tandfonline.com – Rubbing against data infrastructure(s): methodological explorations on working with(in) the impossibility of exteriority

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The article focuses on infrastructures as heterogeneous assemblages. Our claim is that to examine something as elusive as data infrastructure calls for an epistemological and methodological approach consistent with the fluid ontology of the object of study. Moreover, we assert that there is no position of exteriority from which to critique data infrastructures. Our question is thus primarily methodological: How might we analyse the relational and heterogeneous nature of data infrastructures in a way that both problematizes and builds on the impossibility of exteriority? We examine two dispositions of data infrastructures: first comes their provisional, dispersed and entangled character, and second, the affective attachments imbued therein. Overall, this paper, first, returns to the ontological and theoretical perspectives on… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Why Data Matters for Development? Exploring Data Justice, Micro-Entrepreneurship, Mobile Money and Financial Inclusion

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT With the widespread extraction of very large datasets, artificial intelligence using machine learning hold the promise to address socio-economic problems such as poverty, environmental safety, food production, security and the spread of disease. These applications entail Big Data for Development in which social problems, poverty, food security and responses to climate disasters can be solved in the most efficient and effective manner. This brave new world of solving pressing problems through machine learning has several dark sides. A data divide is being created that leaves the most vulnerable populations out of the solutions being created while discriminating against those whose data is churned by obscure algorithms. Complex mathematical models together with computing algorithms produce scores that are used… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Missing Data and Mixed Results: The Effects of Teach For America on Student Achievement Revisited

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper revisits existing experimental work on Teach For America (TFA) and extends it by examining treatment effects across the distribution of student achievement. TFA is a rapidly expanding teacher preparation program that currently serves over half a million students in low-income districts across the country. Previous research results did not have notable variation by subgroup. Estimates were inaccurate due to the treatment of a non-response code as a valid response value. Revised estimates confirm positive effects for math and not reading, but show that TFA teachers were especially effective for African American students, but not Hispanics, and for females, but not males. In addition to examining differences across subgroup, others have argued that a distributional approach is important for thoroughly investigating policy interventions because examinations focused… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – An extended briefing and debriefing technique to enhance data quality in cross-national/language mixed-method research

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Mixed methods surveys using multilingual assistants in areas without clear pre-defined sampling units are often difficult to manage and unpredictable, thereby threatening data quality. More so when such surveys are executed in unfamiliar territories where cultural and language barriers prevent direct communication between the principal researcher and the respondents, and field assistants act as cultural/language brokers. This paper provides a method to enhance data quality in such contexts through a reflection on the research design and data collection experience in our study on flood damage mitigation processes among households and businesses in Kampala. Associated field challenges included different disciplinary and language skills levels of assistants, their multiple positionalities when translating concepts from the inquiry language to the source… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Escaping numbers? The ambiguities of the governance of education through data

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Quantitizing Affective Data as Project Evaluation on the Use of a Mathematics Mobile Game and Intelligent Tutoring System

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Technology-enhanced learning generally focuses on the cognitive rather than the affective domain of learning. This multi-method evaluation of the INBECOM project (Integrating Behaviourism and Constructivism in Mathematics) was conducted from the point of view of affective learning levels of Krathwohl “et al.” (1964). The research questions of the study were: (i) to explore the affective learning experiences of the three groups of participants (researchers, teachers and students) during the use of a mobile game “UFractions” and an intelligent tutoring system “ActiveMath” to enhance the learning of fractions in mathematics; and (ii) to determine the significance of the relationships among the affective learning experiences of the three groups of participants (researchers, teachers and students) in the INBECOM project. This research followed a sequential, equal status, multi-mode research design… Continue Reading