tandfonline.com – Investigating changes in high-stakes mathematics examinations: a discursive approach

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article focuses on the theoretical-methodological question of how to identify reform-induced changes in school mathematics. The issue arose in our project The Evolution of the Discourse of School Mathematics (EDSM), in which we studied transformations in high-stakes examinations taken by students in England at the end of compulsory schooling. We have adopted a conceptualisation that draws on social semiotics and on a communicational approach, according to which school mathematics can be thought of as a discourse. Methods of comparing examinations of different years developed on the basis of this definition enable identification of subtle disparities that are nevertheless significant enough to make an important difference in students’ vision of mathematics, in their performance and, eventually, in their… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – At Their Own Pace: Interim Findings from an Evaluation of a Computer-Assisted, Modular Approach to Developmental Math

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Community colleges nationwide are looking for solutions to help students complete developmental (remedial) math–a known barrier to graduation. Some are offering computer-assisted, modular developmental math courses that allow students to earn credits incrementally and move through the curriculum at their own pace. One of these modularized courses, ModMath, was created at Tarrant County College (TCC) near Fort Worth, Texas. It reorganizes the content of TCC’s two semester-long developmental math courses into a set of six modules, each of which is five weeks long. The four primary components of the ModMath intervention are: a diagnostic assessment that places students in a starting module; individual registration into three modules per course section each semester; computer-based instruction delivered online through an instructional software program; and personalized, on-demand assistance in class… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Learning School Approach and Student Proficiency in ELA and Math: Preliminary Findings. Catalyst Schools Research Study Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Learning School initiative completed its pilot testing in June 2016, with 28 schools, called catalyst schools, taking part. Catalyst schools were located in all eight regional education service agencies (RESAs) and were supported by RESA staff in implementing the Learning School approach. Five schools had been part of the program for 2 years and 23 schools for 1 year. The purpose of the Learning School initiative was to allow greater levels of teacher decision making with regard to their own professional learning in order to meet the learning needs of their students in a model of continuous school improvement. This brief report provides preliminary findings about possible positive associations between the Learning School initiative and student performance in catalyst schools. These findings should be viewed with… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – No More “What Are We Doing in Maths Today?” Affordances of the Flipped Classroom Approach

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teachers of senior secondary mathematics are required to contend with a number of challenges including covering the prescribed curriculum, differentiating the content for a range of learners, and preparing students for externally imposed assessment tasks. The flipped classroom is gaining in popularity as an approach that can be used to address these challenges. This paper provides a framework that can be used to interpret the affordances of a flipped classroom within the context of teaching secondary mathematics and the motivational factors that influence the uptake of the approach. Data analysed through the framework showed that students believed that the approach enabled them to have autonomy over their learning and achieve their goals. The study has implications for senior secondary teachers and students, particularly in terms of meeting… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – On the Power and Performance of a Doubly Latent Residual Approach to Explain Latent Specific Factors in Multilevel-Bifactor-(S-1) Models

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: On the Power and Performance of a Doubly Latent Residual Approach to Explain Latent Specific Factors in Multilevel-Bifactor-(S-1) Models Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Widget Based Learning in Math and Physics Undergraduate Courses as Blended Learning Approach

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This work summarizes the didactic design and introductory outcomes in an educative program, involving six math and physics university courses for engineers, based on the use and construction of widgets. Widgets were generated under Project Oriented Learning and blended learning methodologies. In the program, widgets previously generated by teachers are firstly used by students to appropriate basic and middle concepts. After, students were requested to generate their own widgets to develop complex thinking skills, applying related concepts but involving alternative situations. Design was based on curriculum integration to build mathematical, technical and visual representations of the problems and concepts involved. Wolfram Alpha, Desmos and Mathtab widget developers were used to generate ad hoc activities in terms of their capabilities and course requirements. Post-test only results of students’… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Innovation in Early Math Education: The Whole Teacher Approach to Professional Development

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this presentation, we introduce a conceptual framework for in-service professional development–the Whole Teacher approach, which attends simultaneously to the attitudes, knowledge, and practice of a teacher’s growth. Putting the framework in operation, we describe a project designed to improve teachers’ competence and increase children’s performance in early mathematics. Utilizing a quasi-experimental design, pre- and post-measures with intervention and comparison groups have been collected. The results indicated that significant growth in children’s mathematical performance favored to the intervention group. The discussion focuses on the significance of the Whole Teacher approach to teacher professional development. [For the complete proceedings, see ED584443.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Modularized, Computer-Assisted, Self-Paced Approach to Developmental Math

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Community colleges are a large sector of postsecondary education. In 2016-2017, the United States had nearly 1,000 public 2-year postsecondary institutions (community colleges), serving almost nine million students, representing 39% of all undergraduates. The majority of entering community college students require developmental (or remedial) math. Success rates in the developmental math course sequence and college more broadly are discouragingly low. Policymakers, practitioners, and researchers alike are eagerly searching for reforms to improve success rates, but there is a dearth of causal evidence on the effectiveness of most proposed reforms. We sought to answer the following question: what effect does a modularized, computer-assisted, self-paced approach to developmental math (compared with a more “traditional” direct-instruction course alternative) have on students’ likelihood of completing the developmental math course sequence? Findings… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Implementing a structural approach in preschool number activities. Principles of an intervention program reflected in learning

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT We report here on an intervention implementing a structural approach to arithmetic problem-solving in relation to learning outcomes among preschoolers. Using the fundamental principles of the variation theory of learning for developing the intervention and as an analytical framework, we discuss teaching and learning in commensurable terms. The research question is how teaching grounded on a structural approach and designed based on principles of variation theory is reflected in children’s learning of numbers. To answer this, three analyses were conducted, addressing: i) how the children’s ways of experiencing numbers changed after participating in the intervention, ii) how the theoretical ideas were afforded in the intervention program, and iii) synthesizing how the affordance was associated with the children’s arithmetic… Continue Reading