tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study compared the effects of worked example and scripting on students’ argumentative peer feedback, essay and learning qualities. Participants were 80 BSc students who were randomly divided over 40 dyads and assigned to two experimental conditions (worked example and scripting). An online peer feedback environment named EduTech was designed and students were tasked with writing an argumentative essay, engaging in peer feedback, and revising their essay. The results indicate that students in the scripting condition benefited more than students in the worked example condition regarding peer feedback quality. Furthermore, the scores of students in both conditions improved from pre-test to post-test in terms of argumentative essay writing and learning. This difference was significant, however, between the two… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Many factors affect student learning, including school culture to teacher ability to parent support. U.S. schools are trying new ways to improve math and science education by focusing on a variety of these areas. At the core of the efforts are the age-old questions of what to teach and how to teach it–curriculum and instruction. Recent research funded by the National Science Foundation to identify best practices in STEM education shows that students in all types of schools, regardless of size or specialty, can and do engage in high-quality science, mathematics, and engineering. But the extent to which students actually do learn these subjects is a different issue. For effective K-12 STEM instruction to become the norm, schools and districts must be transformed. This brief is presented… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study investigates how different visual representations of price facilitate learning in upper secondary social science education. Three lessons on pricing were given to four classes (n = 94 students). Two classes had lessons based on graphs and two on a causal loop diagram. Written pre- and post-test answers were analysed phenomenographically and results arising from the two visual representations were compared. Results suggested that a causal loop diagram facilitated a more complex way of understanding the causal relationships in pricing than the graph. The traditional way of introducing price, through the use of supply/demand graphs, is thereby problematised. The study extends knowledge by identifying a synergy between phenomenography and research on visual representations and has specific implications for teaching… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to investigate how small-group and whole-class discussions during whole-class teaching contribute to students’ learning. The study includes 33 video-recorded small-group discussions in four mathematics lessons on enlarging and reducing two-dimensional geometric figures in Grade 8. The results show that different objects of learning were enacted in the different small-groups’ discussions, and that in the majority of the small-group discussions the students did not have the possibility to learn what was intended, since critical aspects were not explored. The combination of group and whole-class discussions contributed to that critical aspects of the specific subject matter came to the fore and thereby were possible to discern. The results indicate that small-group discussions without subsequent… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In collaboration with two other research organizations, the authors integrate principles of the BEAR Assessment System with Universal Design for Learning principles to develop and validate learning progressions and an aligned, universally designed formative and summative classroom assessment system for promoting conceptual understanding of number sense/operations for students with Math Learning Disabilities (MLD). This research will help to create an effective and validated formative assessment system for meaningfully and validly diagnosing and promoting student learning outcomes on constructs central to number sense and operations for whole numbers up to and including elementary fractions. The assessment system will offer a powerful tool that will provide teachers cutting edge research and empirically based resources for validly monitoring student knowledge and progress, meaningfully interpreting evidence about student learning from formative… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Research on motor learning frequently reports gender differences. However, there seems to be limited tools in the research with which to make use of these insights in educationally relevant ways. Movement learning and gender are intensely researched in movement education research, but the issues rarely intersect in the literature. The purpose of this article is to shed light on how movement learning and gender norms intersect when students learn to juggle. A pedagogical intervention in two secondary school classes (15–16 year olds) was explored ethnographically. Two composite narratives illustrate how gender norms affected the juggling practise to a different extent in the two classes, indicating that these norms are highly contextual. Learning to juggle seems to include aspects… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The digest summarizes major characteristics of American Indian student needs in the disciplines of science and math and offers constructive ways in which students may be motivated for greater achievement. Motivational, attitudinal, and behavioral factors contributing to avoidance of science and math by American Indian students are identified: conflicts between home and school regarding the purpose/importance of school; movement away from lessons in context and interdisciplinary approaches toward more structured and linear approaches in junior high; and a social organization of lesson presentation which is less group oriented and more authoritarian. Characteristics of American Indian students’ learning styles which may affect science and math motivation are outlined: seeing and listening, practicality, caution, and field sensitive orientation. Suggestions for teaching science and math as creative processes and cultural… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The study focuses on the assessment of young refugee students, and the role of language and parents therein. Low achievement at tests can stem from lack of knowledge of the content being tested. However, it can also be due to low proficiency in the language of testing. Additionally, poor communication between refugee parents and schools caused by language or cultural differences may lead to underestimation of children’s potential. We investigated, first, to what extent the language factor affects the performance of young Syrian refugee students in the Netherlands in mathematics and, second, the validity of parents’ judgements of their children’s mathematics ability. A linear mixed-effects model with random intercepts per participant was used to analyze the data. Results… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This case study investigates an experienced secondary school mathematics teacher’s understanding of mathematics (“her” math) and decisions she makes about her students’ classroom experiences (“their” math). This report focuses on the competing roles of the teacher’s growing understanding of novel technology-rich mathematics and her decisions about activities and expectations in an algebra course in light of her beliefs about learning and teaching. Data document developments in her mathematical understanding and classroom practice during her first 13 months of teaching Computer-Intensive Algebra as a participant in the Empowering Secondary Mathematics Teachers in Computer-Intensive Environments project (CIME). (Author) Link til kilde
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Many blue-collar jobs, most of which are performed by men, are likely to be displaced by automation. These workers will, therefore, need to be retrained and reskilled, many of them choosing for engineering education as mature students. This paper uses Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis to draw a complex portrait of the experience of blue-collar men studying engineering as mature students in Denmark. We found that the participants faced considerable challenges in their engineering studies: they brought baggage from a challenging youth, from family traumas and educational failures; they felt alienation and cynicism about the world and saw their own possibilities for progress thereby limited; and they experienced difficulties with the contents and the process of the engineering curriculum. However,… Continue Reading →
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