tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Learning to teach is an emotional endeavour and student teachers challenging emotions are recurrently created in teacher education. The aim of this study was to investigate student teachers’ coping with emotionally challenging situations in teacher education. In the study, 22 student teachers studying their last year of teacher education participated through semi-structured interviews. The data were analysed using constructivist grounded theory methodology. The findings revealed that coping with emotionally challenging situations was connected to student teachers’ main concern of the discrepancies between idealistic conceptions and experiences. This included wanting to have an extensive impact on future pupils as a student teacher and experiencing the ambition as potentially exhausting. In coping with this discrepancy, three strategies were used: change… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Link til kilde
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A teacher that emphasizes reasoning, logic and validity gives their students access to mathematics as an effective way of practicing critical thinking. All students have the ability to enhance and expand their critical thinking when learning mathematics. Students can develop this ability when confronting mathematical problems, identifying possible solutions and evaluating and justifying their reasons for the results, thereby allowing students to become confident critical thinkers. Critical thinking and reasoning allows students to think about how they utilize their discipline of mathematical skills (i.e., they think about their method of thinking). Metacognition helps students to recognize that math is logical reasoning on solutions to problems. Students are taught how to: identify scenarios; evaluate; select problem-solving strategies; identify possible conclusions; select logical conclusions; describe how a solution was… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies” is a peer-tutoring program for grades K-6 that aims to improve student proficiency in math and other disciplines. This report focuses on “Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies” for math. The math program supplements students’ existing math curriculum and is based on peer-mediated instruction, a process whereby students work in pairs or small groups to tutor each other. During tutoring sessions, students work together on worksheets that target specific math skills, with one student designated to correct his or her partner’s errors, award points for correct responses, and provide consistent encouragement and feedback. The program uses videos and teacher-provided scripted instruction to train students to engage in peer tutoring. Developers recommend that students participate in peer-tutoring sessions two to three times a week for approximately 30 minutes… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The National Study of Charter Management Organization (CMO) Effectiveness is a four-year study designed to assess the impact of CMOs on student achievement and to identify effective structures and practices. An earlier report from this study documented the substantial variation in CMO student achievement impacts as well as variation in CMOs’ use of particular educational strategies and practices. That report noted that the most effective CMOs emphasize two practices in particular: schoolwide behavior strategies and intensive teacher coaching and monitoring. This report is designed to provide an in-depth description of the student behavior and teacher coaching practices of five high-performing CMOs that rely on these practices. Focusing on five high-performing CMOs, the report seeks to help educators learn more about these promising practices. To identify practices associated… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Women are underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields of study and careers with a subset of STEM–Technology Education–possibly one of the least integrated fields for women as students and as professionals. What accounts for this situation and what are potential remedies? The purpose of this study was to learn about the ways in which female technology education teachers understand sources of influence on their career choices. The findings from this study are intended to provide insights into the participants’ perspectives that might shed light on how to better encourage females to aspire to and enter technology education as a profession. The conclusions derived from this study may help to create a deeper understanding of how women move beyond cultural barriers and make “unexpected transitions”… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The opening up of online education in the Australian tertiary sector has made higher education accessible for a wide range of students, including those living in rural and regional areas. While student numbers continue to grow as a result of this opportunity, there are increasing concerns regarding low student retention and progression rates for online students in comparison with on-campus students. Reasons for this vary, however, online students report a sense of isolation and disconnection with their studies highlighting the need for educators to utilise effective facilitation to enhance student connections to an online community. In this paper, we investigated facilitation strategies using two case studies. This illustrated how two online instructors used design-based research to evaluate the impact of facilitation strategies on instructor presence, instructor connection,… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Substantial research has shown that changes in contemporary western societies have prolonged transitions from youth to adulthood and altered the conditions and timing of transitions in education, work and family formation. Thus, contemporary society is creating new temporal conditions with important implications for social institutions, organisation of education, work arrangements, and individual career choices. The presented study explores temporal dimensions of career choices and transitions in this context from perspectives of young people in a small town in Sweden. Three specific temporal questions are addressed: How are time horizons constructed in young peoples´ career narratives; in what ways do individual temporal strategies and orientations towards the past, present and future interact with opportunity structures and socio-geographic space; and… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) changes cognition and behavior in students. Their learning needs are different from students with other exceptionalities. General and special education teachers can use specific strategies based on learning style, along with certain resources, with students who have experienced a TBI to promote learning in reading, writing and math, The typical Behavior Improvement Plan of Antecedent, Behavior, Consequences does not work with a child after a TBI. Instead, a Behavior Improvement Plan should be developed based on the student’s learning style after the injury, incorporating his or her physical and cognitive capabilities. (Contains 1 figure.) Link til kilde
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Co-teaching models have been established in research as an instructional delivery method to provide instruction to diverse students in an inclusive general education setting. Research of inclusive classrooms where general education and special education teachers co-instruct indicates learning for students with learning disabilities (LD) is improved (Cramer, Liston, Nevin & Thousand, 2010). Co-teaching models have been addressed in the literature, however, responsibilities of general and special education teachers regarding co-planning, co-instruction and co-assessing to implement co-teaching effectively requires further investigation (Mastropieri et al., 2005). This qualitative study investigated two co-taught elementary classrooms. The case study examined information from teachers in reading and math co-taught classrooms to document method of implementation and to gain insight into participants’ knowledge and perceptions of co-teaching. Information was gathered from two elementary… Continue Reading →
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