Eric.ed.gov – Perspectives on Education from a Person on the Autism Spectrum

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The author is an associate professor of animal studies at Colorado State University, but experienced learning difficulties in high school due to her place on the autism-Asperger’s spectrum. She had uneven skills, and while algebra was impossible, she did well in courses in which she could use her visual-thinking and associative-thinking skills. Her visual thinking skills enabled her to excel at her chosen career of designing livestock equipment. The author describes how visual thinkers like her are good at hands-on work. While she finds mathematical word problems to be difficult, she can conceptualize research experiments only if she has a concrete example such as a weight gain and different breeds of cattle. She cannot think about experimental designs in the abstract. Her success in her career ensued… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Comparison of the Effects of Tactile and Auditory Stimulation and Choice on the Problem Solving of Students with Attention Problems

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Using a single-subject alternating treatments reversal design, the effects of three conditions, tactile stimulation, auditory stimulation, and choice of the two, were compared on the math story problem solving of elementary students with attention problems. Students attempted and solved slightly more problems and engaged in fewer off-task behaviors in the stimulation conditions than in baseline. Effects were very modest. Students chose stimulation conditions that were related to their behavior more than their accuracy. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Using VoiceThread for Communication in Mathematics Writing

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: ‘This action research study was conducted on a fourth grade rural classroom in Orange County, N.Y. for the purpose of determining if the use of the VoiceThread program will affect student performance in mathematics writing. A baseline of student performance on this measure was administered in the fall of 2010 using the NYS Holistic rubric of a 3 point total value as provided from the NYS 2009 4th grade Math Test. Four questions on varying topics were pulled from the same test as the rubric mentioned here. In addition, a graphic organizer was utilized to support organization of student thoughts on the problem. A survey was administered to the students at the end of this study which demonstrated positive attitudes towards the use of graphic organizers and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Writing, Solving, and Sharing Original Math Story Problems: Case Studies of Fifth Grade Children’s Cognitive Behavior.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this research was to understand fifth grade children’s cognitive behavior as they wrote, solved and then, in small groups, shared original math story problems. Research questions examined children’s: (1) beliefs about math in this problem-writing classroom, (2) math story problem-writing behavior, (3) difficulties with their self-generated problems, and (4) small-group problem solving behavior. Case studies were conducted in the context of a teaching experiment in one fifth grade classroom. Children were engaged to write, solve and then share math story problems three or four days a week during this one year study. There were three overlapping groups of participant children. Eight children were observed as they wrote and solved math story problems. Seventeen children, including the eight previously observed, were observed via audio-recordings as… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Using Writing in Mathematics to Deepen Student Learning

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Writing is the ability to compose text effectively for different purposes and audiences. When many of us reflect on our own school experiences, we recall writing in English and history classes, but not in mathematics. Math classes previously relied on skill-building and conceptual understanding activities. Today, teachers are realizing that writing during a math lesson is more than just a way to document information; it is a way to deepen student learning and a tool for helping students gain new perspectives. They realize, too, that students whose strengths are language-based–and many are–use writing as the key to understanding other disciplines, especially mathematics. Like most things, learning to write well requires instruction and practice. In this booklet, the author aims to nudge secondary math teachers who are thinking… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Vermont Teachers’ Understanding of Mathematical Problem Solving and “Good” Math Problems.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: For the past five years, Vermont has been developing an innovative statewide assessment system in which portfolios of student work in mathematics and writing are a key element. The use of mathematics portfolios, particularly in elementary school, is a novel aspect of the assessment system. This study examines the elementary school mathematics portfolio assessment and its instructional impact by exploring the conceptions of problem solving, the knowledge of problem-solving strategies, the evaluation of problem-solving tasks, and the instructional practices of 20 fourth-grade teachers. Teachers indicated that the portfolio assessment program has enhanced their understanding of mathematical problem solving and broadened their instructional practices, but that they have encountered difficulty in understanding certain components of the reform and making the relevant changes. Teachers did not share a common… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Assessment of Math Skills in ABE: A Challenge.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Criteria for placement tests on math skills of adult basic education (ABE) students are needed to develop tests that are not too “school-like” because the ABE students are often blocked by math anxiety due to past negative school experiences, students may encounter language problems that affect their math skills, simple math problems do not measure practical problem-solving skills, and a placement test having only right and wrong answers does not provide insight into mathematical procedures of adults. These are the criteria: (1) adult students should be enabled to show the best they can; (2) language in a placement test should not hamper the student from doing the math test; (3) adults, in particular second language learners, should have a chance to apply their own mathematical procedures and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Increasing Fourth Grade Math Achievement with Improved Instructional Strategies.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this practicum was to increase motivation and self-confidence of grade four students in mathematics achievement. Measured were the increase in the number of students displaying mastery of the times-tables, increase in the number of students making a gain on a math post-test, and increase in the number of students liking mathematics. Administered to the students were a math attitude questionnaire and a math pretest on basic math skills to determine the students’ attitude toward math and to determine the students’ performance level. Mental Math activities, math games design contests, in-class competitions, grade level competition, computer, calculators, systematic reviews, student-teacher interaction, and projects were used to help increase students’ interest and to increase math achievement. This study includes the following chapters: (1) “Introduction”; (2) “Study… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Word Problem Remediation with Elementary Students.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report describes a program for improving elementary school students ability to solve mathematical word problems. The targeted population consisted of primary, middle, and junior high students attending two different kindergarten through eighth grade schools. Both schools were located within blue collar neighborhoods in a large metropolitan area. Students’ weakness in the area of problem solving was documented by teacher-made tests, journaling, standardized test scores, student surveys, and teacher surveys. Research literature and measurement tools revealed the following probable causes: inability to read story problems adequately; poor reading ability in general; improper strategy use; lack of strategy use; lack of desire to properly understand mathematical logic of problem; strategies that rely on memorization; insufficient instructional time spent on problem solving; and inadequate time spent on finding solutions.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Linking Life Experiences To Classroom Math.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Despite suggestions for incorporating students’ experiences into school math lessons, mathematics education seems to be the last bastion of formalism. This paper reports on a sociocultural study of the use of students’ personal experiences in early childhood elementary mathematics lessons. This study documents the use of students’ personal out-of-school experiences in classroom math and other subjects and investigates barriers that may prevent such linking. The following questions are addressed: (1) To what extent do teachers currently link school math and students’ personal out-of-school experiences? and (2) What influences the use of such linking? The study included observations of lessons in mathematics, language arts, and social studies in public, private, and homeschool settings. Despite recommendations in the literature, results showed that teachers rarely link students’ personal experiences to… Continue Reading