Eric.ed.gov – The Alignment of the easyCBM Grades 3-5 Math Measures to the Common Core Standards. Technical Report #1229

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Within a response to intervention system of teaching and learning, important instructional decision-making (e.g., implementation of targeted intervention) is regularly tied to the results of formative assessments administered to students throughout the academic year. The validity of these instructional decisions depends to an extent on the alignment between formative measures and the content standards on which classroom instruction is based. Specifically, formative assessments must be aligned to adopted content standards in order for teachers to make valid instructional decisions around individual student learning needs. In this technical report, we report on the alignment between easyCBM® grades 3-5 seasonal mathematics benchmark items and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Results suggest reasonable alignment to the standards overall, with areas of relatively stronger and weaker alignment across grade level… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Alignment of the easyCBM Grades 6-8 Math Measures to the Common Core Standards. Technical Report #1230

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Within a response to intervention system of teaching and learning, important instructional decision-making (e.g., implementation of targeted intervention) is regularly tied to the results of formative assessments administered to students throughout the academic year. The validity of these instructional decisions depends to an extent on the alignment between formative measures and the content standards on which classroom instruction is based. Specifically, formative assessments must be aligned to adopted content standards in order for teachers to make valid instructional decisions around individual student learning needs. In this technical report, we report on the alignment between easyCBM® grades 6-8 seasonal mathematics benchmark items and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Results suggest reasonable alignment to the standards overall, with areas of relatively stronger and weaker alignment across grade level… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – easyCBM CCSS Math Item Scaling and Test Form Revision (2012-2013): Grades 6-8. Technical Report #1313

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this technical report is to document the piloting and scaling of new easyCBM mathematics test items aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and to describe the process used to revise and supplement the 2012 research version easyCBM CCSS math tests in Grades 6-8. For all operational 2012 research version test forms (10 progress monitoring and 3 benchmark) five items were selected for removal based on statistics indicating less than optimal functioning. Items from the current pilot were used to replace the five selected items. Additionally, five items previously written to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Focal Point Standards, but rated as aligned with the CCSS, were added to each form. Finally, an additional fifteen items were included in benchmark tests… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Financial Incentives to Promote Teacher Recruitment and Retention: An Analysis of the Florida Critical Teacher Shortage Program

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Staffing problems are pervasive in certain subject areas, such as secondary math and science and special education, where the combination of training requirements and relatively high alternative wages makes it difficult to attract and retain high-quality teachers. This project evaluated the impacts of the Florida Critical Teacher Shortage Program (FCTSP) and Teacher Recruitment and Retention Fund (TRRF) on the supply of new teachers and the retention of teachers in high-need areas such as special education, math, and science. The research: (1) addressed specific research questions pertaining to three programs (loan forgiveness, tuition reimbursement, and recruitment/retention bonuses); (2) investigated the causal effects of the programs; and (3) addressed questions related to the general characteristics of the program and participating teachers. The authors’ initial descriptive analysis indicated that FCTSP… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Academy: Let’s Go to the Mall! Explorations in Combinatorics. Book 5: Supplemental Math Materials for Grades 3-8

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Created by teachers for teachers, the Math Academy tools and activities included in this booklet were designed to create hands-on activities and a fun learning environment for the teaching of mathematics to the students. This booklet contains the “Math Academy–Let’s Go to the Mall! Explorations in Combinatorics,” which teachers can use to enhance their math instruction while staying true to the academic rigor required by the state standards framework. Included in this booklet are activities the author used for the combinations and permutations Math Academy. This Math Academy is designed to help students understand the connection between various kinds of combinations (multiplication principle and choose numbers) and permutations. Teachers may choose to implement a grade-level or school-wide Math Academy, or they may prefer to implement these activities… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Preparing the Future Workforce: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Policy in K-12 Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Last December, the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Coalition–a national organization of more than 600 groups representing knowledge workers, educators, scientists, engineers, and technicians–wrote to President-elect Obama urging him to “not lose sight of the critical role that STEM education plays in enabling the United States to remain the economic and technological leader of the 21st century global marketplace.” While that imperative appears to have resonated in Washington, has it and should it resonate in Madison? This report attempts to answer that question by examining the extent to which STEM skills are a necessity for tomorrow’s Wisconsin workforce, whether schools are preparing students to be STEM-savvy workers, and where STEM falls in the state’s list of educational priorities. The author and his colleagues find that… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Academy: Are You Game? Explorations in Probability. Supplemental Math Materials for Grades 3-6

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Created by teachers for teachers, the Math Academy tools and activities included in this booklet were designed to create hands-on activities and a fun learning environment for the teaching of mathematics to the students. This booklet contains the themed program “Are You Game? Math Academy–Explorations in Probability,” which teachers can use to enhance their math instruction while staying true to the academic rigor required by the state standards framework. Included in this booklet are activities the author used for The Game Company Math Academy. This Math Academy is designed to help students understand probability through playing games. Teachers may choose to implement a grade-level or school-wide Math Academy, or they may prefer to implement these activities in their own classroom. Whichever format they use, teachers should keep… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Alignment of the easyCBM Grades K-2 Math Measures to the Common Core Standards. Technical Report #1228

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Within a response to intervention system of teaching and learning, important instructional decision-making (e.g., implementation of targeted intervention) is regularly tied to the results of formative assessments administered to students throughout the academic year. The validity of these instructional decisions depends to an extent on the alignment between formative measures and the content standards on which classroom instruction is based. Specifically, formative assessments must be aligned to adopted content standards in order for teachers to make valid instructional decisions around individual student learning needs. In this technical report, we report on the alignment between easyCBM® grades K-2 seasonal mathematics benchmark items and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Results suggest reasonable alignment to the standards overall, with areas of relatively stronger and weaker alignment across grade level… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Enhancing STEM in P-3 Education. Policy Guide

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: States have often introduced programs supporting science, technology, engineering and math in the secondary grades. Yet the evidence of STEM’s positive impact on young children’s development makes a compelling case for engaging learners in pre-K through third grade in consistent, authentic and high-quality STEM experiences. High-quality P-3 STEM learning need not — and should not — be viewed as an add-on to an already crowded set of learning objectives. Instead, states can integrate early STEM opportunities to advance developmentally appropriate practice and young learners’ growth in literacy and numeracy, executive function and 21st century skills. This Policy Guide, informed by experts in early education and STEM fields, identifies policies and actions a state can adopt to bring STEM opportunities to the early grades. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Listen to Us: Teacher Views and Voices

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Education policymakers and leaders often say that the opinions and observations of teachers are among the most important information to help explain and understand what is happening in schools. Teachers’ voices can inject a sense of classroom and school-level realism into those discussions and add clarity and credibility to issues that are often clouded by competing interests. The Center on Education Policy (CEP), in an effort to gather and amplify teachers’ voices about current education issues and their own profession, conducted a national survey of public school K-12 teachers in the winter of 2015-16. The survey focused on a strategic set of issues for policymakers, educators, business leaders, and the public, including teachers’ views on their profession, standards, testing, and evaluations. The nationally representative sample surveyed for… Continue Reading