har udgivet: In this Appendix, we provide details about the data used for the current study, the curricula used in the classrooms from which data were collected, and the current study’s methodological approach. (Contains 14 tables and 5 footnotes.)[For full report, see ED544189.] Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Research has proven that teachers have a fundamental influence on student results. Moreover, effective teacher professional development is one of the key mechanisms for improving student achievement. By the most recent OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) definition, “Professional development is defined as activities that develop an individual’s skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics as a teacher.” The M@t.abel program suits this definition both in terms of increasing teacher subject knowledge and in terms of providing math teachers with alternative solutions and methods for presenting usual contents. Given that the effects of any professional development program on student achievement are mediated by teacher actual practices in the classroom, it is necessary to verify whether teachers enrolled in the M@t.abel program do follow the training, whether they… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. ABSTRACT It is common to assume that worker productivity is normally distributed, but this assumption is rarely, if ever, tested. We estimate the distribution of worker productivity, where individual productivity is measured with error, using the productivity of teachers as an example. We employ a nonparametric density estimator that explicitly accounts for measurement error using data from the Tennessee STAR experiment, and longitudinal data from North Carolina and Washington. Statistical tests show that the productivity distribution of teachers is… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This report summarizes research conducted primarily over the past 10 years on how families’ involvement in children’s learning and development through activities at home and at school affects the literacy, mathematics, and social-emotional skills of children ages 3 to 8. A total of 95 studies of family involvement are reviewed. These include both descriptive, nonintervention studies of the actions families take at home and at school, and intervention studies of practices that guide families to conduct activities that strengthen young children’s literacy and math learning. The family involvement research studies are divided into four categories: (1) Learning activities at home, including those that parents engage in to promote their child’s literacy and/or math skills outside school; (2) Family involvement at school, including the actions and interactions that… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: U.S. Federal and state education policies place considerable emphasis on assessing the effects that schools and teachers have on student test score performance. It is important for education policy makers to also consider other factors that can affect student achievement. This study finds that an exogenous school factor, discontinuous health insurance coverage, leads to a deficit in math achievement over time. A sample of Yuma County, Arizona public school students who experienced an illness or injury and whose health insurance coverage status was known were selected for inclusion into the study over five consecutive school years (1999-2003). The longitudinal math achievement trajectory of students who had private health insurance coverage was compared to students who had discontinuous coverage. Net of a student’s poverty status and other background… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Third grade students at a Midwestern elementary school participated in a 9-week mobile learning intervention (MLI). Two classrooms used Everyday Math and daily practice using flashcards, etc., to learn multiplication. Two other classrooms used Everyday Math and web applications for the iPod touch for daily practice. MLI students outperformed comparison students on a postintervention multiplication test controlling for several covariates, including prior achievement, home iPod touch use, and previous teacher, among others. The medium-sized performance advantage (b = 0.217) was statistically significant at the 0.01 alpha level. The MLI influence on the most difficult multiplication items was also statistically significant but less important than the student’s demographic profile and the teacher’s advanced educational technology degree. Experimental research is needed to assess longer-term achievement effects for diverse student… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: As education continues to progress schools are constantly seeking innovative ways to cultivate and enhance achievement for all students. As a result many public schools are pushing toward the inclusion model. This model includes co-taught instruction to meet the many needs of special education students. This research study was implemented to investigate the comparative effects of co-teaching versus solo-teaching on student’s math achievement in elementary school. Study participants included two fourth grade classes in an elementary school, one with a regular education (solo-teaching) and the other with the same regular education teacher and a special education teacher for the co-taught class. The independent variable is the teaching arrangement (co taught class vs. a solo-taught class) as considered by the school system and the dependent variable is the… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. ABSTRACT It is common in the implementation of teacher accountability systems to use empirical Bayes shrinkage to adjust teacher value-added estimates by their level of precision. Because value-added estimates based on fewer students and students with “hard-to-predict” achievement will be less precise, the procedure could have differential impacts on the probability that the teachers of fewer students or students with hard-to-predict achievement will be assigned consequences. This article investigates how shrinkage affects the value-added estimates of teachers of hard-to-predict… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: We exploit within-teacher variation in the years that teachers host an apprentice (“student teacher”) in Washington State to estimate the causal effect of these apprenticeships on student achievement, both during the apprenticeship and afterwards. The average causal effect of hosting a student teacher on student performance in the year of the apprenticeship is precisely estimated and indistinguishable from zero in both math and reading, though effects are large and negative in math when ineffective teachers host an apprentice. Hosting a student teacher is also found to have modest positive impacts on student math and reading achievement in a teacher’s classroom in following years. Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The authors’ goal was to evaluate the potential of Math Recovery (MR), a pullout, one-to-one tutoring program that has been designed to increase mathematics achievement among low-performing first graders, thereby closing the school-entry achievement gap and enabling participants to achieve at the level of their higher-performing peers in the regular mathematics classroom. Specifically, the research questions were as follows: (1) Does participation in MR raise the mathematics achievement of low performing first-grade students?; (2) If so, do participating students maintain the gains made in first grade through the end of second grade? The two-year evaluation of Math Recovery was conducted in 20 elementary schools (five urban, ten suburban and five rural), representing five districts in two states. Students were selected for participation at the start of first… Continue Reading →
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