tandfonline.com – Tracing preservice English language teachers’ perceived TPACK in sophomore, junior, and senior levels

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Many teacher education institutes (TEI) are expected to provide preservice teachers (PTs) with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to teach with information and communication technology (ICT). To address this challenge, many TEIs have included introductory ICT courses in their curriculum to develop technological knowledge and skills. Although several existing studies have focused on detecting whether a course or a short-term training program can make an improvement on PTs’ TPACK, none of the existing studies have attempted to investigate in a longitudinal process whether PTs’ perceived development of TPACK skills follow an increasing linear pattern through years as planned in four-year-long teacher education programs, especially in ELT. This study therefore intends to address this gap in the literature.… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – inVisible Theory in Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Practicum Tasks

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The present study adds to an ongoing debate about third spaces in teacher education, spaces where theory and practice come together. One third space is constituted by the written tasks from practicum. Yet research has shown only modest emphasis on theory in such tasks. Tasks from two versions of a programme are used to represent two different positions on linking theory and practice. The tasks were therefore analysed with respect to the demarcation of conceptual objects as well as practice-based contexts. The findings indicate a difference with respect to the demarcation of conceptual objects, especially concepts relating to mathematics and mathematics education. This is seen as indicative of the reduced encouragement of linking theory and practice. Link til… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – “Math Makes Me Sweat” The Impact of Pre-Service Courses on Mathematics Anxiety

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: We investigate mathematics anxiety amongst education majors currently enrolled as pre-service teachers in special education, deaf and hard of hearing, early childhood and elementary education. The impact of a compulsory freshmen content course and sophomore methodology course on mathematics anxiety for each education major was studied over a two year period. Results indicate that the highest level of mathematics anxiety, as measured by the Revised-Mathematics Anxiety Survey (R-MANX), occurred amongst pre-service deaf and hard of hearing teachers as they enter their training as teachers. Results reveal that certain education majors benefit more than others from mathematics training courses. (Contains 9 tables and 1 figure.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Examining the Speaking Self-Efficacy of Pre-Service Teachers Concerning Different Variables

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the speaking self-efficacy of pre-service teachers concerning different variables. Self-efficacy indicates the belief of an individual concerning the capacity of fulfilling a certain task. Self-efficacy perceptions strongly affect almost all dimensions of an individual’s life, the choices made, the efforts made in achieving a goal and the degree of anxiety. The ability of pre-service teachers to reach this awareness level in the speaking skill may affect their future life, education and business life positively. Research Methods: This study was conducted with the participation of 499 students receiving education in the Departments of Computer and Instructional Technologies, Science Education, Maths Education, Preschool Education, Classroom Education, Psychological Counseling and Guidance (PCG), Social Studies Education and Turkish Education at Kirsehir Ahi Evran University… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Investigation of Pre-Service Teachers’ Tolerance Tendencies and Democratic Tendencies

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The current study aims to investigate whether pre-service teachers’ tolerance tendencies and democratic tendencies vary significantly depending on gender and mother and father’s education level and the relationship between their tolerance tendencies and democratic tendencies. A total of 417 second-year students from the departments of Turkish teaching, social studies teaching, elementary school teacher training, pre-school teacher training, science teaching, elementary school math teaching, arts, music, psychological counselling and guidance, English teaching and German teaching participated in the current study. In the analysis of the collected data, frequencies, percentages, Mann Whitney U test, Kruskall Wallis test and correlation analysis were used. As a result of the analyses, the pre-service teachers’ tolerance tendencies were found to be very high. The female pre-service teachers’ tolerance tendencies were found to be… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Developing PK-12 Preservice Teachers’ Skills for Understanding Data-Driven Instruction Through Inquiry Learning

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article offers a description of how empirical experiences through the use of procedural knowledge can serve as the stage for the development of hypothetical concepts using the learning cycle, an inquiry teaching and learning method with a long history in science education. The learning cycle brings a unique epistemology by way of using procedural knowledge (“knowing how”) to enhance construction of declarative knowledge (“knowing that”). The goal of the learning experience was to use the learning cycle to explore “high tech” and “low tech” approaches to concept development within the context of statistics. After experiencing both, students recognized the value of high and low tech approaches to instruction. Given that statistical literacy is essential for engaging in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Study on Reflection as a Source of Teacher Development: Pre-Service and Experienced Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study traces evidence of reflection in teacher education and teaching practice by measuring reflection of preservice teachers and experienced teachers and clarifying reflection-oriented reactions to possible confusions or problematic situations considering whether or not they are reflective practitioners. The data were collected from 514 volunteer preservice teachers and 466 experienced teachers teaching science, math, English, Turkish, and primary classes. Teacher Reflection Scale (TRS) (Kayapinar and Erkus, 2009) was used to collect data. In order to analyze the data and obtain descriptive statistics for the item results, SPSS 16.0 was employed. Statistical analyses gave evidence that preservice primary teachers had a high mean of reflection. Under the light of the results gathered from data, experienced teachers did not attain higher reflection scores when compared to preservice teachers.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Preservice Teachers’ Use of Noticing Practices to Evaluate Technological Resources

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examines how elementary preservice teachers notice children’s mathematical thinking and how this noticing influences the evaluation of technological resources. In particular, we explore the aspects of thinking to which preservice teachers attend and how they interpret evidence about children’s thinking when using the Spatial-Temporal Math (ST Math) program. Data collection included a group survey administered after an initial exploration of a set of ST Math activities, screencast recordings during which children used and talked about the program, and a reflective writing assignment. The findings of this study show how preservice teachers used their noticing skills (attending and interpreting) in their evaluations of the tool, in some cases prompting them to shift their evaluation on the basis of student thinking. [For the complete proceedings, see ED606556.]… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Characteristics of Teacher Knowledge Produced by Preservice Mathematics Teachers: The Case of Open-Ended Problem-Based Learning

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: One major issue in mathematics teacher education regards the role of university-level mathematics in teacher knowledge. In the context of a design-based research project, an advanced mathematics teacher education course aimed at strengthening the connections between university-level mathematics and school mathematics was developed. In this paper, I present a case study, conducted within the education course, in which I analyse the characteristics of teacher knowledge produced by five small groups of pre-service teachers in an open-ended problem-based learning task. The results indicate the problem-based learning approach has the potential for enhancing specialised content knowledge such as knowledge of different representations of and applications of mathematical concepts. The results also highlight the challenges in using this approach for enhancing horizon content knowledge such as knowledge about the relationships… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Perceptions of Preservice Teachers about Adaptive Learning Programs in K-8 Mathematics Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Adaptive learning programs are frequently used in the K-8 mathematics classroom. These programs provide instruction to students at the appropriate level of difficulty by presenting content, providing feedback, and allowing students to master skills before progressing. The purpose of the study was to seek to interpret how preservice teachers’ experiences influence their perceptions and plans to integrate adaptive learning programs in their future K-8 mathematics classroom. This was a qualitative study with 17 participants who were enrolled in an undergraduate teacher education program. Data was collected and analyzed from archived journals the participants completed as a part of their K-8 Math Methods course, a survey, and semi-structured interviews. The findings from this study indicate that the participating preservice teachers perceive adaptive learning programs to be beneficial for… Continue Reading