tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper reports the results of a document analysis study examining the policies, trends, and conceptions developed by the OECD in the last 15 years regarding the development and mainstreaming of globalised policies of migrant education. From the process of the analysis, three thematic categories emerged: (i) Socio-economic aspects of education: International testing and the performance gap; (ii) OECD’s recommendations on Migrant Education; and (iii) Influence mechanisms: Standardisation, benchmarking, and dissemination of suggestions. Findings are discussed in the light of the concepts of neoliberalism, standardisation and soft governance. It is argued that, despite the philology pertaining the promotion of neoliberalism and standardisation through the OECD’s policy suggestions, OECD’s soft governance champions for alternative models, philosophies and practices that may… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examined the International Education and Resource Network Science Technology and Math (iEARN-STM) online professional development course. The study used the constructivist framework as the conceptual model to examine the way in which the constructivist theory has shaped the design and implementation of the course, as reflected by the interactions of a cohort of participants in the course. The participants were 28 educators enrolled in the course, who were either teacher educators or teachers, working in different educational institutions in different countries throughout the world. The purpose of the study was to understand how the iEARN online professional development course supported teachers’ learning through effective discourse in an online environment and to identify the constructivist learning principles that were behind the success of the course. The… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: InterMath, a five-year effort funded through the National Science Foundation, is a statewide Internet-based project with the goal of designing and implementing a series of workshops and ongoing support programs that feature contemporary applications of technology and mathematics pedagogy in the middle grades. Technology is used to deliver the curriculum through Web-based materials and to explore the mathematics using cognitive tools such as dynamic geometry software, spreadsheets, and graphing calculators. Objectives of InterMath include: strengthening the middle school teacher’s knowledge and understanding of mathematics; providing a support structure (online and in-school) to aid teachers in implementing and integrating technology tools for doing mathematics; and providing a structured in-service curriculum that follows Georgia’s Quality Core Curriculum objectives as well as reform efforts expressed in publications by the National… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Teacher Education and Mathematics project, funded by the Women’s Educational Equity Act, developed curriculum materials to increase mathematical knowledge and confidence, increase the perception of mathematics as a female domain, reduce math anxiety, and develop skills in identifying and counteracting sex bias in mathematics instruction. To develop effective materials, a formative evaluation was to document materials’ use at each stage of development, to assess student responses to materials, to collect judgment of external experts, and to collect reactions and suggestions of instructors who used the materials. Evaluation issues explored in this paper are: reliance on observer descriptions and participant ratings, effects on students and instructional staff of intensive observations, effects on students of frequent requests for feedback and evaluative reactions, and the extent to which professionals… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this paper is to examine two InterMath pilot workshops and how they were able to meet the goals of learner-centered professional development. The paper focuses on the experiences of the learners, offers insights from each case as well as across cases, and provides suggestions to improve the experience for later learners. The data reported in this paper came only from the workshops and interviews with the teachers and the instructors. Several findings emerged that spanned across both cases. Support and interaction became very intertwined in the cross-case analysis. Another support/interaction issue that appeared was the overwhelming number of procedural questions that were asked by the participants. Finally, while the researchers provided every opportunity for collaborative learning, few teachers chose to engage in it. There… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This research examines the critical factors in a science/math methods course and its effect on the dispositions of preservice elementary education majors. In order to break the cyclical axiom that “teachers teach as they were taught,” this study used a paired-t test design to indicate any significance. The preservice education majors indicated that they felt more prepared to teach developmentally-appropriate lessons in Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Astronomy. There was a development of a positive self-efficacy, which will have a great impact on the effectiveness of the new teachers. Constructivism as a theory of learning and teaching and as a significant factor in developing a heightened sense of self-efficacy was the theory used in the classes. In order to learn math and science, the learner… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report describes a program created specifically to address the fact that individuals with disabilities, especially girls, have been widely under-served and under-educated in the areas of science, math, and technology. The “Daughters with Disabilities” project was designed to encourage more girls with disabilities from five inner-city schools to prepare for careers in science, math, and technology by: (1) increasing the interests and achievement in science, math, and technology of girls in special education classes at the five participating schools; (2) enhancing existing science, math, and technology curricula for girls with disabilities in urban settings; (3) introducing and teaching the concept of “pre-transition” knowledge in the science, math, and technology areas; and (4) creating a network of support and training for pre-service and in-service special and regular… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract In this article we analyze preschool teacher students’ conversations during the planning of a teaching project concerned with sustainable development. Previous research shows that teaching situations often involve strategies of achieving behavioral change; i.e. teaching “the right way” to handle garbage, and less activities allowing children to value and critically discuss sustainability issues. We take a pragmatic theoretical perspective to identify discourses on didactic choices created by teacher students during seminars. Texts in the form of transcripts of audio recordings from three seminars were analyzed, with the purpose of determining what didactical dilemmas were created in the students’ discussions and in their reasoning about how to solve them. The results show a didactic dilemma common among the five… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The purpose of this study was to understand how and why middle grades mathematics teachers did or did not fully participate in sustained, content-focused professional development. Qualitative data were collected from middle grades teachers who demonstrated varying levels of participation. The teachers identified opportunities to engage in novel ways with mathematics content as effective in improving their own mathematics understanding and, consequently, their own instruction. Participants who were more critical of the professional development felt the mathematics content was often beyond their specific grade-level. Factors identified as affecting teachers’ participation in the training included administrative support and school-related responsibilities. Offering content-focused professional development designed to reflect the structures and characteristics established in research to most effectively provide teachers… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Patterns of Development in Children’s Scientific Reasoning: Results from a Three-Year Longitudinal Study Link til kilde
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