har udgivet: Last December, the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Coalition–a national organization of more than 600 groups representing knowledge workers, educators, scientists, engineers, and technicians–wrote to President-elect Obama urging him to “not lose sight of the critical role that STEM education plays in enabling the United States to remain the economic and technological leader of the 21st century global marketplace.” While that imperative appears to have resonated in Washington, has it and should it resonate in Madison? This report attempts to answer that question by examining the extent to which STEM skills are a necessity for tomorrow’s Wisconsin workforce, whether schools are preparing students to be STEM-savvy workers, and where STEM falls in the state’s list of educational priorities. The author and his colleagues find that… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The “Building Blocks PreK Math Curriculum” (Clements & Sarama, 2007) was designed to facilitate children’s engagement in math and talk about math. Much research investigates the effect of curriculum on classrooms or teacher practices. This study used a mediational model to look at a curriculum’s effect on children’s achievement gain, operating through specific child behaviors in the classroom. Specifically, this study looked at how a math curriculum affected children’s focus in math alone or in all learning activities (math, literacy, science, social-studies, and other), talking during math-related activities or in all learning activities, and engagement during math or during all learning activities. Additionally, this study examined how those child behaviors predicted children’s math achievement gain. It is hypothesized in the existing literature that much of the variability… Continue Reading → har udgivet: Integrated STEM education seeks to build deep connections between science, technology, engineering, and math. Contextualized lessons give students greater access to these content areas and can heighten engagement. Great parallels can be drawn between liberal arts philosophies and integrated STEM education. This paper explores how one teacher team developed curriculum and enacted lessons using an integrated STEM approach. This study found that teachers viewed integrated STEM instruction as rewarding. The teachers also mentioned the need for constant communication to fully implement the model. Students perceived this model positively and enjoyed participation. Outcomes of this study have the potential to inform teacher preparation programs by making more transparent how implementation of integrated STEM models can be achieved. Link til kilde har udgivet: Little research exists on effective ways to prepare secondary mathematics and science teachers to work with English language learners (ELLs) in mainstream mathematics and science (subsequently referred to as STEM) classrooms. Given the achievement gap that exists between ELLs and their native-speaking counterparts in STEM subjects, as well as the growing numbers of ELLs in US schools, this becomes a critical issue, as academic success for these students depends on the effectiveness of instruction they receive not only in English as a second language classes (ESL), but in mainstream classrooms as well. This article reports on the effects of a program restructuring that implemented coursework specifically designed to prepare pre-service and in-service mathematics, science, and ESL teachers to work with ELLs in their content and ESL classrooms… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The Rural Math Excel Partnership (RMEP) identified math competencies used by technicians in the workplace compared to standards of learning required in the public school curriculum. A modified DACUM process revealed 39 math competencies used by technicians in STEM-related occupations of the rural region. Group interviews with faculty in three community colleges helped substantiate math gaps. A project math specialist and team of teachers identified four types of learning gaps: (1) math competencies not included in state standards; (2) math competencies included in state standards taught prior to Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and Algebra Functions and Data Analysis (AFDA) courses; (3) math competencies included in high school state standards that students struggle to learn; and (4) math competencies community college students struggle to learn. Implications include… Continue Reading → har udgivet: Increasingly, state departments of education, school districts, and high schools are recognizing that many students graduate from high school underprepared for college-level coursework in mathematics. Many are referred to remedial education when they arrive at college. To help students become better prepared for college and avoid remedial courses upon college entry, states and localities have begun to offer high school transition curricula to targeted students. These courses, learning modules, and online tutorials are developed by secondary and postsecondary faculty and offered to high school students at risk of being placed into remedial math in college. Drawing on data from several sources, including interviews from persons involved in the development of transition curricula in 11 states, this brief describes the design, implementation, and effectiveness of math transition curricula… Continue Reading → har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Many statistics departments in institutions throughout the world hire graduate students to teach and assist with the teaching of undergraduate and graduate-level statistics courses. As many of these graduate student instructors and graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) have little or no previous experience teaching statistics, statistics departments are faced with the challenge of preparing their graduate students for teaching roles. Articles have been written sharing various departments’ strategies for GTA training and development programs, however, articles are often not supported by empirical research. This article provides a review of empirical research regarding graduate students’ preparation for teaching—first focusing on graduate students in statistics, specifically, and second offering what can be learned from studies of graduate students in other disciplines.… Continue Reading → har udgivet: Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) related fields comprise the top 30 occupations expected to grow the fastest by 2026. This increase in job opportunities, coupled with the evolution of technology, is creating higher demands for diversity in the labor market. Currently all students require innovative training and support from a young age to pursue STEM careers successfully. However, women and girls with disabilities face unique barriers along the STEM education pipeline. In this paper, we report the current and projected labor market trends in the United States. We then consider how this labor market information can be used by elementary educators to engage girls with disabilities in STEM-related learning effectively. Finally, through our analysis of labor market needs and the available assessment and intervention literature, we… Continue Reading →