har udgivet: Criteria for placement tests on math skills of adult basic education (ABE) students are needed to develop tests that are not too “school-like” because the ABE students are often blocked by math anxiety due to past negative school experiences, students may encounter language problems that affect their math skills, simple math problems do not measure practical problem-solving skills, and a placement test having only right and wrong answers does not provide insight into mathematical procedures of adults. These are the criteria: (1) adult students should be enabled to show the best they can; (2) language in a placement test should not hamper the student from doing the math test; (3) adults, in particular second language learners, should have a chance to apply their own mathematical procedures and… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The guide is intended for teacher trainers providing pre- and in-service programs for mathematics, science, and language teachers, and designed to accompany a 34-minute videotape recording of the same title (not included here), to help teachers integrate language learning and academic mastery in math and science. The video was created for a teacher training program for schools with high proportions of ethnic- and linguistic-minority students, but has been effective with native-English-speaking students who have difficulty with the specialized languages of math and science. It is consistent with guidelines of major math and science teaching associations. The video illustrates ways in which language, math, and science teachers can promote classroom discourse characterized by inquiry, problem-solving, clarification and justification of ideas, and teacher-student interaction. It uses a documentary approach,… Continue Reading → har udgivet: With the development of personalized learning in technological platforms, more data and information are given to instructors on what contents are appropriate for a learner’s next step, with an aim of helping them support their students in navigating an optimized learning path that can promote an enhanced learning outcome. In this study, we collected data from an online learning platform, Learnta® TAD , which allows teachers to distribute tasks based on system recommendations. The recommendations are directed by the system’s knowledge graph algorithm, determining whether the student is ready to learn the task (i.e. the task is within the student’s Zone of Proximal Development), whether the student is not yet ready to learn the task, or whether the student has already mastered the task. We used the… Continue Reading → har udgivet: A project to develop special training materials to introduce college teachers to the math-language approach is reported. The materials link language learning techniques to mathematics concept formation and are intended for teachers of limited-English-proficient (LEP) students. Specialists in both fields produced a three-part training package consisting of an instructor’s guide and a video program, to be used as an introduction to and rationale for using the approach, and as a general blueprint for a text and workbook produced by the Center for Applied Linguistics and entitled “English Skills for Algebra.” The report describes activities undertaken in developing the materials and assessing their effectiveness as compared to the conventional workshop method of teacher training. Results of interviews and surveys indicate that the materials provide the necessary classroom guidance… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This paper shows how an American International School in Vietnam has been using data and Learning Analytics to find out about students’ learning from their assessments and how they use these findings to improve, among other areas, the reading skills of their mostly English as an Additional Language (EAL) student population. The source of data comes primarily from a Computer Adaptive Testing platform, commonly known as the MAP Growth test, which provides information about Math and Reading skills for each particular student. The data provided is transformed and presented to educational stakeholders through visualizations created in specialized software in order to dig into the data and answer the pedagogical questions emerged from teachers and administrators. This process involves a new field known as Learning Analytics and Visual… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The report, “The Ready to Teach Program: A Federal Initiative in Support of Online Courses for Teachers”, describes the history of the Ready to Teach Program and its role as one of the solutions to the national need to increase the performance of teachers through professional development. The report describes selected findings from the Eisenhower Professional Development Program and through it, the evolution of findings on effective professional development for teachers. These major efforts to improve teacher professional development by the U.S. Department of Education were supplemented by smaller efforts like the optional use of up to 10% of Title I monies for professional development, as determined by the principal of a Title I school or by the District, depending on the State Plan at that time.… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This case study explores community service learning, disciplinary literacy, and social justice. Participants were seven Mexican American preservice secondary teachers in science, math, and language arts who tutored and gardened with children in a South Texas after-school tutorial agency as part of an ESL literacy methods course. Data gathering tools consisted of participant observations, written reflections, learning logs, visual metaphors, and a focus group discussion. Social justice themes were: respondents’ realizations of structural inequalities and their actions to counteract hegemonic inequalities. Disciplinary literacy themes were: participants’ learning more about their disciplines and disciplinary literacy, increased motivation and efficacy to teach their subjects, and the importance of the colonia, or unincorporated neighborhood, as an intersection between social justice and disciplinary literacy. Link til kilde har udgivet: Like most states, Maine is facing staffing shortages. Recent Maine Education Policy Research Institute (MEPRI) studies have documented–both quantitatively and qualitatively–some of the challenges that schools face in filling teacher positions. In this report the authors focus on the supply of educators and assess the feasibility of using administrative data from the certification system to identify shortage areas. Specifically, they combine certification and staff data to quantify the number of certificate holders who are working in their endorsement area, working in education outside of their endorsement area, or not working in Maine’s education sector (i.e. potentially available for hire) to get a rough sense of demand and supply. They give special attention to teacher shortage areas including math, science, special education, world languages and English language acquisition.… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The self-efficacy beliefs teachers hold about their ability to teach subjects shapes their competence in teaching. Teacher self-efficacy is defined as teacher beliefs in their ability to perform a teaching task. If teachers have strong teacher self-efficacy in the teaching of arts education, they are more likely to incorporate arts in the classroom. Alternatively, if teachers have weak teacher self-efficacy in the teaching of arts education they are less likely to include aspects of the arts in their curriculum. Little is known about teacher self-efficacy beliefs towards arts education in early childhood education. Since arts education is an important element in the curriculum of any classroom–including all early childhood classrooms–investigation of the beliefs that shape teacher practice is desirable. In 2010, a survey was distributed using convenience… Continue Reading → har udgivet: It is widely accepted that the learning of a new language, among other advantages, promotes respect and interest of the students towards other cultures and languages. The question is how learning languages can be promoted in educational settings. The aim of the present study is to explore the principles of communicative language teaching in primary-education CLIL and FL classrooms. More specifically, in this paper we address to what extent collaborative work, attention to language and content and corrective feedback are observed during teacher-student and peer interaction in these educational settings. Following an action research approach, ten Spanish and ten Math sessions were observed and recorded. Furthermore, whole group interaction and peer interaction were analysed in relation to the participants’ attention to language and content. Results from the… Continue Reading →