tandfonline.com – The Origin and Development of Fuzzy Geometric Programming

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. ABSTRACT Fuzzy Geometric Programming has been in discussion for 32 years since 1987. According to Cao, the author, he in the paper introduces its development process, aiming to promote this new branch, attracting scholars home and abroad to join in ranks of the research, and helping to solve the three conjectures of Fuzzy Geometric Programming proposed by Cao [Three guess of fuzzy geometric programming. Vol. 147. Springer; 2012. p. 591–594. (Advances in intelligent and soft computing)]. At present, many… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Focusing on Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge: The Impact of Content-Intensive Professional Development. Study Snapshot. NCEE 2016-4011

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Recent results from national and international assessments continue to show a need for improvement in math achievement among U.S. students. For example, 60 per-cent of grade 4 students scored below the proficient level on the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress. In an era of increasingly rigorous state standards, teachers at all grade levels face heightened expectations to deepen their students’ understanding of math concepts. Teachers may benefit from professional development (PD) that strengthens their own conceptual understanding of math, particularly elementary school teachers who are less likely to formally study math in college than secondary teachers are. To date, there is limited convincing evidence on the effectiveness of intensive, content-focused PD, a gap this study intended to address. This study examined the implementation and impact of… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Professional development for teaching in higher education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Due to the changing nature of learning and teaching in universities, there is a growing need for professional development for lecturers and tutors teaching in disciplines in the mathematical sciences. Mathematics teaching staff receive some training in learning and teaching but many of the courses running at university level are not tailored to the mathematical sciences. This article reports on a collaborative research project aimed at investigating the type of professional development that Australian tertiary mathematics teachers need and their preference for delivery modes. Effective teaching promotes effective learning in our students and discipline-specific professional development will enhance outcomes for teachers, students, and mathematics. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Study on Reflection as a Source of Teacher Development: Pre-Service and Experienced Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study traces evidence of reflection in teacher education and teaching practice by measuring reflection of preservice teachers and experienced teachers and clarifying reflection-oriented reactions to possible confusions or problematic situations considering whether or not they are reflective practitioners. The data were collected from 514 volunteer preservice teachers and 466 experienced teachers teaching science, math, English, Turkish, and primary classes. Teacher Reflection Scale (TRS) (Kayapinar and Erkus, 2009) was used to collect data. In order to analyze the data and obtain descriptive statistics for the item results, SPSS 16.0 was employed. Statistical analyses gave evidence that preservice primary teachers had a high mean of reflection. Under the light of the results gathered from data, experienced teachers did not attain higher reflection scores when compared to preservice teachers.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teachers Learning to Prepare Future Engineers: A Systemic Analysis Through Five Components of Development and Transfer

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study used a systemic perspective to examine a five-component experiential process of perceptual and developmental growth, and transfer-to-teaching. Nineteen secondary math and science teachers participated in a year-long, engineering immersion and support experience, with university faculty mentors. Teachers identified critical shifts in perceptions of engineering, and recognized appropriateness of engineering as a career option for their students. They transferred content learning and perceptions to students, through experiential narratives and instructional activities. Teachers reported that their secondary math and science students demonstrated observable change in knowledge, skill and beliefs about engineering, subject area score and skill improvement, class engagement, and engineering-related career aspirations. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – A Case Study of Coaching in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Professional Development

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A professional development experience for science and mathematics teachers that included coaches was provided for ten science and math teachers. This professional development experience had the teachers develop a lesson that utilized the engineering context to teach a science or mathematics concept through guided inquiry as an instructional methodology. Developing a guided inquiry lesson can be a difficult task for teachers. Science teachers have inquiry standards that they must meet and research indicates that teaching through guided inquiry is an effective method of teaching science content. Mathematics teachers are being asked to incorporate more active and cooperative instructional experiences in in their classrooms. Results of the professional development experience indicate that all but one of the teachers were successful in developing and implementing guided inquiry lessons within… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Developing a Collaborative Model in Teacher Education — An Overview of a Teacher Professional Development Project

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The article discusses the development of an educational model intended to support teachers’ professional development in science education. In this research and development project, LumaLähetit, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and teacher educators formed teams to collaboratively plan teaching and produce material for inquiry-based and integrative science instruction in primary schools. The results are based on three design cycles of the model. Thus far, ten schools, 24 in-service teachers, 30 pre-service teachers, and 560 pupils have participated. The results, which are based on the qualitative content analysis of participants’ open answers to a questionnaire, indicate that the developed collaborative model for science education supported preservice teachers and in-service teachers’ professional development in many ways. Several processes mediating the embodiment of the designed model were identified, especially during the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Summary of Research on the Effectiveness of Math Professional Development Approaches. REL 2014-010

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study used a systematic process modeled after the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) study review process to answer the question: What does the causal research say are effective math professional development interventions for K-12 teachers aimed at improving student achievement? The study identified and screened 910 research studies in a comprehensive literature search for effectiveness studies of math professional development approaches. (See appendix A for details of the search, screening, and review process.) Of these 910 studies, 643 examined professional development approaches related to math in grades K-12 and were conducted in the United States. Of the 643 studies, 32 focused primarily on math professional development provided to teachers and used a research design for examining effectiveness (see appendix B for a list of the 32 studies).… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Development of a Math-Learning App for Students with Visual Impairments

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The project was conducted to make an online tutoring program for math word problem solving accessible to students with visual impairments (VI). An online survey of teachers of students with VI (TVIs) guided the decision to provide the math content in the form of an iPad app, accompanied by print and braille materials. The app includes audio descriptions of images that illustrate the math problems, an integrated Scratch Pad, options to adjust color and contrast, hints, and videos showing how to solve sample problems. In order to provide access to those needing screen reading technology or screen enlargement, the app utilizes the Apple built-in accessibility features of VoiceOver and Zoom. A study with 19 TVIs and 29 students with VI was conducted to obtain feedback about the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Professional Identity Development in Teachers of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science and Math Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Much of the science education community has advocated for a new vision of instruction emphasizing inquiry-based teaching (National Research Council, 1996). Unfortunately, as Anderson (2002) notes, many science teachers are not adopting inquiry-based teaching practices for a variety of reasons such as that teachers commonly favor text-book approaches to instruction. To facilitate the adoption of reformed teaching, Luehmann (2007) argues that teacher education must address the development of one’s professional identity as a teacher. Unfortunately, little is known about the beliefs, values, experiences, and ways of acting and interacting that teachers in science and related fields use to form their professional teaching identity. Through repeated interviews with 18 graduate students who taught science and related disciplines, this study outlined generalizations defining the developmental trajectory of science educators’… Continue Reading