har udgivet: This paper explores the pedagogy underpinning the use of laser manufacturing methods for the teaching of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) at key stage 3 design and technology. Clock making (horology) has been a popular project in design and technology (D&T) found in many schools, typically it focuses on aesthetical design elements. This paper describes a new project, which has been developed to enhance the STEM content of a horology project through advanced utilisation of laser cutting machinery. It allows pupils to produce their own products from self-made mechanical timing mechanisms. The central aim is to strengthen the application of the underlying technology of mechanisms and the manufacturing capability of laser cutting technology in D&T. Trials with schools have shown success in gaining pupils’ interest in… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This research investigates the relative effectiveness (in terms of student tested achievement) of Teach for America (TFA) teachers, and examines the validity of the criticisms of TFA. Specifically, the authors look at TFA teachers in secondary schools, and especially in math and science, where considerable program growth is planned over the next few years. Using individual level student data linked to teacher data in North Carolina, the authors estimate the effects of having a TFA teacher compared to a traditional teacher on student performance. The North Carolina data they employ are uniquely suited for this type of analysis because it includes end of course (EOC) testing for students across multiple subjects. This allows them to employ statistical methods that attempt to account for the nonrandom nature of… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The present study sought to examine the relationship between teacher quality and student achievement in public elementary schools in a community district school of the New York City. It has 23 elementary schools, more than 7,600 students and around 350 teachers. For this study, participants consist of a sample of 117 full-time teachers who were working in third, fourth and fifth grade during the 2006-2007 school year. By recognizing the link between quality teaching and student achievement, this study addressed the broad question: “What is the relationship between teacher quality and student achievement?” Methodologically, data collection was based on a standardized questionnaire developed by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). The survey used here was adapted by the researcher to explore three specific teacher quality characteristics:… Continue Reading → har udgivet: California’s shift towards continuous improvement in education makes understanding how districts and schools can learn to improve a more pressing question than ever. The CORE Improvement Community (CIC), a network of California school districts engaged in learning about improvement together, is an important testing ground to learn about what this work entails. This report continues drawing lessons from the CIC’s second year as its districts work together towards a common aim: to improve the mathematics achievement of African American and Latinx students in Grades 4-8. The CIC applies a specific continuous improvement approach, called improvement science, to support teams in reaching the aim. Improvement science, unlike many approaches to reform, is not a specific “program” designed to fix educators’ performance in a particular aspect of their work… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This State-specific summary report serves as an assessment of the Florida’s annual Race to the Top implementation. The Year 3 report for Phase 1 and 2 grantees highlights successes and accomplishments, identifies challenges, and provides lessons learned from implementation from approximately September 2012 through September 2013. In Year 3, the State continued to execute contracts and implement activities consistent with the State’s amended timelines. In Year 3, Florida implemented the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in first grade and trained approximately 13,000 educators on implementing the CCSS during summer institutes. Florida Department of Education (FDOE) continued to add CCSS-aligned resources to the Teacher Standards Instructional Tool (TSIT). The State also continued the Math Formative Assessment System (MFAS) providing Florida educators access to approximately 374 tasks and rubrics… Continue Reading → har udgivet: America’s schools are facing a critical shortage of teachers just as student enrollments are rising and more rigorous assessments of student achievement are being implemented. The shortage is especially acute in hard-to-staff schools in urban and rural areas, as well as in high-demand subjects such as math, science, and bilingual and special education. The teacher shortage is serious and real, and comes at a time when the nation’s educational system is at a crossroads. With the current emphasis on students’ academic performance and job-readiness, it is imperative that schools find and retain dedicated, high-quality teachers. These teachers must be able to teach to the highest standards while navigating complex challenges previously unknown in the profession. Examples from the field show that afterschool programs can provide current and… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This report describes the implementation of policies and initiatives supported by Title I and Title II-A of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) during the 2013-14 school year. Title I is one of the U.S. Department of Education’s largest programs, accounting for $15 billion in the 2016 federal budget. Historically, Title I has provided financial assistance to schools and districts with a high percentage of students from low-income families to help increase these students’ achievement. Title II-A of ESEA (Improving Teacher Quality State Grants) likewise provides substantial federal resources to support the education of low-income students, focusing specifically on improving educator quality. Title II-A funds may be used for teacher recruitment and retention, professional development, mentoring, induction, or class-size reduction. State grants under Title II-A… Continue Reading → har udgivet: Each edition of the IDRA Newsletter strives to provide many different perspectives on the issues in education topics discussed and to define its significance in the state and national dialogue. This issue focuses on Teaching Quality and includes: (1) Ensuring Teaching Quality in a Civil Rights Context (Bradley Scott); (2) An Unspoken Culture Clash–The Deeper Culprit of Teacher Beliefs (Veronica Betancourt and Kristin Grayson); (3) Texas Accountability–A Fast Track for Some; A Dead End for Others (Josie Danini Cortez); and (4) How One Group of Families Explored Clues about their Children’s Math Education (Aurelio M. Montemayor). (Individual articles contain resources.) Link til kilde har udgivet: Every three years the focus of the international education community shifts to the release of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). No other international study of education commands as much attention as PISA. In an age of intense global competition among information-based economies where education is increasingly viewed as an important (if not the most important) national “competitive advantage”, in less than two decades, PISA has become the widely used if inadequate proxy for the performance of education systems around the world. The OECD’s interest in education in the service of human capital development and economic growth is of course not surprising given the organization’s focus. The expansion of PISA to include the assessment of… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This report describes the implementation of policies and initiatives supported by Title I and Title II-A of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) during the 2013-14 school year. Title I is one of the U.S. Department of Education’s largest programs, accounting for $15 billion in the 2016 federal budget. Historically, Title I has provided financial assistance to schools and districts with a high percentage of students from low-income families to help increase these students’ achievement. Title II-A of ESEA (Improving Teacher Quality State Grants) likewise provides substantial federal resources to support the education of low-income students, focusing specifically on improving educator quality. Title II-A funds may be used for teacher recruitment and retention, professional development, mentoring, induction, or class-size reduction. State grants under Title II-A… Continue Reading →