har udgivet: This report examines the implementation and effects of the academic summer program for middle school students offered by Building Educated Leaders for Life (BELL). BELL’s middle school program serves rising sixth- through eighth-grade students who are performing one to two years below grade level. The goals of the program are to increase students’ literacy and math skills and to enhance their social development. Overall, the findings from this study indicate that BELL mounted a fairly well-run and well-staffed five-week summer program in summer 2012 and that students attended at a high rate even though the program was voluntary. The pattern of impact estimates suggests that, on returning to school in fall 2012, BELL students may have had stronger math skills than they would have had otherwise, equivalent… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The paper explores factors of importance for young people’s choice of upper secondary education and for their future life, from a student perspective. The paper builds on data from a questionnaire study, answered by 1,414 students in grade 9 (age 15–16) in Sweden, prior to their choice of upper secondary school. In addition, data from earlier studies, have been included. Results show that the majority plan to transit to further levels of education. There is, however, a group of students who opt to move directly into work. In relation to making an educational choice, the factors that dominate the decision-making processes of students are related to; interest and ability, wellbeing and fun, but also plans after upper secondary… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In this study, we explore how interactions with faculty influence first-year geoscience students’ negotiations of belonging in a study programme. We situate the study within the field of retention and use the concepts of belonging and culture to analyse our empirical material, collected through ethnographic fieldwork. We explore how faculty–student interactions during geoscientific fieldwork and in an “interview exercise” give students access to explicit and tacit knowledge about doing geoscience research, the department culture and possible careers in geoscience. The analysis shows that faculty–student interactions offer important avenues for the students’ negotiations of how they belong in the study programme (who they are) and in assessing their future possibilities (who they want to become). However, while positive for… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This guide was developed for two purposes: to enrich science and mathematics programs in schools and to encourage the professional growth of teachers of science and mathematics. A basic premise behind the development of this guide is that all students should have a variety of learning experiences, especially students in categorical programs such as Chapter 1, bilingual, migrant, and other compensatory education programs. These students should see that the study of science is not confined to the classroom but offers a way to investigate and understand the curious phenomena to be found in the every-day world. Similarly, mathematics is not only the scientist’s primary tool but also a world of its own full of curious phenomena. This publication lists contests and fairs for individuals and teams; extracurricular… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This kit is designed to help science and mathematics teachers become more aware of the rights, responsibilities, potential contribution, and needs of students with disabilities, teachers’ responsibilities for ensuring equal educational opportunities for all students in their programs, and strategies for accommodating students who have disabilities in science and math classes. Material includes a notebook, a 2-hour videotape recording, and informational handouts and a pamphlet on the DO-IT (Disabilities Opportunities Internetworking Technology) program. The “Background and General Strategies” section of the notebook covers general issues related to access to education for individuals with disabilities, and legal and attitudinal issues as well as general teaching strategies. The”Computing Access” section covers the three areas that must be addressed in order to provide full access to computing resources (computer lab… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Recent federal initiatives emphasize measuring teacher effectiveness and ensuring that disadvantaged students have equal access to effective teachers. This study substantially broadens the existing evidence on access to effective teaching by examining access in 29 geographically dispersed school districts over the 2008-2009 to 2010-2011 school years. The report describes disadvantaged students’ access to effective teaching in grades 4 through 8 in English/language arts (ELA) and math, using value-added analysis to measure effective teaching. On average, disadvantaged students had less access to effective teaching in these districts. Providing equal access to effective teaching for FRL and non-FRL students would reduce the student achievement gap from 28 percentile points to 26 percentile points in ELA and from 26 percentile points to 24 percentile points in math in a given… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Previous research suggests that students use metaphors when asked to explain digestive processes and nutritional uptake. In this paper, we describe the results of a study designed to gain a deeper understanding of how metaphors and anthropomorphisms are used by students when describing such processes. We applied analyses based on the systemic-functional grammar framework to 123 student responses to a question about nutrition on a Swedish national test in biology in order to identify, describe and analyse how students use metaphors and to understand the linguistic structure of those metaphors. We also considered how the metaphors are linked to metaphor systems and anthropomorphisms, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of the role of metaphors in this area. The results… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Secondary school students and self-efficacy in mathematics: Gender and age differences Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper discusses the poor preparation of children with disabilities in math and science fields, and the perception that students with disabilities are not capable of doing work in science and math, which is often reinforced by teachers and parents. It is argued that the low expectations and waived requirements for children with disabilities are preventing children with disabilities from gaining a solid foundation in math and science. The need for children with disabilities to be trained on adaptive technology to enable them to meet basic math and science requirements in college is addressed, as well as methods for making elementary and secondary math and science text books accessible to students with disabilities. Methods include having a staff member or teacher act as a reader, providing brailled… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In the axis of basic skills and values, students’ enjoyment of mathematics lesson and the realization of learning by taking a certain distance depend on the appreciation of the effort of the individual. Cooperative learning provides this requirement with a great deal of reward and success. Success increases individual’s self-confidence and making him/her more powerful and positive in mathematical learning. By developing an individual’s positive attitude, mathematical barriers that may adversely affect his/her success in social interaction with friends might be removed. An individual can also help his/her friends in learning and reinforce his belief and self-esteem. This study aims to reveal the effect of cooperative learning method on students’ academic achievement and attitudes towards mathematics in primary school fourth grade math class. The study was carried… Continue Reading →
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