tandfonline.com – Social justice and action research: can we collaboratively create a new social movement with social justice at the centre?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Ideas about social justice are influenced by the ontological and epistemological assumptions of the worldview in which they are located. Since the seventeenth century, the dominant worldview in the western hemisphere has been shaped by the separatist and deterministic principles of classical Newtonian science. During the twentieth century, with the advent of quantum physics, these principles have been contested from within science itself, indicating that the universe may instead be inter-relational, entangled and participatory. A historical investigation demonstrates how, despite findings from modern science, the Newtonian worldview has become deeply embedded in the western psyche, including in neoliberal politics, education, and educational research. As a counter-narrative, an alternative worldview is proposed, which is grounded in the ontological assumption… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Fundamental Movement Skills and Their Assessment in Primary Schools from the Perspective of Teachers

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Evidence suggests that children struggle to acquire age-appropriate fundamental movement skills (FMS), despite their importance for facilitating physical activity. This has led to calls for routine school-based screening of children’s FMS. However, there is limited research exploring schools’ capacity to conduct such assessments. This study investigated what factors might affect the adoption and implementation of FMS assessments in primary schools. School staff (n = 853) completed an online questionnaire developed using the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation and Behavior (COM-B) model. A majority reported that knowledge of pupils’ FMS ability would be beneficial (65.3%), and 71.8% would assess FMS if support was provided. Barriers included: Capability – few possessed knowledge of FMS (15%); Opportunity – teachers reported 30–60 minutes as acceptable for assessing… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – East School: Movement and Growth. A Case Study for the Vermont Institute of Science, Math and Technology.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This case study of East School, a central Vermont K-2 school with 125 students, describes the early stages of changing instruction and learning in a school with established district-wide standards. Changes in teaching at the local level were led by example, modeled by a dynamic principal as she encouraged the teachers to move towards a more integrated teaching framework. The case study also describes the contributions and struggles of a dedicated volunteer who felt a deep ownership of the project and yet was not allowed to truly work with the team, which brings forth questions around the inner-workings of the team, the role of outside facilitators, and team understanding of project goals and objectives. The findings of this case study lead to the conclusion that the principal’s… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Acknowledging Systemic Discrimination in the Context of a Pandemic: Advancing an Anti-Racist and Anti-Ageist Movement

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Acknowledging Systemic Discrimination in the Context of a Pandemic: Advancing an Anti-Racist and Anti-Ageist Movement Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Juggling with gender. How gender promotes and prevents the learning of a specific movement activity among secondary school students

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Research on motor learning frequently reports gender differences. However, there seems to be limited tools in the research with which to make use of these insights in educationally relevant ways. Movement learning and gender are intensely researched in movement education research, but the issues rarely intersect in the literature. The purpose of this article is to shed light on how movement learning and gender norms intersect when students learn to juggle. A pedagogical intervention in two secondary school classes (15–16 year olds) was explored ethnographically. Two composite narratives illustrate how gender norms affected the juggling practise to a different extent in the two classes, indicating that these norms are highly contextual. Learning to juggle seems to include aspects… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – “Radio Alice and Italy’s Movement of 1977: polyvocality, sonority and space”

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Radio Alice was a free radio station that broadcast from 1976–1977 in Bologna, Italy, and was an integral part of the left-wing, countercultural Movement of 1977. This article contextualises the emergence of Radio Alice in relation to the Movement of 1977; the avant-garde political magazine A/Traverso, which had been published since 1975 by the collective that founded Radio Alice; and the international history of community radio. I then show how Radio Alice’s approach to broadcasting drew from these three contexts in seeking to unseat the logic of capitalism and replace it with a celebration of desire. The station’s practice emphasised polyvocality through the extensive use of telephone phone-ins and challenged language itself through surreal speech and non-linguistic vocalisation.… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Embodying education – a bildung theoretical approach to movement integration

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Movement integration (MI) has become a significant part of contemporary educational policy; it implies that teachers of any school subject are responsible for organizing movement activities that are of educative value. In this paper, we use Wolfgang Klafki’s Bildung theoretical analysis to examine contemporary approaches to MI and clarify dominant theoretical and didactic ways of working with MI. We aim to suggest a new understanding of MI by applying Klafki’s conception of categorial Bildung. We argue that it enables educators to emphasize the educative and existential potential of the embodied, social and emotional involvement with the academic content. Our analyses illustrates the thorough didactic consideration needed to transform an educational policy into real-world education. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Towards an Understanding of the Testing Opt-Out Movement: Why Parents Choose to Opt-Out or Opt-In

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The opt-out movement, a grassroots coalition of opposition to high-stakes tests that are used to sort students, evaluate teachers, and rank schools, has the largest participation on Long Island, New York, where approximately 50% of the eligible students in grades three to eight opted out of the English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics tests in 2019 (“Projects: ELA and Math Opt-Outs 2016-2019,” 2019). Quantitative research has shown a racial disparity between parents who opted out and opted in with White, middle class parents participating in the opt-out movement at greater rates than Latinx, Black, and Asian parents (Au, 2017; Bennett, 2016; Hildebrand, 2017; Klein, 2016; Murphy, 2017; Phi Delta Kappa & Gallup Poll, 2017; Pizmony-Levy & Green Saraisky, 2016; Ryan, 2016; Tompson, Benz, & Agiesta, 2013). Parents… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – In support of sustainable densification in urban planning: a proposed framework for utilising CCTV for propagation of human energy from movement within urban spaces

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Co-generation of energy derived from human movement is not new. Intentionally accumulating energy, from mass urban-mobility, provides opportunities to re-purpose power. However, when mass-mobility is predictable, yet not harnessed, this highlights critical gaps in application of interdisciplinary knowledge. This research highlights a novel application of geostatistical modelling for the built environment with the purpose of understanding where energy harvesting infrastructure should be located. The work presented argues that advanced Geostatistical methods can be implemented as an appropriate method to predict probability distribution, density, clustering of populations and mass-population mobility patterns from large-scale online distributed and heterogeneous data sets published by the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network. Where clear urban spatio-behavioural relationships of density and movement can be predicted… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Purposeful Movement: The Integration of Physical Activity into a Mathematics Unit

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Classroom physical activity (PA) has been linked to a multitude of health and academic benefits. However, due to barriers such as lack of time and resources many teachers are not implementing classroom PA to the degree they would like to. One innovative solution is to integrate classroom PA into academic concepts. Based on self-determination theory, this pilot study evaluated the effectiveness of a teacher-developed purposeful movement teaching strategy on PA, on-task behavior and academic achievement. Two third grade classrooms participated in this pilot study, one acting as the comparison and the other working with the school Physical Education teacher to develop the active lessons. The evaluation consisted of accelerometers, direct observation, academic assessments and a write and draw activity to assess student perceptions. Significant improvements were found… Continue Reading