Eric.ed.gov – Clinically Based Models of Teacher Preparation: A Snapshot of Three Systems

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A teacher preparation institution critically reviewed current programs and began moving toward a clinically based model. One focuses on Middle Grades/Secondary Math and Science, another focuses on Secondary English Language Arts, and a pilot project focuses on Elementary with a minor in either English/Language Arts or STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Preschool Contexts and Teacher Interactions: Relations with School Readiness

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The majority of early education programs promote children’s learning through a mix of experiences in child- and teacher-managed contexts. The current study examined time spent in child- and teacher-managed contexts and the nature of children’s experiences with teachers in these contexts as they relate to children’s skill development. Participants were preschool children (N = 283, M age = 52 months, 48% girls, 70% Mexican or Mexican American) from families of a lower socioeconomic status. Observations captured children’s time in child- and teacher-managed contexts and experiences with teachers in each context. School readiness was assessed directly and through teacher reports. Research Findings: Time spent in teacher-managed contexts was positively related to children’s academic and social skill development. Experiences in child-managed context predicted vocabulary, math, and social skills when… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Equitable Access to Highly Effective Teachers for Tennessee Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Decades of research have confirmed that teachers are the most important in-school factor for improving student achievement. Furthermore, studies find that access to effective teachers is most critical for students who struggle academically. Data from Tennessee shows that, on average, students who score at the lowest proficiency level see the largest gains after having a highly effective teacher for two or more consecutive years. Yet, low-performing students are less likely than their higher-performing peers to have access to the best teachers. To improve student achievement for all students, we must work toward ensuring that all students have access to effective teachers and that our lowest-performing students are not systemically assigned to lower-performing teachers. With this goal in mind, this report describes the current landscape of Tennessee students’… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Certification and Academic Growth among English Learner Students in the Houston Independent School District. REL 2018-284

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Aware of the challenges set before the Houston Independent school District by rapid growth in the numbers of English learner students, and a critical shortage of teachers with bilingual certification for more than a decade, members of Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest’s English Learners Research Alliance sought information that districts can use when recruiting teachers and assigning them to schools and classrooms that serve large numbers of English learner students. To respond to this need, this study examined the relationships between teacher certification and growth in math and reading achievement and English proficiency among English learner students using data from the Houston Independent School District and the Texas Education Agency. The study assessed whether a teacher’s certification type–bilingual or English as a second language–and certification route–additional exam (adding… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Guam Department of Education Citizen Centric Report FY2017

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Guam Department of Education (GDOE) is a single unified and accredited school district consisting of Kindergarten through 12th grade which administers Head Start, pre-Kindergarten GATE programs, and is piloting pre-Kindergarten classes at selected schools. Their 26 elementary, 8 middle, 6 high and 1 alternative schools serve nearly 31,000 students and are managed by the Superintendent, who is the chief executive officer for the department, and the Executive Secretary of the 12-member Guam Education Board. GDOE is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, and uses the following two standards-based or criterion-referenced testing to assess student progress: (1) ACT Aspire, based on the Common Core Standards in English/Language Arts & Math for grades 3-10; and (2) Standards-Based Assessments (SBA) for grades 1-12 in English/Language Arts,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Observational Study on Special Education Services in the Houston Independent School District and Performance Outcomes for Students with Disabilities, 2018-2019. Research Educational Program Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Longitudinal trends revealed an increase in the prevalence of HISD students with disabilities compared to all students in the district from the 2017-2018 to the 2018-2019 academic year (7.2% to 7.5%). Students with disabilities were more likely to be male and Hispanic with a learning disability. An over-representation of African American students was evident over the past four years compared to other ethnic groups. The Office of Special Education Services (OSES) staff offered more than 1,200 professional development opportunities to school administrators, teachers, parents, and community stakeholders in targeted areas, including reading, math, writing, and behavior. There was a substantial increase in the percentage of initial evaluations (72.6%) and reevaluations (13.7%) for special education services, while the percentage of psychological evaluations more than tripled, and speech evaluations… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Students’ Performances in Selected Mathematics Teacher Training Programs in North Carolina

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: (Purpose) The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of math teacher program on students’ performances in math teacher training programs in five selected colleges in North Carolina. (Methodology) This study collected 300 data (150 pre-tests and 150 post-tests) data of college students enrolled in the five selected colleges. The ANOVA and multiple comparison t-tests analyses showed that there were significant differences among students in the experimental group compared to those in the control group. (Results) Results indicate that there was a major role teaching pedagogy played in the performances of the students. (Conclusions) Results revealed that over a period of three years (2010-2013), there were more improvements in the performances of the students as they proceeded through the math teaching pedagogy at the experimental… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Broken Gears: The Value Added of Higher Education on Teachers’ Academic Achievement. Policy Research Working Paper 7168

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Good teachers are essential for high-quality educational systems. However, little is known about teachers’ skills formation during college. By combining two standardized tests for Colombian students, one taken at the end of senior year in high school and the other when students are near graduation from college, this paper documents the extent to which education majors relatively improve or deteriorate their skills in quantitative reasoning, native language, and foreign language, in comparison to students in other programs. Teachers’ skills vis-à-vis those in other majors deteriorate in quantitative reasoning and foreign language, although they deteriorate less for those in math-oriented and foreign language oriented programs. For native language, there is no evidence of robust differences in relative learning mobility. An appendix contains Figure A1 and Tables A1 and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Use of Fuzzy Theory in Grading of Students in Math

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The development of computer science, statistics and other technological fields, give us more opportunities to improve the process of evaluation of degree of knowledge and achievements in a learning process of our students. More and more we are relying on the computer software to guide us in the grading process. An improved way of grading can help overcome some limitations of the educational process, that have caused problems, and had as a consequence a lower degree of success. With the combination of old, traditional way of evaluation of students knowledge and success, and the application of “fuzzy logic” and “the theory of fuzzy sets”, “the method of ponderous areas”, and other new computer and scientific technologies, we are getting a complex formula , that is also, friendly… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Engaging Teachers: Measuring the Impact of Teachers on Student Attendance in Secondary School. CEPA Working Paper No. 17-01

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Both anecdotal and systematic evidence points to the importance of teachers for students’ long-run success. Previous research on effective teachers has focused almost exclusively on student test score gains in math and reading. For this study we are able to link middle and high school teachers to the class-attendance of students in their classrooms, and to create measures of teachers’ contributions to student attendance. Student absence is a growing concern for policy makers. On average, secondary students in the United States are absent from school three weeks per year (Snyder & Dillow, 2013), and even when they are in school, they miss many classes. We find systematic variation in teacher effectiveness at reducing class absences. These differences across teachers are as stable as those for student achievement.… Continue Reading