har udgivet: The primary purpose of this study is to determine whether providing structured academic instruction in reading or math to students in grades two to five during their afterschool hours–instead of the less formal academic supports offered in regular after-school programs– improves their academic performance in the subject. This is the second and final report from the Evaluation of Enhanced Academic Instruction in After-School Programs–a two-year demonstration and random assignment evaluation of structured approaches to teaching math and reading in after-school settings. This report includes two parallel impact studies, a math program study (“Mathletics” developed by Harcourt School Publishers) and a reading program study (“Adventure Island” developed by the Success for All Foundation) in which students attending an afterschool program are assigned by lottery to either receive the… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper asks whether placement recommendations for a developmental math course at an elite public institution impact students’ future academic performance, course-taking, and college outcomes. Researchers use these specific outcomes to measure whether developmental courses help students develop the skills necessary to succeed in college, inspire them to take different courses, and help them graduate or persist in college. The study examines the ways in which instructor characteristics can drive these outcomes, and whether instruction at this university in a program for low-achieving students and particularly underprepared low-income, first-generation, and underrepresented minority students achieves its goal of reducing achievement gaps. This informs specific course and instructor policies to help underprepared students in their first semesters in college. The research setting is an elite public institution with a… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Using a single-subject alternating treatments reversal design, the effects of three conditions, tactile stimulation, auditory stimulation, and choice of the two, were compared on the math story problem solving of elementary students with attention problems. Students attempted and solved slightly more problems and engaged in fewer off-task behaviors in the stimulation conditions than in baseline. Effects were very modest. Students chose stimulation conditions that were related to their behavior more than their accuracy. Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Every day, we learn what works so students can make greater progress. Six years after No Child Left Behind’s passage–and midway to the nation’s goal of having students on grade level or better in reading and math by 2014–we have collected more data than ever before about the academic performance of our students and schools. This information enables all of us to chart where we are as individual states and as a nation and to map a course of action for future progress. The foundation of our success will depend on our continued commitment to the following core principles: (1) High Standards; (2) Annual Assessments; (3) Accountability for Results; (4) Highly Qualified Teachers in Every Classroom (HQT); (4) Information and Options for Parents; (5) All Children on… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This is the 12th annual report on conditions affecting the Racine Unified School District (RUSD). This year, the analysis again focuses on the long-term historical trends in RUSD. The analysis compares RUSD data to data of nine peer school districts as well as statewide data. The peer districts are defined as those Wisconsin districts with enrollments most similar to the enrollment in Racine. In addition to enrollment trends, the findings pertain to three RUSD quality objective measures: operational efficiency, student engagement, and student achievement. Operational efficiency includes finance data, student engagement includes attendance and disciplinary data, while student achievement includes test scores and graduation rates. Major findings include: (1) RUSD enrollment declined for the second year in a row; (2) RUSD jumped up in the peer rankings,… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This report presents findings, after one year of program implementation, from the Evaluation of Enhanced Academic Instruction in After-School Programs–a two-year intervention and random assignment evaluation of adapted models of regular-school-day math and reading instruction in after-school settings for students in grades 2 through 5. This evaluation seeks to determine whether the enhanced after-school instruction improves math or reading proficiency over what students would achieve in regular after-school programs, as measured by test scores. The evaluation also examines the impacts of the enhanced after-school instruction for subgroups of students based on their prior academic performance and grade level. The evaluation seeks to ascertain whether the enhanced after-school instruction affects other in-school academic behavior outcomes, as measured by reports from regular-school-day teachers of student engagement, behavior, and homework… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The admission of poor students sponsored by the Beca 18 social program into Lima universities is a recent phenomenon that requires studies on their adjustment and academic performance. This research targeted Beca 18 students at USIL and compared their responses to a questionnaire on perceptions of classroom climate with those from regular students. Both were participating in the course on math analysis offered to engineering students. In the general context of positive perceptions of classroom climate, Beca 18 students slightly differed from regular students, showing more positive perceptions of professor’s behavior in terms of creation of a working environment, class pace, interest in the student, and promotion of cooperation and group work. A greater difference was observed in regard of the avoidance of a climate of competition,… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In 2002/03, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools initiated a broad program of accelerating entry into algebra coursework. The proportion of moderately-performing students taking 8th grade algebra increased from less than half to nearly 90%, then reverted to baseline levels, in the span of just six age cohorts. We use this policy-induced variation to infer the impact of accelerated entry into algebra on student performance in math courses as students progress through high school. Students affected by the acceleration initiative scored significantly lower on end-of-course tests in Algebra I, and were either no more likely or significantly less likely to pass standard follow-up courses, Geometry and Algebra II, on a college-preparatory timetable. We also find that the district assigned teachers with weaker qualifications to Algebra I classes in the first… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Mathematics Mastery programme is a whole-school approach to teaching mathematics that aims to raise attainment for all pupils and close the attainment gap between pupils from low income families and their peers. The programme aims to deepen pupils’ conceptual understanding of key mathematical concepts. This clustered Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) investigated whether implementing the Mathematics Mastery programme led to improvement in Year 7 pupils’ maths test scores. It was intended that schools would also begin to use the programme in Year 8 in the second year of implementation, and continue until the approach was in place across the school. 44 schools from London and the South East participated in the trial, with a total sample of 5,938 pupils. Participating schools received training and resources to support… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Between 2000 and 2009, the Hispanic population more than doubled in 25 of 67 Pennsylvania counties. Over the same period, the Hispanic student population in Pennsylvania schools also rose, from 4 percent to 8 percent (Pennsylvania State Data Center 2011). The focus on Hispanic students’ level of academic achievement rose along with this rapid population growth. Recent research reveals that, although the achievement gap between ethnic subgroups at the national level has been shrinking over the past five years, the gap remains wide (Aud et al. 2010). This is also the case and a matter of concern in Pennsylvania. Research has identified several student-level factors associated with academic achievement among ethnic minority students, including gender and socioeconomic status (Freeman 2004; McGraw, Lubienski, and Strutchens 2006; Pong 2010);… Continue Reading →
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