tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Research indicates that school discipline practices are inequitable based on student race, class, and gender; yet, few studies highlight students’ voices regarding their experiences with these practices. Further, we know that positive teacher–student relationships are a significant factor in student academic achievement and success. This article presents qualitative data from 40 middle school youth who participated in five focus groups in one midwestern suburban school district. Findings indicate that students understand their experiences with teachers’ discipline practices as culturally biased and inequitable. The article explores the importance of middle grades educators taking a critically reflective approach to the ways their discipline practices are shaped by their conscious and unconscious understandings and enactments of race, class, and culture in… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Each child will not become senior mathematicians in the future but all children have the right to get learning opportunities which he/she can develop his/her mathematical understanding at school. The success of children in mathematics is closely related to how they are taught mathematics. At this point, the role of teaching mathematics stands out in elementary school since they first encounter mathematics as a subject. Elementary school is the place where students first experience success or failure in mathematics. Therefore, the fundamentals of students’ tendencies towards mathematics which will set and affect their future learning life are also laid here. The present study aims to examine the perceptions of elementary school students towards learning mathematics by means of their drawings. Drawings are tools for children to express… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This project entailed a three-year efficacy evaluation of the Computer and Team Assisted Mathematical Acceleration (CATAMA) Lab developed by the Center for Social Organization of Schools at Johns Hopkins University. The CATAMA Lab was proposed as an immediate and practical approach to addressing the different types of math deficits held by students at urban high-poverty schools. The Lab required only 1 teacher per school reducing staff and professional development requirements. It used multiple instructional techniques (including individualized computer instruction, direct instruction, pair and team learning, and individual instruction) to teach math concepts and skills. By taking the place of an elective it allowed students to continue with their on-grade math class. For a more detailed description of the Lab see Appendix 2. The original goal of the… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The aim of this study is to investigate the reasons of the students’ attitudes towards interactive whiteboard (IWB) use in mathematics classrooms in middle schools and high schools. For this purpose the effect of IWB’s features, students’ mathematics anxiety, teachers’ ICT integration, students’ mathematics achievement and gender to students’ attitudes towards use of interactive whiteboard were investigated. This study is a descriptive research designed as a relational survey method. The research sampling consisted of 350 students in middle schools and 557 students in high schools in Balikesir. The Attitude and Characteristics of IWB scale to measure the students’ attitudes and the perceived features of IWB was used. Also the Mathematics Anxiety scale that consists of five items was used to measure students’ mathematics anxiety. To determine the… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this study, different factors affecting students’ differential equations (DEs) solving abilities were explored at pre university level. To explore main factors affecting students’ differential equations problem solving ability, articles for a 19-year period, from 1996 to 2015, were critically reviewed and analyzed. It was revealed that combination of four factors; “epistemological math problem solving beliefs, belief about usefulness of mathematics, self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies and goal orientations” have great potential to enhance differential equation problem ability. Based on these findings, a conceptual model was developed and presented in this paper to enhance differential equation problem solving ability. This study has provided several important implications for the curriculum designers and teachers to enhance conceptual understanding in differential equation problem solving, particularly in the developing countries.. Link til… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study aims to investigate the effects of Science Technology Education Math (STEM) practices on academic achievement and motivations of students in the 5th grade of middle school in “Exploring and Knowing the World of Living Creatures” section in Science lecture. The study was designed in a semi-experimental pattern with pre-test post-test control group. A middle school in the center of Antakya was selected by appropriate sampling method. The sample of the study was formed by the 5th grade students who were studied in 2 sections where the same teacher taught. A group of students in one section formed the control group of students while the other branch formed experimental group. The unit ‘Exploring and Knowing the World of Living Creatures’ was explained through the lesson plans… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT There is a growing interest in research on the potential effects of Internet addiction [IA] on students’ scholastic lives. Given that there is no research on this subject in Morocco, this cross-sectional study fills the gap by examining the prevalence of Internet Addiction among Moroccan high school students and its possible association with scholastic performance and other socio-demographic factors. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 305 students, consisting of sociodemographic questions and Young’s Internet Addiction Scale. Chi-square, Independent sample t-tests, and One-Way ANOVA tests were conducted. This quantitative study reveals that IA prevalence among Moroccan high school students is 15.80%. Poor academic performance, being female, having a computer and Internet access, spending excessive time online and having parents with… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The flipped classroom model has become more popular and one of the focus of many researchers and teachers in the recent years. The aim of current study is to explore the effect of flipped classroom model on students’ achievements in the new SAT 2016 mathematics skills (Heart of Algebra, Problem solving and data analysis, and Passport to Advanced Math) for the eleventh grade Emirati female students in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. Specifically, this study aims at determining whether there was a statistically significant difference in student achievements in the new SAT mathematics skills between two groups of grade 11 students. Thus, pretest/posttest quasi-experimental design was applied. The experimental group was taught by flipped classroom model, and the control group was taught by traditional instruction methods. The… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Schools are constantly engaged in implementing reform strategies to prepare students for postsecondary education leading to their career choices. Challenges here involve education initiatives addressing programs not strategically planned, educators not prepared for transition, and no follow-up support beyond initial implementation stages. This study examined school reform initiatives by the Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math academies toward better-quality instruction, to prepare students for post-secondary education, and in-turn, for the knowledge economy of the 21st century. The purpose of the study was to gauge the effectiveness of these academies in math, science, and engineering, and if these academies are successful educational-reform systems. Inductive data analysis was conducted from general program data and teacher interviews from one rural and one urban high school. Data were obtained through observations,… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper shows how an American International School in Vietnam has been using data and Learning Analytics to find out about students’ learning from their assessments and how they use these findings to improve, among other areas, the reading skills of their mostly English as an Additional Language (EAL) student population. The source of data comes primarily from a Computer Adaptive Testing platform, commonly known as the MAP Growth test, which provides information about Math and Reading skills for each particular student. The data provided is transformed and presented to educational stakeholders through visualizations created in specialized software in order to dig into the data and answer the pedagogical questions emerged from teachers and administrators. This process involves a new field known as Learning Analytics and Visual… Continue Reading →
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