Eric.ed.gov – Recruitment of Early STEM Majors into Possible Secondary Science Teaching Careers: The Role of Science Education Summer Internships

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A shortage of highly qualified math and science teachers pervades the U.S. public school system. Clearly, recruitment of talented STEM educators is critical. Previous literature offers many suggestions for how STEM teacher recruitment programs and participant selection should occur. This study investigates how early STEM majors who are not already considering teaching careers experienced a summer teaching recruitment internship and how it influenced their ideas about teaching and learning and interest in teaching high school as a possible future career. Using multiple qualitative data sources including interviews and daily internship reflections, a multi-case comparative case study was developed. The findings support that some interns substantially increased their interest in teaching careers, while other interns’ interest did not change or decreased. The impact of the recruitment internship was… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Effectiveness of Using iPads to Increase Academic Task Completion by Students with Autism

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This single subject design study (ABAB) investigated the effects of using iPads in a classwide academic intervention to increase independent task completion and basic math skills of seven students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) enrolled in a special education school. The study also examined the advantages of and challenges to using iPads for classroom instruction. Traditional basic math instruction was used for the baseline phase, while a basic math skill app on an iPad was used for the intervention phase. Math probes were completed and the results recorded for four to five sessions for each of the four weeks of the study. Data on level of teacher prompting and presence of noncompliant behaviors were collected during every phase. Descriptive and visual analysis techniques were used to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Relationship between Hyperactivity and Mathematics Learning among a Child with Deep Deafness

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The current research aims at finding the relationship between hyperactivity and math learning among a child with deep deafness. The research sample was 40 children from four levels of primary education, ranging in age from (10) to (17) years, the research tools was two tests: a test was used for the evaluation of mathematics, and Teacher’s test of hyperactivity, and results found that deep deafness has led to the realization of the hypotheses established by the existence of a statistically significant inverse and intermediate correlation between hyperactivity and mathematical learning. Not also includes a relationship between each of the three symptoms of hyperactivity (Lack of attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity) and learning mathematics despite the difference in degree of correlation that was in favor of the ADHD. Based… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Using Subjective Teacher Evaluations to Examine Principals’ Personnel Management

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teacher evaluation is at the center of current education policy reform. Most evaluation systems rely at least in part on principals’ assessments of teachers, and their discretionary judgments carry substantial weight. However, we know relatively little about what they value when determining evaluations and high stakes personnel decisions. The author leverages unique data from a public charter school district to explore the extent to which school administrators’ formative evaluations of teachers align with teacher and school effectiveness and predict future personnel decisions. While previous research has examined administrators’ subjective evaluations of teachers in surveys and in practice, this study links a detailed evaluation in practice with multiple types of personnel decisions to provide new insights into administrator decision-making. A better understanding of the teacher contributions that administrators… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Effects of Teacher Professional Development on Gains in Student Achievement: How Meta Analysis Provides Scientific Evidence Useful to Education Leaders

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This meta analysis study focused on identifying and analyzing research studies that measured effects of teacher professional development with a content focus on math or science. This meta analysis was carried out to address two primary questions: (1) What are the effects of content-focused professional development for math and science teachers on improving student achievement as demonstrated across a range of studies?; and (2) What characteristics of professional development programs (e.g., content focus, duration, coherence, active learning, and collective participation of teachers) explain the degree of effectiveness, and are the findings consistent with prior research on effective professional development? This meta analysis of studies of teacher professional development programs in mathematics and science found that 16 studies reported significant effect sizes for teacher development in relation to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Right Trajectory: State Teachers of the Year Compare Former and New State Assessments

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “The Right Trajectory” brings to the forefront an often-overlooked voice in the debate about new state assessments developed in consortia: that of the best teachers in the country. This research suggests, despite challenges still to overcome, that these front-line experts believe that the new consortia tests are an improvement on the former assessments and so represent movement in the right direction for students and for education in their states. What do great teachers think of the new assessments compared to the previous ones? As part of state transitions to college and career ready (CCR) standards, including the Common Core State Standards in more than 40 states (NGA & CCSSO, 2010), states are for the first time administering new summative assessments aligned to those standards and aiming for… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Toward Social Justice: The Characteristics of an Effective Mathematics Intervention Program for Urban Middle School Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This two-part investigation (a) assessed the impact of the Jaime Escalante Math Program (JEMP), a structured summer mathematics intervention program, on the math achievement of urban middle school students, (b) identified the characteristics of the program that the administrators and teachers perceived to contribute to student achievement, and (c) compared the JEMP characteristics to those found in the literature on effective mathematics intervention programs. A mixed methods approach included analysis of two years of student math assessment data, administrator interviews, and teacher surveys. Quantitative findings indicate that student participants in the JEMP achieved significant growth in mathematics on two measures. Additionally, effective program elements are revealed in the qualitative data including specific classroom instructional strategies used in the JEMP. The results of this study will assist educators… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Does a Math-Enhanced Curriculum and Instructional Approach Diminish Students’ Attainment of Technical Skills? A Year-Long Experimental Study in Agricultural Power and Technology

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to empirically test the posit that students who participated in a contextualized, mathematics-enhanced high school agricultural power and technology (APT) curriculum and aligned instructional approach would not differ significantly (p less than 0.05) in their technical competence from students who participated in the traditional APT curriculum and instruction. This study included teachers and students from 32 high schools in Oklahoma (16 experimental classrooms; 16 control classrooms). Students were enrolled in an APT course during the 2004-2005 school year. The experimental design used was a posttest only control group; unit of analysis was the classroom. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the study’s null hypothesis. The measure of students’ technical competence did not reveal results that held statistical significance… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Alternative Certification and Retention of Secondary Math and Science Teachers: A Study Based on “SASS/TFS”

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In light of shortages of mathematics and science teachers, alternative certification was introduced in the mid-1980s. This study examined the effect of alternative certification among math and science teachers who moved to a different school or left the profession. This was accomplished using the national “SASS” and “TFS” databases. The results indicated that alternatively certified teachers were comparable in their commitment to their current school and the teaching profession when compared with their traditionally certified colleagues. Findings are discussed with respect to their relevance for education policy makers and school administrators. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Incoherent by Design: What You Should Know about Differences between Undergraduate and Graduate Training of Elementary Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This brief quantifies the fundamentally chaotic nature of elementary teacher preparation for initial certification, which is by far the most popular choice of individuals who consider teaching. In order to understand the different approaches taken by programs housed on the same university campus, researchers examined 13 institutions that offer both a graduate and undergraduate program preparing new elementary and/or secondary teachers. While there is overlap in the topics each undergraduate/graduate program pair covers, what’s more striking are the different course requirements–even though both programs are offered by the same education school at the same institution. Ideally, teacher candidates in each program pair should receive preparation that is not only consistent, but also high quality in its design. Teacher candidates in elementary programs should begin teacher preparation having… Continue Reading