har udgivet: Like many countries building up human and technological resources, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has embarked on the goal of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) to its citizens. One goal for the KSA Ministry of Education is increasing acceptance rates at teacher colleges for both genders specializing in English, in addition to Arabic, Math, Science and Computer Science (The Executive Summary of the Ministry of Education Ten-Year Plan, 2005). Virtually all government policies come with unexpected results. For example, Native English speaking teachers (NESTs) teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) often interact in ways that can be at odds with their host countries. Concerns involving pedagogy have been expressed in many countries with TEFL programs using NESTs (Degen & Absalom, 1998; Liu &… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The idea of using plastic bottle caps to enhance children’s literacy and math skills was introduced in a pre-kindergarten methods and field class at West Chester University. We wanted an essentially cost-free way to create fun, hands-on, educational games for young students to learn basic skills supporting the Common Core State Standards (adopted by 45 states, University education students began bringing plastic bottle caps, packaging them into kits, and taking them into local schools to help children learn. We have now not only formalized the Cap Kits program, but we have also conducted dozens of teacher trainings and parent workshops and have given away thousands of Cap Kits. By placing these materials into the hands of children, we are giving them manipulatives that can be used… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: A teacher that emphasizes reasoning, logic and validity gives their students access to mathematics as an effective way of practicing critical thinking. All students have the ability to enhance and expand their critical thinking when learning mathematics. Students can develop this ability when confronting mathematical problems, identifying possible solutions and evaluating and justifying their reasons for the results, thereby allowing students to become confident critical thinkers. Critical thinking and reasoning allows students to think about how they utilize their discipline of mathematical skills (i.e., they think about their method of thinking). Metacognition helps students to recognize that math is logical reasoning on solutions to problems. Students are taught how to: identify scenarios; evaluate; select problem-solving strategies; identify possible conclusions; select logical conclusions; describe how a solution was… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Increasing participation and success in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields continues to be a national imperative, with particular attention paid to eliminating barriers for women and underrepresented students of color. Some attention has been paid to the underrepresentation of students with disabilities in STEM fields, while few researchers have focused on the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) students in STEM. Literature about both students with disabilities and LGBTQ students suggest challenges and barriers that may prevent these groups from successfully persisting in STEM majors. This qualitative study examined the campus experiences of five queer students with disabilities in STEM fields at a predominantly white research university. Findings reveal that participants encountered male-centered, heteronormative STEM spaces, physical and social inaccessibility on campus,… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: While much progress has been made in treating math anxiety, little is yet known about its causes, correlates or effects. The present study examined factors related to the prevalence and intensity of math anxiety in college students and the extent to which math anxiety is predictive of math course grades. The 655 subjects were obtained from two math courses and one psychology course at Ohio State University. Results indicated that math anxiety occurs frequently among college students, and that it is more likely to occur among women than among men and among students with inadequate high school math backgrounds. Higher levels of math anxiety were related to lower mathematics achievement test scores, higher levels of test anxiety and higher levels of trait anxiety. Students reporting confidence in… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Teacher preparation curriculum at Technion–Israel Institute of Technology (Israel) includes courses intended to bridge the gap between the pure mathematics courses and those in psychology. The focus of this paper is an experimental program for one of these courses and data collected while implementing it. This is a second report on a naturalistic study in which mathematical paradoxes were used in the preservice education of high school mathematics teachers. The potential of paradoxes was tested for improving student-teachers’ mathematical concepts and raising students pedagogical awareness of the role of falacious reasoning in the development of mathematical knowledge. Discussions include the psychological and mathematical background, the experimental courses and data collection procedures, the students, and findings. Examples of paradoxes are given. Included are 36 references. (DC) Link til… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: National studies reveal that 50 percent to 70 percent of community college students are required to take developmental, or remedial, math courses upon enrollment, and only 20 percent of developmental math students ever successfully complete a college-level math course. Taking up the challenge is the “New Mathways Project” (NMP), developed by the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin in partnership with the Texas Association of Community Colleges. This new initiative aims to change the standard pathways to and through colleges’ traditional math sequences. This report analyzes the development of the “New Mathways Project” (NMP) from spring 2012 through its first year of rollout at nine colleges in Texas in 2013-2014, as well as student outcomes at the colleges before and during the… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Higher education systems and institutions across the country are overhauling their traditional placement process for college-level courses in mathematics and revisiting the role of developmental education. Increasingly, students who would have been required to take, and succeed in, developmental coursework before enrolling in college-level courses are now being placed directly into those courses while also receiving remedial support. This approach — known as developmental corequisite remediation — pairs a college-level course with a corequisite course designed to help students succeed in the college-level work. In response to the changing landscape, Carnegie Math Pathways (CMP) at WestEd created two new offerings based on this new approach that focus on quantitative reasoning and statistics: Quantway College with Corequisite and Statway College with Corequisite. In the 2018/19 school year, six… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The papers in the monograph address different topics related to mathematics teaching and learning processes which are of great interest to both students and prospective teachers. Some papers open new research questions, some show examples of good practice and others provide more information about earlier findings. The monograph consists of six chapters. In the first chapter, the author studies the relation between the surface approach and the strategic approach to learning outcomes according to the results of research conducted with a group of university students in Denmark. This chapter presents the results of research carried out with the students who were required to recognise and interpret mathematical concepts that could be interpreted from the graphs in different contexts. It also provides an insight into a detailed analysis… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The aim of this research was to examine university students’ anxiety about mathematics, teaching mathematics in the 21st century and the views on mathematics teachers. A total of 100 students studying in 10 different departments of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of a private university in the 2018-2019 academic years participated in this study. The data were collected by demographic questions, semi-structured open-ended questions consisting as well as questions about mathematics teaching in the 21st century prepared by the researchers and through the ‘Mathematics Anxiety Scale’. According to the results, there were significant differences in terms of the mathematics anxiety level of students who graduated from high school those have low average maths grades. Meanwhile, an average level of anxiety was observed data collected from… Continue Reading →
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