har udgivet: Tackling Literacy: A Collaborative Approach to Developing Materials, for Assessing Science Literacy Skills in Content Classrooms through A STEM Perspective Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Curricula are one of the most widely used educational inputs, yet few are developed and evaluated scientifically with a dearth of programs targeting academic language. This manuscript describes an iterative approach to the development of a tiered academic language curriculum supplement for prekindergarten (pre-K) and kindergarten (K) students. A series of four studies were conducted to iteratively design the curriculum following a framework for developing research-based curriculum; however, we modified the framework to focus on efficiently preparing a curriculum for large-scale use by teachers with diverse competency levels. Findings from the first three iterative design studies include the benefit of overdevelopment to retain only the strongest content and the need to consider both beginner and more advanced teachers… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This study documents and describes efforts to develop robust forms of pre-service teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge through a culturally responsive mathematics teaching approach. Embedded in a university K-8 mathematics methods course emphasising the connections among mathematics, children’s mathematical thinking, and children’s cultural/linguistic funds of knowledge, pre-service teachers (N = 40) were given an assignment to analyse their own mathematics lessons utilizing a rubric tool with categories about children’s mathematical thinking, academic language supports, cultural funds of knowledge, and critical math/social justice. Utilizing a mixed methods approach to analyse the pre-service teachers’ (PST) work, we found the highest average self-ratings across the categories associated with children’s mathematical thinking and high variability in the categories related to language, culture, and social justice. To understand the variation within the latter… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract In this study, we examine the short-term effects of an intervention aimed at developing teachers’ responsive pedagogy in mathematics. The study analyses how an emphasis on responsive pedagogy in 9th grade classrooms over a period of seven months might strengthen students’ feedback, self-regulated learning, self-efficacy and achievement in mathematics. Nine schools attended as intervention group (N = 40 classes; 1003 students). 11 compatible schools (N = 37 classes; 896 students) were recruited as a control group. Students responded to a pre-post questionnaire and conducted a pre-post achievement test. Results show small, significant differences between the total scores for the pre- and post-measures in the intervention group for the variables elaboration, task value motivation, effort and persistence, self-efficacy and self-conception. Significant differences between… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper argues for a reimagining of education abroad that fuses short-term programming with some kind of experiential research component led by home campus disciplinary faculty, especially those in the sciences, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, in order to better integrate the study abroad program into the core undergraduate curriculum. To show how this could be done, this paper: (1) provides a brief background on study abroad; (2) reviews the relevant literature on the learning goals, program assessment, and faculty engagement in education abroad programs; (3) examines the current state of academic integration within study abroad; (4) explores the growth in undergraduate research at both home and overseas; and (5) identifies the unique opportunities represented in the extensive patterns of international faculty research collaborations, and explains… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: To extend current understanding of school-based agriculture teacher development, this study explored the relationship between teacher development experiences and the self-efficacy of early career agriculture teachers. Three teacher development experiences were of interest: (a) preservice coursework, (b) student teaching, and (c) professional development. Teacher development experiences were analyzed in relation to classroom management self-efficacy, instructional strategies self-efficacy, leadership self-efficacy, science teaching self-efficacy, and math teaching self-efficacy. The relationships between development experiences and self-efficacy were analyzed through five linear regressions with teacher development experiences as independent variables and the five areas of self-efficacy as separate dependent variables. Only statistically insignificant relationships were identified for classroom management self-efficacy and instructional strategies self-efficacy. Student teaching and professional development were statistically significant, positive predictors of leadership self-efficacy. Professional development was also… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Growing interest in teaching quality and accountability has focused attention on the need for rigorous studies and evaluations of professional development (PD) programs. However, the study of PD has been hampered by a lack of suitable instruments. The authors present data from the Teacher Knowledge Assessment System (TKAS), which was designed to administer Learning Mathematics for Teaching (LMT) measures. TKAS is being widely adopted in the evaluation of PD programs with over 500 separate program administrations and 16,000 teachers representing every major region in the country. The purpose of the current study was to leverage the TKAS dataset to develop a set of empirical benchmarks of effect sizes for designing rigorous studies of teacher professional development programs. The research design consisted of two goals: (1) to investigate… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper identifies important technological, financial, and equity challenges to the development and implementation of online or onscreen educational testing. The insights are based on the author’s experiences in New Zealand of being the senior project manager for the Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (asTTle) computer-based standardised testing system. The system was funded by the government for formative educational purposes and is delivered to schools for free. The issues faced in the project that need to be considered in any new online testing system include: clarity about the purpose of the testing system, the importance of knowing the current technology conditions, the challenges of working within the dynamic and changing world of technology, the need to assure… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Iowa is working to provide teachers with more effective and relevant professional development that measurably increases their instructional skills and their students’ learning growth. This is particularly important as new Iowa Core Standards with higher expectations for student learning are put in place. While the Iowa Core focuses on what students need to learn, an equally important question is: how do teachers adjust their instruction to support new, more challenging standards for learning? One important district initiative to support strong classroom instruction is TAP: The System for Teacher and Student Advancement (TAP) which is being implemented with the support of a federal Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) grant. The TIF project in Iowa has an emphasis on the development of teacher leadership and effectiveness across all subjects, with… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Visual Basic Application for Excel is a simple program language and has the power to process data quickly. The utilization of math functions in Microsoft Excel can help work on Excel display more interactive so that teachers can create props inside Excel. The advantages of Microsoft Excel than other mathematical software are the many math functions and images available in the form of shapes or pictures. The availability of VBA, math and image functions in Microsoft Excel help teachers to design the creation of media related to mathematics learning, especially to develop the ability of junior high school students who have difficulty to connect mathematics lessons with basic mathematics knowledge requirements. By using VBA for Excel, the ability of junior high school students to improve in the… Continue Reading →
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