Eric.ed.gov – Catalyst Schools Research Study: Technical Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In January 2012, the West Virginia Governor’s Office released an influential report, “Education Efficiency Audit of West Virginia’s Primary and Secondary Education System,” written by Public Works (2012), a management consulting company headquartered in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Based largely on this report, the West Virginia Legislature passed education reform legislation, which was signed into law by the Governor in spring 2013. The Catalyst School Research Study examined the initial stage of an initiative that grew out of that reform. The Transforming Professional Learning initiative focused on changing the way the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) defined professional learning and the ways major providers involved themselves in the professional learning of educators in the state, especially the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) and regional education service… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – WWC Review of the Report “Longitudinal Evaluation of a Scale-up Model for Teaching Mathematics with Trajectories and Technologies.” What Works Clearinghouse Single Study Review

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The 2012 study, “Longitudinal Evaluation of a Scale-Up Model for Teaching Mathematics with Trajectories and Technologies,” examined the effects of “Technology-enhanced, Research-based, Instruction, Assessment, and professional Development (TRIAD),” a math intervention for preschoolers that combines a curriculum, a software-based teaching tool, and in-person teacher professional development. “TRIAD” is designed for young children, particularly those at risk of low math achievement. The study also included an assessment of whether continuing the intervention through kindergarten improved math achievement at the end of kindergarten. To measure these effects, two versions of the intervention were delivered: (a) “TRIAD” no follow-through (“TRIAD-NFT”), where children only received “TRIAD” in preschool; and (b) “TRIAD” follow-through (“TRIAD-FT”), where children received “TRIAD” in both preschool and kindergarten. Forty-two schools from Buffalo, NY, and Boston, MA were… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math In-Service Training for Adult Educators.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In a series of mathematics education workshops in which teachers from adult basic education and vocational education worked together to design teaching situations on particular contents in mathematics in order to make explicit and bring into reflection the teaching strategies used by each group. The workshops constituted a common space of interaction for jointly designing teaching situations and creating common discourses that narrowed the distance between normative curriculum and actual teaching or real curriculum. In order for adult educators to teach effectively they must fulfill the following conditions: (1) they must provide a context for the teaching; (2) the knowledge taught must constitute a solution adapted to the problem; (3) there must be didactic variables that lead to the development of logic in a fruitful way; and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Influence of Self-Efficacy on School Culture, Science Achievement, and Math Achievement among Inservice Teachers.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The study contains a total of 44 inservice or practicing teachers who were enrolled in professional development courses. A novel survey was created to determine a teacher’s perspective of his/her school culture, as well as to measure a teacher’s science achievement, math achievement, science self-efficacy, and math self-efficacy. The survey was administered at the beginning and end of the Physics and Integrated Math and Science Methods courses. Results show the changes of math and science self-efficacy beliefs and school culture beliefs. At the end of the Physics and Integrated Science and Math Methods courses, the inservice teachers believed they could motivate students to enjoy math/science, and the teachers also felt competent to answer questions about math/science experiments. The inservice teachers felt they could assist their colleagues with… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – To Educate All Children (TEACH), 2015-2016. Research Educational Program Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: To Educate All Children (TEACH) provides educators with intensive one-on-one training in classroom culture, focusing on de-escalation, conflict resolution, nonverbal communication, and building student’s self confidence. Through intensive educator training, TEACH helps educators create safe, calm learning environments for students (TEACH, n.d.). Trained educators develop skills that support positive classroom management. Consequently, it is expected that schools experience a decrease in student disciplinary referrals, calmer and more productive classrooms, and improvements in student achievement. Research has shown that students’ perceptions of teacher support play a central role in feeling connected to school and to socio-emotional well-being (Stracuzzi and Mills, 2010). Student connectedness also has been found to protect students against risky and problem behaviors in school (Catalano, Haggerty, Oesterle, Fleming, & Hawkins, 2004; CDC, 2009). There is… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Impact of School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports on Student Behavior in the Middle Grades

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Research shows that school-wide positive behavior supports (SWPBS) can be an effective alternative to traditional reactive, punitive approaches to problem behavior. However, few studies examine the use of the approach as part of a comprehensive school improvement process involving academic as well as behavioral goals, particularly with regard to use of data-driven decision making and data teams. This article describes the efforts of a low-performing middle school in establishing preventative measures and interventions within such a framework. Results indicate a reduction in teacher discipline referrals and student suspensions, including those involving students with disabilities and statistically significant improvement on 30 of 47 items of a school climate and student resiliency survey. In addition, school scores on state mastery tests in both reading and math improved by 25%… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – 2011-12 District Improvement Initiatives Evaluation. Eye on Evaluation. D&A Report No.12.12

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Seven district improvement initiatives were implemented in 2011-12 in the Wake County Public School System (WCPSS). All were well designed and coordinated, with common goal setting processes and use of common monitoring tools. All initiatives either met or partially met 2011-12 goals. Some were more successful in showing student outcomes, with the most positive initiatives being elementary mathematics and adolescent literacy. These results should be used to influence future decisions about continuation or strengthening of these efforts. New components that were well received and implemented by those trained (but which did not have achievement results as yet) should also be considered for future funding. Appended are: (1) SIOP® Training and 6 Tables; (2) LEA AYP Results; (3) Elementary Math Coach Initiative with Results and Elementary Math Outcomes;… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Year 1 State Report: California

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Center on Standards, Alignment, Instruction, and Learning (C-SAIL) examines how college- and career-readiness (CCR) standards are implemented, whether they improve student learning, and what instructional tools measure and support their implementation. Established in July 2015 and funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education, C-SAIL has worked closely with its five partner states–California, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Ohio, and Texas–to explore their experiences with CCR standards-based reform, particularly regarding students with disabilities (SWDs) and English language learners (ELLs). This report examines how the state of California is continuing CCR standards implementation during a time of transition. For the purposes of this report and in keeping with C-SAIL’s focus, the concentration is on implementation of California’s English language arts (ELA) and math standards.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Developing Effective STEM Professional Development Programs

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: To help the United States stay globally competitive in terms of innovation and invention, the teaching of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) has become a priority in P-12 education today. As the need for students to become stronger in STEM grows, so does the need for well-qualified STEM teachers who understand what is needed to develop relevant and high-quality STEM programs. Professional development (PD) can offer opportunities for those involved in the teaching of STEM to learn how to effectively integrate various instructional approaches, including “engineering design” into their teaching and learning environments. Professional development is important to STEM education, especially in the areas of technology and engineering. If engineering is to be recognized as an integral part of science, technology, and math education, stakeholders, organizations… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Changing Mindsets: Evaluation Report and Executive Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Changing Mindsets project sought to improve academic attainment by supporting pupils to develop a growth mindset: the belief that intelligence is not a fixed characteristic and can be increased through effort. Previous research (Good et al., 2003; Blackwell et al., 2007) has suggested that holding this belief enables pupils to work harder and achieve better results. The project consisted of two separate interventions: (1) an intervention that taught pupils directly about the malleability of intelligence through six workshops, which were delivered by undergraduates from the University of Portsmouth, and four further sessions delivered by two local organisations: the Education Business Partnership, and Pompey Study Centre (now called Portsmouth in the Community); and (2) a professional development course that trained teachers on approaches to developing and reinforcing… Continue Reading