Eric.ed.gov – ENLIST-Micros Teacher Network for Rural Math & Science Teachers.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: ENLIST-Micros (ENcourage LIteracy in Science Teachers’ uses of Microcomputers) develops state networks of science and mathematics teachers providing inservice education and support for the implementation of computers and technology in the classroom. In Alabama, the project operated from August 1990 through June 1994. Most inservice workshops were held at Auburn University. Participants included 50 urban, 22 suburban, and 31 rural teachers from schools in Montgomery and the Auburn area. The first 2 years of the project focused on training the teacher participants to use microcomputers and to share their knowledge with other teachers. In the third and fourth year, veteran teachers provided individual training and inservice workshops to other teachers. Teacher reactions were overwhelmingly positive and frequently focused on the collegiality and mutual support experienced in the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Exploring the Foundations of the Future STEM Workforce: K-12 Indicators of Postsecondary STEM Success. REL 2016-122

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The number of jobs in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is growing rapidly and is expected to increase by approximately 1 million in the United States between 2012 and 2022 (Vilorio, 2014). People of many racial/ethnic minorities, however, including Hispanic people, are underrepresented among recipients of STEM degrees and among employees in STEM fields (Beede et al., 2011). Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest conducted this review of the research literature to identify malleable factors that can be measured in K-12 settings and that predict students’ postsecondary STEM success (defined as enrolling in, persisting in, and completing a postsecondary STEM major or degree), particularly for Hispanic students. Identifying these predictive malleable factors can help policymakers and district and school administrators develop and implement interventions that increase the percentage… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Perspective on Race Equity and Science and Math Education: Toward Making Science and Math for All.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This keynote address focuses on equity in science and mathematics education. The science and math achievement of minority and poor children are discussed from an instructional policy perspective with emphasis on who gets access to what knowledge. The discussion about the politics of knowledge acquisition involves a discussion of race, class, and gender and highlights the fact that even though there have been substantial gains, the fact remains that a student’s status as minority or poor or female severely impairs that student’s likelihood of acquiring a quality educational experience, particularly with regard to science and math. An analysis of data reveals that with respect to curriculum there are no substandard schools; however, there are significant differences in teacher qualifications and teacher attitudes. Compared to students not in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – From the Classroom to Washington: Einsteins on Education Reform

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars was delighted to host a group of current and former Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellows as they celebrated the 20th anniversary of the fellowship program. Outstanding math and science teachers in America’s K-12 schools, the Einstein Fellows spend a year (or sometimes two) working on Capitol Hill or in the science related offices of several federal agencies. The 1990 cohort of Einstein Fellows was part of a growing national concern about the performance of Americas K-12 schools and the lagging performance of American students in mathematics and science. Now, 20 years later they continue to be a part of a growing federal role in seeking excellence and equal opportunity in the nation’s schools. The road to effective education reform has… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Outlook. Number 370

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Council for American Private Education (CAPE) is a coalition of national associations serving private schools K-12. “Outlook” is published monthly by CAPE. This issue contains the following articles: (1) Math Scores Continue Upward Trend; Reading Remains Flat; (2) Duncan Supports Amending BRS Provisions in Senate Bill; (3) ESEA Changes Stall in Congress, Move Through Waivers; (4) Melinda Gates Recalls How Teacher Inspired Success; (5) School Crime; and (6) CAPE Notes. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Back to the Future of Science and Math Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Some successful innovations and their underlying rationales that were implemented 50, 60, and 70 years ago could be useful in solving many educational problems. Of major concern are the gap between the actual science and mathematics curricula in most schools and the demands placed on everyday living in the modern world dominated by technology and the gap between the actual science and mathematics program in most schools and the needs, interests and abilities of the particular students in those schools. Current reforms such as Project 2061, Project Synthesis, and the National Science Teachers’ Association’s project on scope, sequence, and coordination are discussed. Integrating science with other subjects, progressive education, and other historical projects are also examined. Included are examples of innovative programs found in the United States.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Decimals and Percents. Math in Action. Workbook.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This workbook is designed as an easy-to-read, slower-paced mathematics text for students who have learning, reading, and language problems. Helping students fulfill mathematics requirements for graduation is a goal; the book can be used as the core or supplement to the mathematics curriculum in mainstreamed or special education classrooms, in mathematics laboratories, or as part of sheltered workshop and vocational training programs. Basic concepts and skills about decimals and percents, including computation with decimals and using proportions to solve percent problems, are presented. All 10 units begin with a brief discussion of how decimals or percents are used in real life and list a few key words. Lessons teach only one major concept per page. A comprehension exercise ends each lesson, usually with answers given on the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Unplugged Cybersecurity: An Approach for Bringing Computer Science into the Classroom

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The United States Naval Academy (USNA) STEM Center for Education and Outreach addresses an urgent Navy and national need for more young people to pursue careers in STEM fields through world-wide outreach to 17,000 students and 900 teachers per year. To achieve this mission, the STEM Center has developed a hands-on and inquiry-based methodology to be used with K-12 educators at professional development workshops and with students through camps, festivals and fairs, and STEM days. According to recent data, math and computer science (CS) are the fastest growing fields among STEM careers (US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). The Computer Science for All initiative (U.S. Office of the Press Secretary, 2016) urges communities to bring more computer science education into the classroom to meet the rapidly rising… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Helping Your Child Learn Math. ERIC Digest.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This digest informs parents about how to help their child learn mathematics. It discusses what children are learning in mathematics and provides parents with some guidance and World Wide Web resources that can benefit them in assisting their child. Featured topics include setting an example of the usefulness of math, helping children see the math around them, providing a place and resources for study, and helping children with their homework. (ASK) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Minorities in Science and Math. ERIC Digest.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Looking to the year 2000 and beyond, this digest explores the lack of individuals entering the fields of science, especially underrepresented minority students such as Blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians. Sections include: (1) “Changing Demographics”; (2) “Status of Minorities in Science”; (3) “Barriers to Success”; (4) “Transforming Teaching and Learning”; (5) “Suggestions for Teachers”; (6) “Parental Involvement”; and (7) “The Challenge.” (CCM) Link til kilde