Eric.ed.gov – Inspiring Minds through a Professional Alliance of Community Teachers (IMPACT): Evaluation Results of the Cohort 1 Math and Science Apprentice Teachers. CRESST Report 826

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This evaluation reports findings from a study of a UCLA teacher education program called IMPACT, Inspiring Minds through a Professional Alliance of Community Teachers. To measure program quality and goal attainment, the evaluation team used a comprehensive, multiple measures approach which included instructional artifacts, classroom logs, measures of pedagogical content knowledge, performance assessments, and teaching attitudes and beliefs. The evaluation team found that math and science teacher apprentices who completed the IMPACT program generally had a positive opinion of the program and applied what they learned in the classroom to their teaching. However, the team also found that the program did not significantly increase the pedagogical content knowledge of teachers nor contribute to substantial changes in teacher instructional strategies across lessons. Differences found in the experience and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Final Report of the Impacts of the National Math + Science Initiative’s (NMSI’s) College Readiness Program on High School Students’ Outcomes

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The National Math + Science Initiative’s (NMSI’s) College Readiness Program (CRP) is an established program whose goal is to promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education in high schools to improve students’ readiness for college. It provides teacher, student, and school supports to promote high school students’ success in mathematics, science, and English Advanced Placement (AP) courses, with a focus on students who are traditionally underrepresented in the targeted AP courses. Through a federal Investing in Innovation Fund (i3) validation grant awarded to NMSI in 2011, CRP was implemented in a total of 58 high schools in two states–Colorado and Indiana–beginning in the 2012-13 school year. American Institutes for Research (AIR) conducted an independent evaluation of the impacts of CRP on students’ AP outcomes in these schools… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Making Pre-K Count: Improving Math Instruction in New York City

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In the context of a persistent achievement lag among low-income children despite substantial investments in early education, policymakers and practitioners continue to seek ways to improve the quality of children’s preschool experiences. The Making Pre-K Count study addresses whether strengthening prekindergarten (pre-K) instruction in math, hypothesized to be a “linchpin” skill in children’s development, can improve children’s short- and longer-term learning. Specifically, the study rigorously evaluated the effect of an evidence-based math curriculum called Building Blocks along with ongoing training and in-classroom coaching, relative to the typical pre-K experience. Making Pre-K Count took place in 69 pre-K sites and over 170 classrooms across New York City. Thirty-five of the pre-K sites were assigned to receive the math curriculum, training, and coaching over two years (the “BB-MPC” group),… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Assessing Course Redesign: The Case of Developmental Math

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Higher education institutions have taken to redesigning high-enrollment, introductory courses to improve student learning outcomes, student success, and degree completion. This paper presents findings from the assessment of course redesign by focusing on the case of developmental math at a large community college. The college adopted modularization, a common course redesign method in which concepts are disaggregated into modules and delivered through computer software. Preliminary results from the quantitative analysis of student performance in redesigned courses have been mixed. The study discusses faculty and student views and experiences with modular math redesign in order to complement and help illuminate the results from the quantitative analysis. Using evidence from five focus groups, one with faculty and four with students, the paper provides insights on how to help faculty… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – North Carolina Math/Science/Special Education (MSSE) $1,800 Teacher Bonus Program: An Initial Evaluation. Policy Matters

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: As in other states, many North Carolina schools face the challenge of hiring and retaining high quality teachers. Recruiting and retaining qualified teachers in math, science and special education is particularly difficult, especially for the schools serving disproportionate shares of disadvantaged or low-performing students. In 2001, North Carolina responded to these challenges by introducing a salary bonus program paying up to $1,800 to certified teachers of math, science and special education in eligible middle and high schools. To be eligible, schools had to meet one of the following criteria: more than 80 percent of its students had to receive free or reduced price lunches, or the failure rate on both Algebra 1 and Biology end-of-course tests had to exceed 50 percent. Funding for this initiative was discontinued… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Incentive Fund STEM Grant in Houston ISD: A Matched-Comparison Analysis of Math and Science STAAR Scores. Research Educational Program Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Since established by an Appropriations Act in 2006, the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) competitive grant program in the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) has supported human capital strategies “to ensure that students attending high-poverty schools have better access to effective teachers and principals, especially in hard-to-staff subject areas” such as science and math. Responding to the national agenda to improve STEM education, in 2012, the fourth cohort of the Teacher Incentive Fund federal grant competition (TIF4) included special consideration for projects designed to improve STEM education by identifying, developing, and utilizing master teachers as leaders of broader improvements (OESE, 2012a). A human capital approach to strengthening STEM education addressed the TIF4 project schools’ need for high-quality supports for student learning, and the systemic challenges to teacher retention,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Affordable Online Maths Tuition: Evaluation Report and Executive Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Affordable Online Maths Tuition” is a one-to-one tutoring programme where pupils receive maths tuition over the internet from trained maths graduates in India and Sri Lanka. It is delivered by the organisation Third Space Learning (TSL). Tutors and pupils communicate using video calling and a secure virtual classroom. Before each session, the pupils’ normal classroom teachers are able to select lessons from TSL’s maths curriculum to target individual learning issues. The intervention was targeted at Year 6 pupils who were working at Key Stage (KS) 2 level 3 or an insecure KS2 level 4, and was delivered over 27 weeks from September 2014 to May 2015 by (TSL) in an initial testing phase, with support from Nesta and Nominet Trust. The impact of the intervention was evaluated… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Evaluation of the Rural Math Excel Partnership Project Final Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This is the final external evaluation report prepared by SRI International for the Rural Math Excel Partnership (RMEP) project, an investing in innovation (i3) development project funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Operated by Virginia Advanced Study Strategies, Inc. (VASS), the RMEP project included six rural school districts (LEAs) in five Virginia counties as partners. The project goal was to develop and implement a model of shared responsibility among families, math teachers, and communities in rural areas to prepare students enrolled in Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Algebra Functions and Data Analysis (AFDA) courses for success in advanced high school and postsecondary STEM studies. The long term outcome was for students to leave school ready, at a minimum, to enroll in postsecondary programs focused on… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math in Common. Taking Stock of Common Core Math Implementation: Supporting Teachers to Shift Instruction. Insights from the Math in Common 2015 Baseline Survey of Teachers and Administrators. Formative Evaluation Cycle Report for the Math in Common Initiative: Volume 3

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Math in Common® (MiC) is a five-year initiative that supports a formal network of 10 California school districts as they implement the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics (CCSS-M) across grades K-8. In spring 2015, WestEd administered surveys to understand the perspectives on Common Core State Standards-Mathematics (CCSS-M) implementation of teachers and administrators in eight California school districts participating in the Math in Common (MiC) initiative. Over 1,000 respondents replied to the survey, about some of the initial successes and challenges facing California educators attempting to put in place and support new–and what some consider revolutionary–ideas in U.S. mathematics education. The following are appended: (1) Research Methodology and Survey Sample, and (2) Sample Survey Item and Sub-Items. Link til kilde