Eric.ed.gov – Spatial Visualization as Mediating between Mathematics Learning Strategy and Mathematics Achievement among 8th Grade Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Jordanian 8th grade students revealed low achievement in mathematics through four periods (1999, 2003, 2007 & 2011) of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). This study aimed to determine whether spatial visualization mediates the affect of Mathematics Learning Strategies (MLS) factors namely mathematics attitude, mathematics motivation, mathematics self-regulation, mathematics self-efficacy, and mathematics anxiety on mathematics achievement. The study consists of 360 students from public middle schools in Alkoura district, selected through stratified random sampling. It employed 65 items to assess MLS, which consists, attitude (18 items), motivation (7 items), self-regulation (25 items), self-efficacy (5 items) and math anxiety (10 items). The mathematics test comprises of 30 items, which has eight items for numbers, 14 items for algebra and eight items for geometry while spatial visualization… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Facilitation Strategies for Enhancing the Learning and Engagement of Online Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The opening up of online education in the Australian tertiary sector has made higher education accessible for a wide range of students, including those living in rural and regional areas. While student numbers continue to grow as a result of this opportunity, there are increasing concerns regarding low student retention and progression rates for online students in comparison with on-campus students. Reasons for this vary, however, online students report a sense of isolation and disconnection with their studies highlighting the need for educators to utilise effective facilitation to enhance student connections to an online community. In this paper, we investigated facilitation strategies using two case studies. This illustrated how two online instructors used design-based research to evaluate the impact of facilitation strategies on instructor presence, instructor connection,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Do Disadvantaged Students Get Less Effective Teaching? Key Findings from Recent Institute of Education Sciences Studies. NCEE Evaluation Brief. NCEE 2014-4010

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Lack of researcher consensus on how to measure disadvantaged students’ access to effective teaching has made it challenging for practitioners to draw lessons from the data. This brief aims to help policymakers understand the emerging evidence by synthesizing findings from three peer-reviewed studies that collectively span 17 states. The studies provide two lessons: (1) on average, disadvantaged students received less effective teaching than other students, equivalent to about four weeks of learning for reading and two weeks for math, or about 2 to 4 percent of the student achievement gap between these groups; and (2) access to effective teaching for disadvantaged students varied across districts, with a statistically significant difference between more and less disadvantaged students’ access in some districts and no statistically significant difference in access… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Reasons for the Decline of the Results of Jordanian Students in “TIMSS 2015”

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The study aimed at identifying the reasons behind the Jordanian students’ drop of performance in the TIMSS 2015 from the point of view of their teachers. Survey method was used because teachers are the most able to decide upon the reasons of this fall and so a questionnaire was designed to recognize their point of view concerning the reasons of this retreat. The study population consisted of 130 teachers of science and mathematics in Ma’an governorate. Teachers whose teaching experience was more than one year to make sure they are familiar with TIMSS tests. Random sampling technique was used to select 90 teachers representing 69% of the study population. For data analysis, means and standards deviations were calculated, and the Schiffe test was used to determine the… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – South Korean elementary school teachers’ experiences of inclusive education concerning students with a multicultural background

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Due to the increase of economic immigration over the last few decades, South Korea has rapidly become a multi-ethnic society. The number of students with a multicultural background (SMBs) has increased more than tenfold in the past ten years. Research has revealed that despite physical inclusion of SMBs in general classrooms, SMBs tend to struggle at school as a result of language difficulties, academic underachievement, and social isolation. Shedding light on the Salamanca thinking, this study aims to investigate how teachers’ experiences of SMBs vary according to school cultures. Thirteen teachers from three schools (with different school cultures) were invited to participate in qualitative semi-structured interviews. It was revealed that the teachers, who worked in the different school… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Happy Together? The Peer Effects of Dual Enrollment Students on Community College Student Outcomes. CCRC Working Paper No. 116

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Nationally, 15% of first-time community college students were high school students taking college coursework through dual enrollment (DE) in the fall of 2010, and the percentage has risen since then. The growing numbers of DE students at community colleges raises concerns about how high school peers might influence traditionally aged college enrollees. Using administrative data from a large state community college system, we examine whether being exposed to a higher percentage of DE peers influences non-DE enrollees’ performance in college courses. Focusing on entry-level (or gateway) math and English courses and employing a two-way fixed effects model, we find that non-DE college enrollees exposed to a higher proportion of DE peers had lower pass rates and grades in gateway courses, and higher course repetition and lower subject… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Difficulties Encountered by High School Students in Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The aim of this study is to identify whether high school students encounter any difficulties in mathematics and reveal the reasons for such difficulties. The participants of the study, which was a descriptive case study based on qualitative understanding, were a total of 164 students, including 85 students from Anatolian High Schools and 79 students from Science High Schools. Approximately 11% of the participants said they had no difficulties in math, whereas 99% of the students from Anatolian High Schools and 78% of the students from Science High Schools said they had difficulties in mathematic. Their thoughts about the reasons for such difficulties were analyzed by content analysis method considering the type of high school they attended. The findings obtained revealed that the difficulties encountered by the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Voice, Identity, and Mathematics: Narratives of Working Class Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this paper, we present an analysis of student interview data focusing on students’ ideas about mathematics and their experiences learning mathematics. We draw on the idea of “personal identity” (Cobb, Gresalfi, & Hodge, 2009) to capture the differences and similarities in students’ views of math and themselves as math learners, although all student participants would be considered members of the same broad, identifiable community. The purpose of our analysis is to contribute to ongoing educational research efforts that challenge processes of essentializing and to use the construct of identity in informing how we design learning experiences and resources for working class students as they learn mathematics. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Tiering Instruction on Speed for Middle School Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A design experiment with 18 students in a regular seventh grade math class was conducted to investigate how to differentiate instruction for students’ diverse ways of thinking during a 26-day unit on proportional reasoning. The class included students operating with three different multiplicative concepts that have been found to influence rational number knowledge and algebraic reasoning. The researchers and classroom teacher tiered instruction during a 5-day segment of the unit in which students worked on problems involving speed. Students were grouped relatively homogenously by multiplicative concept and experienced different number choices. Students operating at each multiplicative concept demonstrated evidence of learning, but all did not learn the same thing. We view this study as a step in supporting equitable approaches to students’ diverse ways of thinking, an… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – How do included and excluded students with SEBD function socially and academically after 1,5 year of special education services?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: How do included and excluded students with SEBD function socially and academically after 1,5 year of special education services? Link til kilde