Eric.ed.gov – Girls and Math: Enough Is Known for Action. Women’s Educational Equity Act Publishing Center Digest.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This digest addresses the issue of sex differences in mathematics achievement in K-12 students. The problem is discussed in three sections. The first section examines the progress that has been made in narrowing the gap between girls’ and boys’ achievement in mathematics and the numbers of women and men who enter mathematics-related careers. Issues addressed include the failure of research to find any inherent differences in girls’ and boys’ abilities in mathematics, the underrepresentation of women in mathematics-related fields, strategies to motivate girls to take more mathematics courses, and strategies to encourage girls to consider mathematical and scientific careers. The second section offers innovative approaches in mathematics education funded by the Women’s Educational Equity Act (WEEA) Project. A list of the products mentioned in the article is… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Formative Evaluation in the Development of a Math Anxiety Reduction Program.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Teacher Education and Mathematics project, funded by the Women’s Educational Equity Act, developed curriculum materials to increase mathematical knowledge and confidence, increase the perception of mathematics as a female domain, reduce math anxiety, and develop skills in identifying and counteracting sex bias in mathematics instruction. To develop effective materials, a formative evaluation was to document materials’ use at each stage of development, to assess student responses to materials, to collect judgment of external experts, and to collect reactions and suggestions of instructors who used the materials. Evaluation issues explored in this paper are: reliance on observer descriptions and participant ratings, effects on students and instructional staff of intensive observations, effects on students of frequent requests for feedback and evaluative reactions, and the extent to which professionals… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Working Together, Making Changes: Working in and out of School To Encourage Girls in Math and Science. Encouraging Girls in Math and Science Series.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This brochure, one in a series of four, is designed to assist people working in schools and in the community as they work together to encourage girls in mathematics, science, and engineering. Six sections discuss the reasons for and ways to work together to make changes. The first section describes what special programs can offer schools, and reciprocally, what schools offer special programs. The second section offers a rationale for making changes that will attract more women into mathematics and science related fields. The third section provides seven suggestions, based on evaluation and research, that help make collaboration work, and identifies five practices that, based on experience, should not be done. The fourth section presents a model that has enabled teachers to double the amount of hands-on… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Approximation and Estimation. A Course to Reduce Math Anxiety and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Elementary Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) content module focuses on approximation and estimation. It consists of: (1) an instructor’s text; (2) an instructor’s guide and solutions to student exercises; (3) student materials and exercises; and (4) student summary and review. The instructor’s text provides specific directions for guiding lessons and commentary on mathematics content and mathematics attitudes. This is accomplished by a “facing pages” format whereby the right-hand page provides step-by-step teaching directives while the left-hand page provides teaching insights, other options of instruction, and psychological or attitudinal strategies, when appropriate. The instructor’s text also contains content objectives, specified to indicate the scope and structure of the module, and student evaluation materials. The instructor’s guide and solutions to exercises provides teaching approaches and solutions to problems. Student… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Choice and Chance. A Course to Reduce Math Anxiety and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Elementary Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) content module focuses on probability. It consists of: (1) an instructor’s text; (2) an instructor’s guide and solutions to student exercises; (3) student materials and exercises; and (4) student summary and review. The instructor’s text provides specific directions for guiding lessons and commentary on mathematics content and mathematics attitudes. This is accomplished by a “facing pages” format whereby the right-hand page provides step-by-step teaching directives while the left-hand page provides teaching insights, other options of instruction, and psychological or attitudinal strategies, when appropriate. The instructor’s text also contains content objectives, specified to indicate the scope and structure of the module, and student evaluation materials. The instructor’s guide and solutions to exercises provides approaches and solutions to problems. Student materials and exercises… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Women as Mathematicians. A Course to Reduce Math Anxiety and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Elementary Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) module is designed to increase awareness of the fact that, historically, women have contributed to mathematical knowledge and mathematics education, that they continue to do so at the present time, and that these women may serve as important role models. It contains an instructor’s text and student materials. The instructor’s text provides (1) specific directions for the instructor to follow in guiding lessons and (2) commentary designed to help in building positive mathematics attitudes. The directions tell how to proceed step-by-step, while the commentary articulates a philosophy and provides explanations, attitudinal interventions, and instructional alternatives. This is accomplished with a special “facing pages” format. The right-hand page provides teaching directives, while the left-hand page, “commentary and notes” (or just “notes” when… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The EQUALS Teacher Education Program.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper describes the EQUALS teacher education program to assist educators in increasing participation of females in mathematics courses. The goal of the program was to increase educators’ awareness of the issues surrounding the problem of mathematics avoidance among females, and particularly the future consequences for those students who avoided mathematics. Teaching strategies and materials were provided to actively engage students in doing mathematics and understanding the relevance of math to their future career options. The materials were presented in a workshop format to K-12 educators, as well as counselors, curriculum specialists, and principals. The impact of the workshop on participating educators was measured by surveying their satisfaction with program elements, their implementation of program activities, and their continued professional growth. (Author/DS) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Math + Science + Technology = Vocational Preparation for Girls: A Difficult Equation to Balance.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Females are underrepresented in courses in mathematics, science, and computer and other high technology applications. Research in the last decade has identified a variety of factors that contribute to females’ lack of participation in math, science, and technology. These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: stereotypic images and expectations, lack of self-confidence, peer pressure, learning environment, teacher behavior, lack of female role models, failure to see relevance, attributional style or personal responsibility, and lack of incentives. The following strategies can address these issues: (1) parents’, teachers’, and counselors’ efforts to dispel stereotypes; (2) improvement of self-confidence; (3) use of peer pressure by making success in math and science prestigious; (4) enhancement of the learning environment; (5) equalization of teacher behavior; (6) provision of female… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Women, Mathematics, and Careers. A Course to Reduce Math Anxiety and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Elementary Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) module focuses on women, mathematics, and careers. Module goals include (among others) increasing students’ awarenesss of the role that mathematics plays in almost all careers and their ability to pinpoint mathematics behaviors used in specific careers. The module consists of an instructor’s text and student materials. The instructor’s text provides (1) specific directions for guiding the lessons and (2) commentary designed to help teachers build positive mathematics attitudes. The format is one of “facing pages” whereby the right-hand page provides step-by-step teaching directives and the left-hand page furnishes commentary that articulates a philosophy, provides explanations, and suggests psychological approaches. The “commentary and notes” page also allots space for the instructor’s use and when no commentary applies, the entire page is alloted… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Daughters with Disabilities: A Professional Development Model To Reframe Science, Math, and Technology Education for Girls with Disabilities.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report describes a program created specifically to address the fact that individuals with disabilities, especially girls, have been widely under-served and under-educated in the areas of science, math, and technology. The “Daughters with Disabilities” project was designed to encourage more girls with disabilities from five inner-city schools to prepare for careers in science, math, and technology by: (1) increasing the interests and achievement in science, math, and technology of girls in special education classes at the five participating schools; (2) enhancing existing science, math, and technology curricula for girls with disabilities in urban settings; (3) introducing and teaching the concept of “pre-transition” knowledge in the science, math, and technology areas; and (4) creating a network of support and training for pre-service and in-service special and regular… Continue Reading