Eric.ed.gov – Early High School Dropouts: What Are Their Characteristics? Data Point. NCES 2015-066

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Data Point utilizes data from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09), a nationally representative, longitudinal study of more than 23,000 ninth-graders in 2009. HSLS:09 surveyed students, their parents, math and science teachers, school administrators, and school counselors. The study included information about students who were enrolled in school in the fall term of 2009 as ninth-graders and who were not enrolled in school and had not earned a regular high school diploma or alternative credential such as a GED in spring 2012, when they should have been 11th-graders. These students are referred to as “dropouts” in this report Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – A Case Study: Teaching Engineering Concepts in Science. Research in Engineering and Technology Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study was conducted to describe a teacher developed high school engineering course, to identify teaching strategies used in the process of delivering math and science literacy through this course, to identify challenges and constraints that occurred during its development and delivery, and to describe the strategies that were used to overcome those obstacles. A case study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with the engineering instructor at Benilde-St. Margaret’s in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. In addition, the researcher conducted classroom observations and reviewed instructional materials, teacher lesson plans, and teacher journals. Themes that developed regarding the strategies used to deliver this particular course identified that concepts created its platform for delivery, curricular trial and error was at work, science and engineering competitions were leveraged as a basis… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – English Transition Courses in Context: Preparing Students for College Success. CCRC Research Brief

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Transition curricula are courses, learning modules, or online tutorials typically developed jointly by secondary and postsecondary faculty and offered no later than 12th grade to students at risk of being placed into remedial math or English programs in college. Based on interviews and other data, this brief describes key elements of English transition curricula in seven states. In discussing six trends that are salient in the development and implementation of transition curricula, the brief also highlights the different ways that this intervention may serve to help prepare students for college. English transition curricula are usually aligned to rigorous K-12 content standards and tend to emphasize college-level writing skills more than other content areas. Some transition curricula also incorporate contextualized learning, teach nonacademic skills that are valuable for… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Building Guided Pathways to Community College Student Success: Promising Practices and Early Evidence from Tennessee

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Among state community college systems, the 13 community colleges under the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) are probably the furthest along in implementing guided pathways reforms. All 13 colleges are implementing what they call “Tennessee completion practices”–reforms to help students choose, enter, navigate, and complete programs that prepare them for further education and careers. This report describes how the colleges are operationalizing the Tennessee completion practices in their own contexts, as well as how trends in leading indicators of student completion have changed since the reforms began. Drawing on colleges’ detailed self-assessments of their progress and telephone interviews with college administrators, staff, and faculty, the authors discuss how far along the colleges are in implementing completion practices in each of the four major areas of guided pathways… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Who Repeats Algebra, and How Does Initial Performance Relate to Improvement When the Course Is Repeated?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The information provided in this report shows how students perform when they repeat algebra I and how the level of improvement varies depending on initial course performance and the academic measure (course grades or CST scores). This information can help inform decisions and policies regarding whether and under what circumstances students should repeat the course. The study examined four research questions: (1) How many students repeat algebra I after taking it for the first time?; (2) How do student characteristics (such as race/ethnicity, gender, grade 7 math performance and initial algebra I performance) relate to the likelihood of repeating algebra I?; (3) How well do students perform when they repeat algebra I compared with the first time they took the course?; and (4) How does that difference… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Investigation of the Reasons for Students’ Attitudes towards the Interactive Whiteboard Use in Mathematics Classrooms

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The aim of this study is to investigate the reasons of the students’ attitudes towards interactive whiteboard (IWB) use in mathematics classrooms in middle schools and high schools. For this purpose the effect of IWB’s features, students’ mathematics anxiety, teachers’ ICT integration, students’ mathematics achievement and gender to students’ attitudes towards use of interactive whiteboard were investigated. This study is a descriptive research designed as a relational survey method. The research sampling consisted of 350 students in middle schools and 557 students in high schools in Balikesir. The Attitude and Characteristics of IWB scale to measure the students’ attitudes and the perceived features of IWB was used. Also the Mathematics Anxiety scale that consists of five items was used to measure students’ mathematics anxiety. To determine the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Effect of Flipped Classroom Model on Students’ Achievement in the New 2016 Scholastic Assessment Test Mathematics Skills

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The flipped classroom model has become more popular and one of the focus of many researchers and teachers in the recent years. The aim of current study is to explore the effect of flipped classroom model on students’ achievements in the new SAT 2016 mathematics skills (Heart of Algebra, Problem solving and data analysis, and Passport to Advanced Math) for the eleventh grade Emirati female students in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. Specifically, this study aims at determining whether there was a statistically significant difference in student achievements in the new SAT mathematics skills between two groups of grade 11 students. Thus, pretest/posttest quasi-experimental design was applied. The experimental group was taught by flipped classroom model, and the control group was taught by traditional instruction methods. The… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Investigating the Usage Patterns of Algebra Nation Tutoring Platform

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: We study the usage of a self-guided online tutoring platform called Algebra Nation, which is widely by middle school and high school students who take the End-of-Course Algebra I exam at the end of the school year. This article aims to study how the platform contributes to increasing students’ exam scores by examining users’ logs over a three year period. The platform under consideration was used by more than 36,000 students in the first year, to nearly 67,000 by the third year, thus enabling us to examine how usage patterns evolved and influenced students’ performance at scale. We first identify which Algebra Nation usage factors in conjunction with math overall preparation and socioeconomic factors contribute to the students’ exam performance. Subsequently, we investigate the effect of increased… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Student Approaches Resulting from Integration of Cultural Context into Transformation Geometry Activities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study is to investigate how students’ in senior grade of the high school participate in and interpret the transformational geometry activities integrated with cultural context. 5 students in senior grade participated in this study, all of whom live in Aydin district of Turkey. The main design of the study is qualitative. Participant students of the study involved in 9 different rotational geometry and culture integrated activities, 7 of which were performed as student activity sheets, 2 of which were performed as cultural games. 2 of the activities were constructed as a result of pilot study applied to 28 senior students by their math teacher. To collect data about how students participated in and made interpretations about the activities; various data collection tools such… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – West Virginia University’s Health Sciences and Technology Academy

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article describes the Health Sciences and Technology Academy, an outreach and engagement program by West Virginia University to encourage higher education faculty members and administrators, public school teachers, and community leaders to assume the responsibility of mentoring high school students. The primary goal is to increase the college going rate among underrepresented students in West Virginia. Additional goals are to improve science and math skill acquisition, to empower communities through leadership development of their youth, and to increase the number of health care providers as well as the number of math and science educators in West Virginia’s currently underserved communities. Link til kilde