Eric.ed.gov – Math at Work: Using Numbers on the Job

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Math is used in many occupations. And, experts say, workers with a strong background in mathematics are increasingly in demand. That equals prime opportunity for career-minded math enthusiasts. This article describes how math factors into careers. The first section talks about some of the ways workers use math in the workplace. The second section focuses on three occupations that use math: (1) cryptologists; (2) health data analysts; and (3) math teachers. A third section highlights reasons why workers enjoy their math-related careers and discusses some of their challenges. And a final section suggests sources for more information. (Contains 2 tables.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Enhancing Collaboration among Math and Career and Technical Education Teachers: Is Technology the Answer?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teacher collaboration has been recognized as a vital component to student success. This project represents an evaluation of the researchers’ initial efforts toward providing in-service education for teachers focused on collaboration between math and CTE teachers. The purpose of this study was to (1) describe selected characteristics of secondary teachers of math and CTE, (2) describe their perceptions concerning the “value of” and their “willingness to implement” the instructional practices and activities presented during a professional development seminar, and (3) assess their views about the use of emerging technology for teacher collaboration. Survey responses indicated that using the Math-in-CTE Model was valued. Overall, respondents valued technology but seemed a bit reserved about the likelihood of implementing and using technology. Results imply that teachers with positive attitudes and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Attitudes of Computer Education and Instructional Technology Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) Departments train computer teachers to fill gap of computer instructor in all grades of schools in Turkey. Additionally graduates can also work as instructional technologist or software developer. The curriculum of CEIT departments includes mathematics courses. The aim of this study is to identify attitudes of undergraduate students at CEIT departments towards math. In order to investigate the research question quantitative methods was used. Specifically survey research was preferred. Mathematics Attitude Questionnaire (MAQ) that was developed by Duatepe and Cilesiz (1999) was used and the questionnaire includes 38 items. The instrument was conducted with 122 undergraduate students from CEIT departments of four different universities in Turkey in the spring semester of 2010-2011. Data were analyzed through independent samples t-test and one-way… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Large-Scale Professional Development towards Emancipatory Mathematics: The Genesis of YuMi Deadly Maths

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper describes the genesis of YuMi Deadly Maths, a school change process that has been used in over 200 schools to develop mathematics teaching and learning to improve students’ employment and life chances. The paper discusses the YuMi Deadly Maths approach to mathematics content and pedagogy, implemented through a process of PD and school change, and looks at the strengths and weaknesses of the process and the challenges it faces. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Determining Quantity and Strength of Relationships between STEM Camp Participants and the Math Student Camp Leaders

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: There is a global issue concerning the disparity in educational achievement associated with the socioeconomic status of students, known in the U.S. as the Achievement Gap. This Achievement Gap highly correlates with what has been called the Opportunity Gap for professional careers. This paper discusses this Opportunity Gap and how the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO) is addressing the gap at a local level through summer STEM camps. Specifically, this paper looks at the increase of social capital of the participants of the UNO and Girls Inc. Eureka-STEM! summer camp through the development of instructional relationships between underserved girls ages 12-14 and UNO’s Institutional Agents, namely the Mathematics student camp leaders who were also pursuing teacher certification. A new assessment approach through the use of Social Network… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – “Maths Inside”: A Project to Raise Interest in Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this paper, we provide an overview of the “Maths Inside” project, funded by the Australian Maths and Science Partnership Program (AMSPP). The overall aim of the AMSPP is to improve uptake and participation of students in mathematics and science at secondary and tertiary levels. In this research project, we aim to improve student interest in mathematics and support mathematics teachers in their professional learning, through provision of rich and investigative learning resources, including video case studies of CSIRO scientists and mathematicians. Data collection on the outcomes of the project is ongoing and will be reported in subsequent papers. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – “I Was in Year 5 and I Failed Maths”: Identifying the Range and Causes of Maths Anxiety in First Year Pre-Service Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Mathematics anxiety affects primary pre-service teachers’ engagement with and future teaching of mathematics. The study aimed to assess the level and range of mathematics anxiety in first year pre-service teachers entering their teacher education course, and to investigate the sources of this anxiety as perceived and identified by them. Data collection methods included the RMARS survey, and Critical Incident Technique. The results indicate that the most common negative impacts on pre-service teacher mathematical self-concept involved experiences with teachers. However, their current mathematics anxiety is most commonly aroused under testing or evaluation situations. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – End the Math Wars

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In 1999, Richard Lee Colvin published an article in “The School Administrator” titled “Math Wars: Tradition vs. Real-World Applications” that described the pendulum swing of mathematics education reform. On one side are those who advocate for computational fluency, with a step-by-step emphasis on numbers and skills and the algebra-geometry-trigonometry-calculus sequence. On the other side are those who think students must engage with real-world problems that employ a variety of mathematical disciplines and deep learning of math concepts that comes from struggling with complex problems, comparing multiple solution paths, and learning from trial and error. To understand what it will take to bring the two sides of the mathematics debate together, first consider the approach each side takes to improve student achievement. One side wants to focus mostly… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Strengthening Maths Learning Dispositions through ‘Math Clubs’

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this paper, I argue that the establishment of after-school mathematics clubs in early grades holds rich potential for supporting the development of increasingly participatory and sensemaking maths learning dispositions. Within the South African Numeracy Chair project, lead by the author, multiple after-school mathematics clubs have been set up for learners in Grades 3-6 across Eastern Cape schools. These clubs are a complementary initiative to teacher development, aimed at improving low levels of numeracy learning across the majority of schools in the province. Two sources of data, learner interviews and teacher questionnaires, from one case study club, are shared in this article to illuminate the potential such clubs hold in developing increasingly participatory mathematics learning dispositions. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Stories about Math: An Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Autobiographies

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper analyzes 16 preservice secondary mathematics education majors’ mathematical autobiographies. Participants wrote about their previous experiences with mathematics. All participants discussed why they wanted to become mathematics teachers with the key factors being past experience with mathematics teachers, previous success in mathematics classes, and the intrinsic rewards associated with helping others with mathematics problems. Link til kilde