Eric.ed.gov – Achievement Effects of Four Early Elementary School Math Curricula: Findings from First Graders in 39 Schools. NCEE 2009-4053. Executive Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this large-scale, national study is to determine whether some early elementary school math curricula are more effective than others at improving student math achievement, thereby providing educators with information that may be useful for making adequate yearly progress (AYP). This report presents results from the first cohort of first grade in 39 schools participating in the evaluation during the 2006-2007 school year, with the goal of determining the relative effects of different early elementary math curricula on student math achievement in disadvantaged schools. The report also examines whether curriculum effects differ for student subgroups in different instructional settings. A competitive process was used to select four curricula Investigations in Number, Data, and Space; Math Expressions; Saxon Math; and Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley Mathematics) that represent… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Code-Switching Explorations in Teaching Early Number Sense

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: New semiotic perspectives about the role of language in mathematics education indicate that teachers have a fundamental role in communicating and teaching the language that carries mathematical meaning. However, little is known about how educators of young children understand and use the language of mathematics. This study addresses this void. Supported by the understanding that mathematics has its own language (Pimm, 1987), the study focuses on code switching–the mixing of words from two languages–by educators as they shift between the language of instruction and the language of mathematics. A qualitative multiple case study approach utilizing discourse analysis was used to explore three early years teachers’ math talk. Findings indicate that these educators code-switched to the mathematics register when they talked about numbers, number words and counting, to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Exploring the Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Career Commitment among Early Career Agriculture Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in career commitment and perceived efficacy among early career agriculture teachers as well as the relationships between early career agriculture teachers’ perceived efficacy and career commitment. Five areas of self-efficacy were investigated among early career agriculture teachers in five western states: classroom management, instructional strategies, leadership of students, science teaching, and math teaching. Only small effects were found on four of the five self-efficacy variables based on years of teaching experience. Using multiple linear regression analysis, a predictive model for early career agriculture teachers’ career commitment was developed. The final model explained a total of 20% of the variance in early career agriculture teachers’ career commitment. Two areas of self-efficacy were identified as significantly related to early… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Investigation of Early Childhood Teacher Self-Efficacy Beliefs in the Teaching of Arts Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The self-efficacy beliefs teachers hold about their ability to teach subjects shapes their competence in teaching. Teacher self-efficacy is defined as teacher beliefs in their ability to perform a teaching task. If teachers have strong teacher self-efficacy in the teaching of arts education, they are more likely to incorporate arts in the classroom. Alternatively, if teachers have weak teacher self-efficacy in the teaching of arts education they are less likely to include aspects of the arts in their curriculum. Little is known about teacher self-efficacy beliefs towards arts education in early childhood education. Since arts education is an important element in the curriculum of any classroom–including all early childhood classrooms–investigation of the beliefs that shape teacher practice is desirable. In 2010, a survey was distributed using convenience… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Early Momentum Metrics: Why They Matter for Higher Education Reform. CCRC Research Brief. Number 65

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this brief, the authors propose three measures of “early momentum” for two reasons: Research is beginning to show that these near-term metrics predict long-term success, and the metrics focus attention on initial conditions at colleges that are particularly important for solidifying the foundation for student success. While these measures are valuable individually, as a group they give a better picture of the impact of reforms on students, and thus are more valuable if used together. These measures include: (1) Credit momentum–defined as attempting at least 15 semester credits in the first term or at least 30 semester credits in the first academic year; (2) Gateway momentum–defined as taking and passing “pathway-appropriate” college-level math and college-level English in the first academic year; and (3) Program momentum–defined as… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Achievement Effects of Four Early Elementary School Math Curricula: Findings for First and Second Graders. Executive Summary. NCEE 2011-4002

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: National achievement data show that elementary school students in the United States, particularly those from low socioeconomic backgrounds, have weak math skills (National Center for Education Statistics 2009). In fact, data show that, even before they enter elementary school, children from disadvantaged backgrounds are behind their more advantaged peers in basic competencies such as number-line ordering and magnitude comparison (Rathburn and West 2004). Furthermore, after a year of kindergarten, disadvantaged students still have less extensive knowledge of mathematics than their more affluent peers (Denton and West 2002). This study examines whether some early elementary school math curricula are more effective than others at improving student math achievement in disadvantaged schools. A small number of curricula, which are based on different approaches for developing student math skills, dominate… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Relative Achievement Effects of Four Early Elementary School Math Curricula. NCEE Evaluation Brief. NCEE 2009-4075

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Many U.S. children start school with weak math skills, and children from poor households lag behind those from affluent ones. These differences grow over time, resulting in substantial differences in math achievement by the time students reach grade 4. The federal Title I program provides financial assistance to schools with a high number or percentage of students from low-income households, to help all students meet state academic standards. Under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, these schools must make adequate yearly progress in meeting state-specific targets for proficiency in math and reading, with the goal of ensuring that all students are proficient in math and reading by 2014. To provide educators with information that may contribute to making adequate yearly progress, this large-scale national… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Achievement Effects of Four Early Elementary School Math Curricula: Findings from First Graders in 39 Schools. NCEE 2009-4052

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this large-scale, national study is to determine whether some early elementary school math curricula are more effective than others at improving student math achievement, thereby providing educators with information that may be useful for making adequate yearly progress (AYP). This report presents results from the first cohort of first grade in 39 schools participating in the evaluation during the 2006-2007 school year, with the goal of determining the relative effects of different early elementary math curricula on student math achievement in disadvantaged schools. The report also examines whether curriculum effects differ for student subgroups in different instructional settings. A competitive process was used to select four curricula Investigations in Number, Data, and Space; Math Expressions; Saxon Math; and Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley Mathematics) that represent… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Developmentally appropriate or developmentally inappropriate, that’s the question: perception of early childhood pre-service teachers at The University of Jordan

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This study examined perceptions of pre-service teachers at the university of Jordan towards Developmentally Appropriate Practices DAP. It also examined the influence of the demographic characteristics on their perceptions of DAP or DIP. A total of 189 pre-service teachers completed a survey questionnaire describing their demographic information and perceptions regarding their DAP using the TBS scale. Results indicated that pre-service teachers have high perception of DAP on the TBS scale. In addition, there was a statistical significance in DAP due to pre-service teachers’ practicum experience in favor to students with less experience. On the other hand, there was no statistical significance in DAP due to pre-service teachers’ age, college year, GPA nor academic major. Final result indicated that… Continue Reading