har udgivet: As the recession that began in 2008 continues to impact schools at every level, collaboration among educational entities is a matter of survival because public schools and universities are strapped for resources. Therefore, they must reach out and combine their efforts to provide needed services at a minimum cost. A natural partnership exists between public schools and institutions of higher learning that provide the lifeline to schools via their teacher preparation programs. When properly coordinated, collaboration between a college of education and public schools can benefit everyone involved. This article outlines the collaborative efforts between a university and a school district focusing on a math program, the eX-Games Project, a community-based project that brings together pre-service and in-service teachers, graduate students, and K-8th grade students to develop… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Integrative-STEM methodologies entail integrating multiple disciplines with active design-centric teaching and learning methods. If math anxiety is prevalent, for teachers or students, then both the level of integration and design thinking may be limited. This quantitative study of 160 preservice teachers investigated how math anxiety was impacted by (a) a required math content course, (b) instructor teaching style, and (c) academic and disciplinary major. Significance analyses included t-tests, nonparametric tests, and effect sizes. Two teaching styles were compared: a direct teaching style and a more active, problem-based teaching style. The problem-based teaching style was shown to have substantial beneficial impact on math anxiety. Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This evaluation report on the Effective Teacher Fellowship (ETF) alternative certification program (ACP). This program evaluation compared the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) and Stanford 10 test performance of student samples whose teachers participated in four types of ACPs during the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 academic years (ETF, university/community college, education service center, and private entity). The analyses of reading and mathematics achievement revealed mixed results, depending on the test and student grade level. However, among the most notable findings: (1) The 2012-2013 ETF ACP cohort outperformed students of teachers in comparison ACP cohorts as well as all Houston Independent School District (HISD) students on the 2013 STAAR 3-8 math tests (Level II phase-in I, percent met Satisfactory standards), while the university/community college ACP cohort… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In this article, the author provides results from a 3-year, longitudinal study that examined two novice bilingual teachers’ mathematics teaching practices and their professional opportunities to learn to teach. Primary data sources included videotaped mathematics lessons, teacher interviews, and field notes of their teacher preparation methods courses. Findings revealed that the teachers were oriented toward differing views of learning that shaped how they organized students’ learning of language and mathematics during classroom instruction. While both teachers used similar teaching strategies to support students’ development of mathematics specific literacies, there were variances in how the learners were positioned within the classroom community and how and which repertoires of language practices were available and used during mathematics instruction. The teachers’ differing orientations toward learning are traced to their own… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In light of the strong correlation between Kindergarten performance and later cognitive and achievement outcomes, this paper investigates the link between student achievement and the educational background characteristics of Kindergarten teachers. This study will utilize the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K), a nationally representative dataset, in order to address the following questions: (1) Does a teacher having a master’s degree or higher have a positive effect on student achievement gains in reading and math in kindergarten compared to teachers with only a bachelor’s degree?; (2) Are there effects of teacher coursework in reading, math, and child development on student achievement gains in kindergarten? If so, do impacts of coursework on reading and math scores vary by number of courses taken?; and (3) Do regular and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: MathForward™, developed in 2004-2005 in cooperation with the Richardson (TX) Independent School District, was implemented nationwide in 2007. The program integrates TI technology and professional development while focusing on student achievement and teacher efficacy. This study investigated the effect of the MathForward™ program on student achievement scores of Algebra I students from a southeast Texas high school. The specific purpose of this study was to understand whether there was an effect on students’ STARR mathematics scores, accounting for teacher professional development and years of experience. To do this, structural equation modeling (SEM) in M-plus was employed. The result of the present study showed that our model fits well to the data and the explained variance of students’ mathematics achievement (R(superscript 2) = 0.14). Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In this study, the effect of mathematics teacher candidates’ locus of control on math anxiety was tested, along with the effects of gender, achievement and class level moderators. The study was carried out according to a causal design in which locus of control was taken as an independent variable, while math anxiety was taken as the dependent variable, and gender, achievement and class levels were considered as moderator variables. The participants were 402 students from three different state universities in Turkey who were selected using a combination of convenience and purposive sampling. Data were collected from the participants using the Locus of Control Scale (LCS) and the Math Anxiety Rating Scale-Short Version (MARS-SV). A path analysis was then used to provide a combination of measurement error in… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: One of the goals of teacher education is to prepare our citizens to communicate in a variety of ways. In our present society, communication using digital media has become essential. Although online discussions are a common component of many online courses, engaging students in online discussions has been a challenge. This study queried 86 educators in a math/science teacher education graduate program to examine their perceptions on the factors that motivate them to participate in online discussions. The results revealed a pragmatic outlook on online education. In terms of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation, the participants’ main motivation to participate in online class discussions was extrinsic (85.88%), specifically so that they could earn an acceptable participation grade. With regards to discussion grouping formats, they preferred small group discussions… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The research presents a Residency Math teacher education program that has been developed in Israel in search of transforming initial teacher preparation on the Clinical-Participatory continuum. It is a “multi-phase” mixed-method research aiming to present the clinical and participatory dimensions of the TMR: the way in which they are reflected in the curriculum planning program, how Student Teachers (STs) in the program perceive the program’s clinical and participatory dimensions and the nature of the challenges that arise in the program. Tools include: Documents of the programs; observations of the practical school experiences; A closed clinical social-interactive Questionnaire and a semi-structured clinical participatory (CP) questionnaire. The findings reflect clinical-participatory concept in teacher education, both in the curricular and the socio-interactive aspects. The analysis of the clinical-participatory dimensions, including… Continue Reading →
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