har udgivet: The impact of teacher observations in alignment with professional development (PD) on teacher efficacy was quantified for 292 schools in 110 districts within 27 U.S. States. Teacher observations conducted by school leaders or designated internal coaches were coordinated with PD offerings aligned with intended teacher improvements. The PD involved throughout was an online, on-demand system teachers accessed as convenient with a range of PD assistance regarding teaching techniques and participative teacher/user interactive communities for collaboratively posting and downloading PD-related materials. Results indicate that systemic teacher observations, coupled with aligned PD, resulted in significantly improved student achievement in reading and math on standardized assessments. Link til kilde har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the Florida Master Teacher Initiative (FMTI)–an i3-funded early learning program aimed at improving the quality of teaching and student outcomes in grades PreK through third grade in high need schools. The FMTI schools participated in four program components: (1) a job-embedded graduate degree program with an early childhood specialization, (2) a Teacher Fellows program through which teachers engage in yearlong inquiry projects around their practice, (3) a Principal Fellows program during which principals work together to strengthen their facilitative leadership skills, and (4) Summer Leadership Institutes to review data and engage in action planning. The impact evaluation had two primary goals: (1) to assess the school-level impact of FMTI on teachers and students; and (2) to… Continue Reading → har udgivet: Many U.S. children start school with weak math skills, and children from poor households lag behind those from affluent ones. These differences grow over time, resulting in substantial differences in math achievement by the time students reach grade 4. The federal Title I program provides financial assistance to schools with a high number or percentage of students from low-income households, to help all students meet state academic standards. Under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, these schools must make adequate yearly progress in meeting state-specific targets for proficiency in math and reading, with the goal of ensuring that all students are proficient in math and reading by 2014. To provide educators with information that may contribute to making adequate yearly progress, this large-scale national… Continue Reading → har udgivet: Performance evaluation may change employee effort and decisions in unintended ways, for example, in multitask jobs where the evaluation measure captures only a subset of (differentially weights) the job tasks. We show evidence of this multitask distortion in schools, with teachers allocating effort across students (tasks). Teachers are evaluated based on student test scores; students who fail the test are retested 2-3 weeks later; and only the higher of the two scores is used in the teachers’ evaluations. This retesting feature creates a sharp difference in the returns to teacher effort directed at failing versus passing students, even though both barely failing and barely passing students have arguably equal educational claim on (returns to) teacher effort. Using RD methods, we show that students who barely fail the… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This study examined how principals in eight high-functioning elementary schools provide teacher supervision and evaluation to promote high levels of student achievement. Perceptions of teachers were measured to provide an understanding of which specific principal behaviors translated into better instructional practices within the selected schools. Schools were chosen based on their performance on both state communication arts and math standardized assessments, which were in the top 10% of all elementary schools in the state. Data were collected from 74 teachers using an online survey tool to assess perceptions about principals’ supervision within pre-observation and post-observation conferences. Quantitative analyses, part of a larger inquiry previously analyzed by the authors, revealed that 64% percent of the variability in principals’ pre-conference supervisory effectiveness was accounted for by discussing how students… Continue Reading → har udgivet: A primary feature of the Math and Science Partnership Program Evaluation (MSP PE) is the examination of K-12 student achievement changes associated with the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Program. This article describes one of three complementary assessments of K-12 student achievement being conducted by the MSP-PE, and consists of a synthesis of student achievement findings reported by the MSP projects themselves (the other two assessments also are described in this volume). The assessment described in this article covers 39 of the 48 MSP project awards made by NSF from 2002 to 2004. Data sources included the MSP projects’ annual and evaluation reports submitted to NSF through 2006-07 and research manuscripts developed by the MSPs for presentation at three MSP evaluation conferences. A… Continue Reading → har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The CASE project (Case-based Approaches to Statistics Education; see∼nlf8/innovation) was established to investigate how the use of real-life, discipline-specific case study material in Statistics service courses could improve student engagement, motivation, and confidence. Ultimately, the project aims to promote deep learning of course material, with students from other disciplines being equipped with the skills to undertake independent quantitative analyses (for example, in their final year dissertations). In this article, I describe the case-based materials and associated activities, developed as part of this project, for first year Business undergraduates taking a compulsory course in quantitative methods. I also attempt to evaluate the success of the CASE project through a trial in which a randomly selected subgroup of students… Continue Reading → har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: A methodology for the performance evaluation of low-cost accelerometer and magnetometer sensors in geomatics applications Link til kilde har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the Everyday Arts for Special Education (EASE) program on elementary special education students’ academic achievement (reading and math) and social-emotional learning. EASE was a 5-year program providing professional development and instruction in the arts in 10 New York City special education schools. The program served 300 teachers and 5,334 special education students over the 5 years. Through the program, special education teachers learned arts-based strategies to integrate into their instruction. The program included: (1) professional development workshops, (2) collaborative classroom modeling by teaching artists, (3) on-site professional development, (4) classroom instruction by special education teachers and visiting teaching artists. Impact was investigated through a quasi-experimental design, using the New York State Alternative Assessment (NYSAA) and the… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The Teacher Effectiveness Enhancement Programme (TEEP) is a CPD programme that aims to improve teachers’ classroom practice. TEEP training is offered as a whole-school approach by the Schools, Students and Teachers Network (SSAT). All staff in a school received three days of training over a period of two terms. A smaller cohort of teachers, chosen by the school leadership team, receive two further days of training the following term to help embed and develop the TEEP strategies across the school. The training focuses on developing pedagogical knowledge (for example, assessment for learning or collaborative learning), understanding different phases of learning (such as preparing for learning and demonstrating understanding), and effective teacher behaviours (including classroom management and interactive teaching). The programme provides a comprehensive language and framework for… Continue Reading →