Eric.ed.gov – Evaluation of the Teacher Incentive Fund: Final Report on Implementation and Impacts of Pay-for-Performance across Four Years. NCEE 2018-4004

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) provides grants to support performance-based compensation systems for teachers and principals in high-need schools. The study measures the impact of pay-for-performance bonuses as part of a comprehensive compensation system within a large, multisite random assignment study design. The treatment schools were to fully implement their performance-based compensation system. The control schools were to implement the same performance-based compensation system with one exception–the pay-for-performance bonus component was replaced with a one percent bonus paid to all educators regardless of performance. The report provides implementation and impact information after four school years. Implementation was similar across the four years, with most districts implementing at least three of the four required components for teachers. In a subset of 10 districts participating in the random assignment… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Evaluation of the Teacher Incentive Fund: Final Report on Implementation and Impacts of Pay-for-Performance across Four Years: Executive Summary. NCEE 2018-4005

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) provides grants to support performance-based compensation systems for teachers and principals in high-need schools. The study measures the impact of pay-for-performance bonuses as part of a comprehensive compensation system within a large, multisite random assignment study design. The treatment schools were to fully implement their performance-based compensation system. The control schools were to implement the same performance-based compensation system with one exception–the pay-for-performance bonus component was replaced with a one percent bonus paid to all educators regardless of performance. The report provides implementation and impact information after four school years. Implementation was similar across the four years, with most districts implementing at least three of the four required components for teachers. In a subset of 10 districts participating in the random assignment… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Monsters, Learning Trails, Games and Interventions: Some of the Teaching and Learning Resources Developed by Teachers in the Mathematics for Learning Inclusion Program

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article describes some of the features of the Mathematics for Learning Inclusion program. The program is designed to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics in clusters of primary schools serving low socio-economic communities (low SES). Specifically, it aims to improve the engagement and learning outcomes for low SES and Aboriginal learners by enhancing the capacity of primary teachers in the effective and inclusive teaching of mathematics. (Contains 4 figures.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – What Are the Requirements for Pre-Service Qualifications and for Professional Development for In-Service Educators in STEM Subjects? 50-State Comparison: State K-3 Policies

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Following a high-quality early care and pre-K experience, the kindergarten-through-third-grade years set the foundation upon which future learning builds; and strengthening this continuum creates opportunities for later success. Key components of a quality experience in K-3 include school readiness and transitions, kindergarten requirements, educator quality, prevention, intervention and assessments, and social and emotional learning and mental health. Education Commission of the States researched the policies and regulations that guide these key components in all 50 states to provide this comprehensive resource and many others. The data in this document show at least 20 states require some form of math knowledge for pre-service teacher candidates. Five additional states only require professional development in math for in-service teachers, with three states having requirements for both teacher candidates and current… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Preparing Educators and School Leaders for Effective Arts Integration. Education Trends

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The discretion provided to states under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) offers new possibilities for policymakers to determine how best to allocate resources and support policies to provide students with a well-rounded education. As states begin to examine new strategies for improving student outcomes and developing the next generation of innovative, socially conscious citizens, policymakers frequently ask how to effectively accomplish this. Increasing access to arts in education by integrating it with other courses–such as math, science and language arts–is one strategy to consider. Integrating arts education–which includes dance, music, theater, media arts and visual arts–has proven beneficial in improving student learning and developing thinking skills and capacities, as well as supporting the civic skills necessary to contribute as a member of a diverse community. Expanding… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Impact of the Developing Mathematical Ideas Professional Development Program on Grade 4 Students’ and Teachers’ Understanding of Fractions. REL 2017-256

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Contemporary state math standards emphasize that students must demonstrate an understanding of the mathematical ideas underlying the computations that have typically been the core of the elementary school math curriculum. The standards have put an increased emphasis on the study of fractions in upper elementary grades, which are the years during which students build a strong foundation in fractions concepts. At the same time, the National Mathematics Advisory Panel (2008) cites limited understanding of fractions as the key reason for the high failure rate in algebra courses. Longitudinal data from both the United States and the United Kingdom have demonstrated that knowledge of fractions in the elementary grades plays a powerful role in subsequent success in algebra, the gateway to math achievement in high school. Members of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Improving Middle Grades STEM Teacher Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Practices through a School-University Partnership

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper outlines a University-School District partnership with the intent to increase the number of middle grades mathematics and science teachers. This externally funded initiative includes onsite, authentically situated professional development for pre- and in-service teachers at three different urban, low-socioeconomic schools with a majority Hispanic population of students. Program objectives include increasing mathematics and science content knowledge, increasing self-efficacy in teaching math and science, building and incorporating a success-driven school culture and infrastructure to increase student performance in a well-articulated, scalable and transformable model. Program components include site based common planning times, STEM Thursdays where science and mathematics lessons are practiced and refined, authentic summer research opportunities for pre- and in-service teachers to work with scientists and university faculty, teacher certification workshops and a mentoring model… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Rutgers University Research Experience for Teachers in Engineering: Preliminary Findings

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In addressing the nation’s need for a more technologically-literate society, the Rutgers University Research Experience for Teachers in Engineering (RU RET-E) is designed to: (1) engage middle and high school math and science teachers in innovative “green” engineering research during the summer, and (2) support teachers in integrating their research experiences into their academic year, precollege classrooms. The current paper addresses the following two questions: (1) To what extent did RU RET-E impact participants? and (2) To what extent did participants implement resulting lesson plans? During the 2011 summer, seventeen math and science teachers (RU RET-E Fellows) engaged in “green” research alongside faculty and graduate students. Teachers were required to apply to the program in pairs as one math and one science teacher from the same school.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Multisite Cluster Randomized Trial of the Effects of CompassLearning Odyssey[R] Math on the Math Achievement of Selected Grade 4 Students in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Final Report. NCEE 2009-4068

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In an effort to identify instructional methods that might improve mathematics learning at the grade 4 level when used in a variety of educational settings under typical conditions, the REL Mid-Atlantic research team looked for promising, replicable practices that were being used broadly by teachers in U.S. schools, for which research showed promising results but had not been conducted using methodologies that can establish causal relationships. CompassLearning’s Odyssey[R] Math product met all of these criteria. Odyssey Math is a computer-based math curriculum developed by CompassLearning, Inc., to improve math learning for K-12 students. The software consists of a web-accessed series of learning activities, assessments, and math tools. These components constitute the basic framework of the software. CompassLearning professional development trainers presented the learning activities, math tools, and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Student Achievement Data and Findings, as Reported in Math and Science Partnerships’ Annual and Evaluation Reports

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A primary feature of the Math and Science Partnership Program Evaluation (MSP PE) is the examination of K-12 student achievement changes associated with the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Program. This article describes one of three complementary assessments of K-12 student achievement being conducted by the MSP-PE, and consists of a synthesis of student achievement findings reported by the MSP projects themselves (the other two assessments also are described in this volume). The assessment described in this article covers 39 of the 48 MSP project awards made by NSF from 2002 to 2004. Data sources included the MSP projects’ annual and evaluation reports submitted to NSF through 2006-07 and research manuscripts developed by the MSPs for presentation at three MSP evaluation conferences. A… Continue Reading