Eric.ed.gov – The Effectiveness of Secondary Math Teachers from Teach For America and the Teaching Fellows Programs. Executive Summary. NCEE 2013-4016

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teach For America (TFA) and the Teaching Fellows programs are an important and growing source of teachers of hard-to-staff subjects in high-poverty schools, but comprehensive evidence of their effectiveness has been limited. This report presents findings from the first large-scale random assignment study of secondary math teachers from these programs. The study separately examined the effectiveness of TFA and Teaching Fellows teachers, comparing secondary math teachers from each program with other secondary math teachers teaching the same math courses in the same schools. The study focused on secondary math because this is a subject in which schools face particular staffing difficulties. The study had two main findings, one for each program studied: (1) TFA teachers were more effective than the teachers with whom they were compared. On… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – What Are the Effects of Teach for America on Math, English Language Arts, and Science Outcomes of K-12 Students in the USA? Campbell Systematic Reviews 2018:7

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Research shows that there is a shortage of effective teachers in many rural and urban K-12 public schools serving the highest proportions of high-poverty students across the United States. In the past 10 years, alternative route teacher preparation programs aiming to address this shortage proliferated across the United States. These programs seek to increase the supply of teachers more rapidly than traditional teacher preparation programs, and although their requirements vary widely, most are shorter, less expensive, and more practically oriented than traditional teacher preparation programs. Such programs however, vary widely. Teach For America (TFA) is a nation-wide alternate route teacher preparation program designed to address the shortage of effective teachers, specifically in high-poverty rural and urban schools across the United States. The authors assert that TFA should… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Effectiveness of Secondary Math Teachers from Teach For America and the Teaching Fellows Programs. NCEE 2013-4015

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teach For America (TFA) and the Teaching Fellows programs are an important and growing source of teachers of hard-to-staff subjects in high-poverty schools, but comprehensive evidence of their effectiveness has been limited. This report presents findings from the first large-scale random assignment study of secondary math teachers from these programs. The study separately examined the effectiveness of TFA and Teaching Fellows teachers, comparing secondary math teachers from each program with other secondary math teachers teaching the same math courses in the same schools. The study focused on secondary math because this is a subject in which schools face particular staffing difficulties.The study had two main findings, one for each program studied: (1) TFA teachers were more effective than the teachers with whom they were compared. On average,… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Findings from a Survey of Statistics and Biostatistics Instructors in the Health Sciences Who Teach Using an Online or Flipped Format

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Online and flipped courses are becoming more commonly found across disciplines, including in (bio)-statistics. The literature contains many case studies of instructors reporting on their use of these formats. However, a gap exists in regard to a systematic study of instructors’ implementation of, attitudes on, and recommendations for online or flipped courses in (bio)statistics. We conducted a survey to elicit such responses, and we report here on n = 24 instructors who teach (bio)statistics in the health sciences. These instructors’ courses are described, as well as results summarized for their responses on various aspects of these courses, ranging from the technology they use to whether they would recommend various approaches to teaching colleagues. These findings should be useful… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Do I Have to Teach Math? Early Childhood Pre-Service Teachers’ Fears of Teaching Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Eighty-nine early childhood pre-service teachers were asked to identify their specific fears towards mathematics and explain why they had those specific fears. The results showed that they possess a wide variety of fears towards mathematics including having a lack of confidence in their teaching ability, a lack of teaching methods, an inability to engage their students, and a lack of mathematical content knowledge. Their explanations as to why these fears exist were very closely related to what they feared and included responses related to teaching the content as well as having a lack of content knowledge. Implications on teacher education programs are also discussed. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Using GitHub Classroom To Teach Statistics

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Git and GitHub are common tools for keeping track of multiple versions of data analytic content, which allow for more than one person to simultaneously work on a project. GitHub Classroom aims to provide a way for students to work on and submit their assignments via Git and GitHub, giving teachers an opportunity to facilitate the integration of these version control tools into their undergraduate statistics courses. In the Fall 2017 semester, we implemented GitHub Classroom in two educational settings—an introductory computational statistics lab and a more advanced computational statistics course. We found many educational benefits of implementing GitHub Classroom, such as easily providing coding feedback during assignments and making students more confident in their ability to collaborate… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Potential of Using iPad as a Supplement to Teach Math to Students with Learning Disabilities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This qualitative study was conducted to identify the potential of using iPad as a supplement to teach math to students with learning disabilities. Ten teacher candidates from a university in the south provided one-on-one math tutoring services to ten students in a self-contained classroom at a local high poverty elementary school. The students were tutored math for five weeks using ten free math apps in addition to the traditional teaching methods. The apps were selected as they deemed fit with the math content standards, and abilities of the students. Each week, teacher candidates reflected on their tutoring experiences and at the end of five weeks, they completed an open-ended survey regarding their use of iPads as a supplement to teach math to the students. Findings confirmed the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – It Does Matter How We Teach Math

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper describes application of innovative practice and procedures in relationship to recognized principles and theory of adult education used in college math instruction. Adult learning principles provide the theoretical constructs and foundation of the practice supporting a learner-centered approach to learning. The purpose was to explore the needs of learners and the learning contexts that would help them achieve higher dimensions of critical thinking and cognitive development. Based on Knowles’ six assumptions of andragogy, curriculum was designed to provide college math students meaningful learning experiences, critical thinking skills, and application within the context of the classroom. Creativity and hands-on learning proved to be beneficial not only to tactile and kinesthetic learners but to others in the classrooms as well. Additionally, math anxiety is addressed and how… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Keep Your Stats in the Cloud! Evaluating the Use of Google Sheets to Teach Quantitative Methods

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. Abstract Teaching quantitative methods at the undergraduate level is a difficult yet rewarding endeavor due to the challenges instructors face in presenting the material. One way to bolster student learning is through the use of statistical software packages. Google Sheets is a cloud-based spreadsheet program capable of many basic statistical procedures, which has yet to be evaluated for use in quantitative methods courses. This article contains pros and cons to using Google Sheets in the classroom and provides an… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Changing the Way to Teach Maths: Preservice Primary Teachers’ Reflections on Using Exploratory Talk in Teaching Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper reports on the reflections of twenty-one primary preservice teachers following a microteaching experience that focused on the use of talk and collaborative group work, as part of a primary mathematics specialist education programme. Based on the didactic strategies of exploratory talk, the experience intended to develop knowledge for teaching mathematics in a contingent way. Preservice teachers’ reflections from an online survey and from written recounts were analysed in relation to noticing students’ learning and behaviour. Whilst the preservice teachers indicated that the microteaching experience impacted on their teaching, some reflections revealed tensions in noticing student learning and in balancing a focus on both collaborative talk and mathematics content. These tensions suggest that resistance to change in the practice of novice teachers may not be due… Continue Reading