har udgivet: Schools are constantly engaged in implementing reform strategies to prepare students for postsecondary education leading to their career choices. Challenges here involve education initiatives addressing programs not strategically planned, educators not prepared for transition, and no follow-up support beyond initial implementation stages. This study examined school reform initiatives by the Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math academies toward better-quality instruction, to prepare students for post-secondary education, and in-turn, for the knowledge economy of the 21st century. The purpose of the study was to gauge the effectiveness of these academies in math, science, and engineering, and if these academies are successful educational-reform systems. Inductive data analysis was conducted from general program data and teacher interviews from one rural and one urban high school. Data were obtained through observations,… Continue Reading → har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Background: There is a shortage of people in the STEM sector, and it has been argued that more needs to be done, especially to attract girls. Furthermore, there is a need to develop twenty-first-century skills. No studies seem to have explored the combination of activities in makerspaces and the use of drama to stimulate interest in STEM and development of 21st century skills. Purpose: This study focused on a project with a unique combination of makerspace activities and the use of drama. The research questions investigated the outcomes that could be identified from combining drama and activities in a makerspace, with regard to the development of interest in STEM and twenty-first-century skills.Sample: Ten girls aged 7–11 years participated.… Continue Reading → har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Link til kilde har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Teachers around the world have started teaching programming at the K-9 level, some due to the formal introduction of programming in the national curriculum, others without such pressure and on their own initiative. In this study, we attempted to understand which skills – both CT-related and general – are developed among pupils in the process of working with programming in schools. To do so, we interviewed 19 Swedish teachers who had been teaching programming for a couple of years on their own initiative. The teachers were selected based on their experience in teaching programming. Our thematic analysis of these interviews shed light on what skills teachers perceive pupils develop when programming. This led us to identify three themes… Continue Reading → har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. Abstract A new twenty-first century skills framework and a 19-item scale was developed to bridge the gap between science and practice. A self-reporting 19-item scale was developed to measure twenty-first century skills of faculty and non-faculty staff of agri varsities. A total of 49 items were generated using deduction approach for four skills: communication and collaboration, leadership and responsibility, problem-solving and decision-making, and creativity and innovation. Two content validity techniques were used that reduced the number of items to… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This paper argues for a reimagining of education abroad that fuses short-term programming with some kind of experiential research component led by home campus disciplinary faculty, especially those in the sciences, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, in order to better integrate the study abroad program into the core undergraduate curriculum. To show how this could be done, this paper: (1) provides a brief background on study abroad; (2) reviews the relevant literature on the learning goals, program assessment, and faculty engagement in education abroad programs; (3) examines the current state of academic integration within study abroad; (4) explores the growth in undergraduate research at both home and overseas; and (5) identifies the unique opportunities represented in the extensive patterns of international faculty research collaborations, and explains… Continue Reading → har udgivet: What was the role of imperfect local information in the growth, gender gap, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) major selection of early 20th century American universities? In order to examine pre-1950 American higher education, this study constructs four rich panel datasets covering most students, high school teachers, and doctors in the state of California between 1893 and 1946 using recently-digitized administrative and commercial directories. Students attending large California universities came from more than 600 California towns by 1910, with substantial geographic heterogeneity in female participation and STEM major selection. About 43 percent of university students in 1900 were women, and the number of women attending these universities increased by more than 500 percent between 1900 and 1940. Meanwhile, the number of California towns with female… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The aim of this research was to examine university students’ anxiety about mathematics, teaching mathematics in the 21st century and the views on mathematics teachers. A total of 100 students studying in 10 different departments of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of a private university in the 2018-2019 academic years participated in this study. The data were collected by demographic questions, semi-structured open-ended questions consisting as well as questions about mathematics teaching in the 21st century prepared by the researchers and through the ‘Mathematics Anxiety Scale’. According to the results, there were significant differences in terms of the mathematics anxiety level of students who graduated from high school those have low average maths grades. Meanwhile, an average level of anxiety was observed data collected from… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The purpose of this descriptive survey research study conducted with agriculture teachers in North Carolina was to determine their in-service training needs in order to be effective for preparing students with the 21st century skills necessary for students to be successful. This study reaffirms the need for continuation of leadership education as an important skill and integration of reading, writing, and math concepts into all agricultural education curricula for preparing students to be successful in the 21st century. The role of agriculture in global food security; application of problem-based learning; planning and delivering lessons to utilize higher order thinking skills; teaching leadership skills; and development of teamwork and student collaboration were identified as the five most important in-service training needs for preparing agriculture teachers to be effective… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This study examines whether creating a mathematics-based digital story increases pre-service teachers’ understanding of the problem solving process, the relationship among visual, auditory and verbal representation in critical thinking/problem solving in mathematics. Survey results indicated that pre-service teachers were unfamiliar with the uses of technology in the teaching process. However, as they worked through the writing/problem solving procedures and constructed digital stories, they became more aware of the advantages of using this multimodal product, called Math-eos, to teach mathematical concepts to elementary/middle school students. The pre-service teachers perceived that Math-eos offered a “cool” new tool for their own learning and teaching and for integrating digital technology in mathematics education to increase student engagement, motivation and acquisition of content knowledge. Link til kilde