking themselves: “Are we part of the problem, and how do we become part of the solution?” This report presents five steps that states can take to improve the quality and quantity of its K12 math and science teachers: (1) raise standards for what it takes to get into an education school; (2) improve the quality of undergraduate preparation; (3) recognize the need for creative and diverse solutions; (4) send qualified teachers to the schools that most need them; and (5) remember it… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Triad Simultaneous Renewal: A Marriage with Teacher Education/Science & Math and PreK-12.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper outlines how shared decision making among teacher education faculty, preK-12 educators, and the Science and Mathematics faculty at Wright State University successfully led to the preparation of quality educators. It offers a historical overview of the Wright State redesign efforts, then: examines the university’s collaboration for teacher content preparation; clarifies how learned society guidelines and state teacher performance requirements (Praxis III) are integrated into an electronic portfolio template; demonstrates the documentation of content and teaching proficiency via electronic portfolios; and presents the evaluation process used in a multi-faceted renewal project. It describes: the university-school district partnership agreement; the Professional Educator Program (the culmination of the college’s efforts to be a collaborative partner in teacher preparation and professional development of K-12 practitioners); lessons learned; experiences using… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Science and Science Education Collaboratives: Where We Are, How We Got There, and Where We Are Going.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document is a summary of one of two presentations about collaborative projects between scientists and science educators. Each paper offers insights into accomplishments and obstacles encountered during the respective programs. Paper summaries include: (1) “Academy for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education”; (2) “Bemidji State University”; (3) “The Collaborative Vision for Science and Mathematics Education at Michigan State University”; (4) “Do It For Yourself First”; (5) “Fort Hayes State University: Improving Teacher Preparation through the General Education Science and Mathematics Curriculum”; (6) “Greater Wichita Area Mathematics and Science Education (GWAMSE) Collaborative”; (7) “Kalamazoo College Science Education Collaborative”; and (8) “Teagle Project: Reforming Math and Science Teacher Education.” (WRM) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Remodeling Science Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Radical reform in science and mathematics education is needed to prepare citizens for challenges of the emerging knowledge-based global economy. We consider definite proposals to establish: (1) “Standards of science and math literacy” for all students. (2) “Integration of the science curriculum” with structure of matter, energy, models and modeling as unifying themes. (3) Pedagogy promoting “scientific inquiry” and argumentation. (4) Sustained “professional development” and support for teachers. (5) “Institutional support from local universities” for continuous upgrades in curriculum and teaching practices. Physics plays a central role in all these reforms. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Towards Student-Centred Solutions and Pedagogical Innovations in Science Education through Co-Design Approach within Design-Based Research

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The aim of this case study is to demonstrate how a co-design approach could be used within design-based research (DBR) with diverse multi-stakeholders in the LUMA1 ecosystem to promote social creativity towards novel student-based solutions and pedagogical innovations. As a case, a national LUMA2020 development program (2019-2020), organized by the national LUMA Centre Finland and funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, was studied in detail. The different data sources (e.g. an action plan, written observations) were analysed through qualitative content analysis. The Edelson’s design-based research model used in the program offered a systematic framework or a map for codesigning both the action plan and its implementation. The co-design approach within the model was organised through three stages to engage all multistakeholders (altogether about three… Continue Reading