tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT According to international benchmarks [Thomson, S., Wernert, N., O’Grady, E., & Rodrigues, S. (2017). TIMSS 2015: Reporting Australia’s results. Retrieved from Camberwell, Victoria: www.acer.edu.au/timss], Australia’s science education is still in decline and so the need for further investigation into preservice teachers is warranted. Utilising data from a broader mixed methods doctoral study [Norris, C. M. (2017). Exploring the impact of postgraduate preservice primary science education on students’ self-efficacy. Retrieved from http://ro.ecu.edu.au/theses/2040], this paper investigates the type of science learner entering into postgraduate preservice primary teacher education and how different learner types influence teacher self-efficacy and their effectiveness to teach science [Bleicher, R. (2009). Variable relationships among different science learners in elementary science-methods courses. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 7(2),… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In light of shortages of mathematics and science teachers, alternative certification was introduced in the mid-1980s. This study examined the effect of alternative certification among math and science teachers who moved to a different school or left the profession. This was accomplished using the national “SASS” and “TFS” databases. The results indicated that alternatively certified teachers were comparable in their commitment to their current school and the teaching profession when compared with their traditionally certified colleagues. Findings are discussed with respect to their relevance for education policy makers and school administrators. Link til kilde
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Profile analyses were used to investigate differences in the self-efficacy growth of teachers with more and less mathematics background as the teachers participated in professional development across two summers. Professional development activities were associated with increases in teachers’ self-efficacy; however, without considering mathematics knowledge for teaching, teachers with more math background tended to benefit more than those with less background. Nonetheless, teachers with less math background had higher levels of teacher self-efficacy although this gap was closed by the last measurement. Such considerations are important when designing professional development as teachers may have different needs based on specific characteristics such as preparation in their teaching domain. (Contains 3 tables and 4 figures.) Link til kilde
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this research is to propose an instructional model based on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education approach for enhancing the information and communication technology skills for elementary students in Thailand. The study was conducted by research and development design and divided into two phases: Phase I is to create a tentative model that was synthesized using the relevant documents and researches concerning the elements and steps of the model. The data was collected through interviewing eight teachers who are experts in STEM education and twenty-four students who were instructed by STEM approach. Phase II consists of proposing a tentative model to eleven experts, evaluating the model, and acquiring an approval of the model by five professionals. The findings of the research are as… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Human biomarker interpretation: the importance of intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) and their calculations based on mixed models, ANOVA, and variance estimates Link til kilde
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Based on Dewey’s theory of art, aesthetics, and experiences and photographer Barnbaums’ writing about expanded perception through photography, we conducted a one-day experimental mathematics education unit. Using photography in outdoor conditions had a positive impact on teacher students’ perception of the use of photography for teaching mathematics. To study the changes in students’ visual attention deeper, we used gaze-tracking to analyse one student’s visual attention when walking outdoors after the activity. The gaze data indicated that more visual attention was given to objects he had photographed or discussed during the group activity in comparison to other objects. Link til kilde
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A teacher preparation institution critically reviewed current programs and began moving toward a clinically based model. One focuses on Middle Grades/Secondary Math and Science, another focuses on Secondary English Language Arts, and a pilot project focuses on Elementary with a minor in either English/Language Arts or STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Link til kilde
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: We report on a German-Indonesian design research project, which aims to significantly increase the mathematical skills of secondary school students. Since results of international comparative studies have shown that there exists a relationship between metacognition and learning success, a learning environment for the beginning with secondary school mathematics in class seven has been developed, in order to significantly enhance metacognitive and discursive activities of students and teachers. The effectiveness of the approach has been tested in a secondary school several times. In this paper the theoretical background for the design of the learning environment is described, some sample exercises are presented and student productions from the project lessons analysed. Link til kilde
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The scientific substantiations of quality have been applied to models that pertain to mathematical statistics, the probability theory, the information theory, fuzzy systems, graphic methods, time series, and algebraic and numerical methods. To these, this article aims to present a new method of applying mathematical modelling in an economy based on knowledge, by using the concept of the definite integral, the composite function, and mathematical optimisation. The research methods used in the realisation of this article are bibliographic research, creation of new models, and problem-solving. Mathematical modelling, the simulation of the quality of life, etc. are methods and techniques of both theoretical and practical scientific approach, which are likely to lead to a better understanding of the role… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This work summarizes the didactic design and introductory outcomes in an educative program, involving six math and physics university courses for engineers, based on the use and construction of widgets. Widgets were generated under Project Oriented Learning and blended learning methodologies. In the program, widgets previously generated by teachers are firstly used by students to appropriate basic and middle concepts. After, students were requested to generate their own widgets to develop complex thinking skills, applying related concepts but involving alternative situations. Design was based on curriculum integration to build mathematical, technical and visual representations of the problems and concepts involved. Wolfram Alpha, Desmos and Mathtab widget developers were used to generate ad hoc activities in terms of their capabilities and course requirements. Post-test only results of students’… Continue Reading →
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