har udgivet: Citing Aristotle, Franklin and Einstein as proponents of a broad, liberal-arts education, Finn and Ravitch promote the need for liberal learning as preparatory to the civic life needed for a well-functioning democracy. Drawing together the work of a number of educators, the editors have organized this volume in two sections. Part I, Liberal Learning: Its Value and Future, includes three papers that advocate both for liberal learning, and for a common curriculum. Part II, Restoring Liberal Art to the K-12 Curriculum, features eleven explorations of how to expand liberal learning by improving accountability systems, teacher training and education delivery. Maintaining that their support of liberal learning is well-documented, the editors conclude the volume by noting four opposing trends: (1) Gradual extinction of liberal learning in higher education;… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This document provides a curriculum that is comprised of workplace-specific literacy methods, materials, and assessment techniques that are customized yet broadly applicable. A process section introduces the curriculum by describing its development process. It discusses staff development, needs assessment, competency development, materials selection, and instruction. The section concludes with an evaluation of the curriculum development process. The product section consists of the curriculum itself, with a statement of philosophy and goals, student profiles, the scope of instruction, assessment and evaluation strategies, instructional techniques, course outlines, and sample lesson plans. Six course outlines (two in each area) are provided: English as a second language, general math, and reading/writing. Lists of subject area competencies are provided. Each course outline states the competency and then lists basic skills it encompassed,… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Given the vital importance of using a scientific approach for curriculum development, the authors employed a design experiment methodology (Brown, 1992; Shavelson et al., 2003) to develop and evaluate, FUSION, a first grade mathematics intervention intended for students with or at-risk for mathematics disabilities. FUSION, funded through IES (Baker, Clarke, & Fien, 2008), targets students’ understanding of whole number concepts and skills and is being designed as a Tier 2 intervention for schools that use a multi-tiered service delivery model, such as Response to Intervention (RtI). In developing this intervention, the authors have drawn extensively from the converging knowledge base of effective math instruction (Gersten et al., 2009; National Math Advisory Panel, [NMAP] 2008) and the critical content areas of first grade mathematics recognized by national bodies… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: InterMath, a five-year effort funded through the National Science Foundation, is a statewide Internet-based project with the goal of designing and implementing a series of workshops and ongoing support programs that feature contemporary applications of technology and mathematics pedagogy in the middle grades. Technology is used to deliver the curriculum through Web-based materials and to explore the mathematics using cognitive tools such as dynamic geometry software, spreadsheets, and graphing calculators. Objectives of InterMath include: strengthening the middle school teacher’s knowledge and understanding of mathematics; providing a support structure (online and in-school) to aid teachers in implementing and integrating technology tools for doing mathematics; and providing a structured in-service curriculum that follows Georgia’s Quality Core Curriculum objectives as well as reform efforts expressed in publications by the National… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Teacher Education and Mathematics project, funded by the Women’s Educational Equity Act, developed curriculum materials to increase mathematical knowledge and confidence, increase the perception of mathematics as a female domain, reduce math anxiety, and develop skills in identifying and counteracting sex bias in mathematics instruction. To develop effective materials, a formative evaluation was to document materials’ use at each stage of development, to assess student responses to materials, to collect judgment of external experts, and to collect reactions and suggestions of instructors who used the materials. Evaluation issues explored in this paper are: reliance on observer descriptions and participant ratings, effects on students and instructional staff of intensive observations, effects on students of frequent requests for feedback and evaluative reactions, and the extent to which professionals… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Phase I of a study was conducted to identify the basic mathematics competencies needed for job success in office occupations (14 job clusters). It also sought to determine the differences between employees’ and employer/supervisors’ perceptions of the degree of importance of mathematics skills for office occupations. Following a review of literature, a preliminary list of business and office mathematics skills was submitted to an advisory committee of business teachers, field tested, and refined into a questionnaire that contained a list of 36 basic mathematics skills and 30 mathematics-related business skills. Survey forms were created and sent to 1,652 employees and 288 employer/supervisors at 58 businesses in Louisiana, with responses returned by 854 employees and 171 employer/supervisors. Tables were prepared showing ratings of mathematics skills by each of… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: For the nearly 39 million U.S. adults who do not have a high school diploma, the General Educational Development (GED) programs and exam have served as the main avenue for improving individuals’ skills and helping them earn a high school credential. However, few students who start these programs ever get this credential, and even fewer advance to the postsecondary education and higher-level training programs that could increase their earning potential. In response to this challenge, the American Council on Education (ACE) partnered with Pearson Inc. to release a new more rigorous GED test in 2014 that assessed the crucial thinking, writing, and analytical skills considered essential for success in today’s labor market. In addition, ACE partnered with the New York City Department of Education’s District 79 (D79),… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper reports on an evaluation of a distinctive university-school partnership program, Curriculum Bridges. Curriculum Bridges aims to develop the enthusiasm and capacity of students from disadvantaged schools in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). These objectives are sought by developing a theme in the curriculum across subjects in years 10, 11 and 12. In the pilot phase, the curricula of English, Maths and Biology were linked together through the theme of ‘understanding and curing disease’. These curricula were developed by the school teachers, who received training in the ‘backward design’ approach. The model also integrates into the curriculum university on-campus activities and excursions. UniBridges was originally implemented in three schools in 2011 and is ongoing. Our evaluation found that UniBridges has increased student… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to empirically test the posit that students who participated in a contextualized, mathematics-enhanced high school agricultural power and technology (APT) curriculum and aligned instructional approach would develop a deeper and more sustained understanding of selected mathematics concepts than those students who participated in the traditional curriculum and instruction. This study included teachers and students from 38 high schools in Oklahoma (18 experimental classrooms; 20 control classrooms). Students were enrolled in an APT course in the spring of 2004. The experimental design used was a posttest only control group; unit of analysis was the classroom. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the study’s null hypotheses. The math-enhanced curriculum and aligned instructional approach did not significantly affect (p greater than… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this curriculum guide is to help the first grade teacher in his endeavor to fulfill his teaching responsibilities. Space is provided for teacher’s additions, deletions, notes and criticisms which will be useful when the guide is revised. The guide is sectioned according to subject matter (English, math, science, and social studies). Vertical columns are arranged for each subject area relating the curriculum concepts to: curriculum performance objective, bilingual, suggested curriculum teaching methods, career awareness, character education, and audio-visual and resource materials. The guide closes with a ten page section of audio-visual source information. (DS) Link til kilde
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