Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Perceptions of High School Students Underachievement in Science

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Low high school graduation rates continue to be a challenge in American public education. The pressure to meet the demands of adequate yearly progress (AYP) under the No Child Left behind Act of 2001 has led to an achievement gap in student performance between science and other core subjects, namely English, math, and social studies, on the Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT). GHSGT statistics have consistently reflected a lower science pass percentage compared with other core subjects on the test. The objective of this nonexperimental, quantitative study was to analyze teacher perceptions on reasons for student science underachievement on the GHSGT. A self-developed questionnaire based on Bloom’s taxonomy model was administered to 115 high school core subject teachers of a single school district. Analyses of variance… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Building Academic Skills in Context: Testing the Value of Enhanced Math Learning in CTE. Pilot Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report describes the conduct and outcomes of an experimental pilot study conducted in Spring 2004 to develop and test a model that aimed to enhance career and technical education (CTE) instruction with the mathematics already embedded in the curricula of six occupational areas. Although present in the CTE curriculum, math is largely implicit to both teachers and students. The impetus for the study is that many high school students, particularly those in enrolled in CTE courses, do not have the math skills necessary for today’s jobs or college entrance requirements. This research project was aimed at using an authentic context for teaching math skills. Preparation for the study began in the summer of 2003 with the nationwide recruitment of teacher-participants. CTE teachers who were interested in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Impact of High School Mathematics and Science Course Graduation Requirements: School Structural, Academic, and Social Organizational Factors

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Given the policy goals of course graduation requirements (CGRs), this study first tests the hypothesis that CGRs promote academic excellence and equity by both improving student performance (“productivity hypothesis”) and reducing the gap between student groups as defined by academic ability, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status (“equality hypothesis”). This study also assesses whether and how schools differ in CGRs’ effects by testing the following hypotheses that CGRs affect student outcomes more positively in schools with (1) higher concentration of advantaged peers (“school structure hypothesis”), (2) greater academic/instructional capacity (“academic organization hypothesis”), and (3) stronger academic norms/climate (“social organization hypothesis”). This study analyzes the data from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) that provide the information on high school CGRs in several academic subjects at the school… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Road to Equality in South African Education: A Qualitative Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: South Africa is currently experiencing a crisis in its educational systems that if not addressed, could threaten the stability of the newly established democracy. A lack of access to quality education and severe shortage of skilled trained educators is perpetuating vestiges of the old apartheid state in the nation. Approximately 6,000 students graduate from South Africa’s teacher training programs each year to meet the demand of over 12.1 million learners (Evoh, 2007). This study examines the current crisis facing the educational system of post-apartheid South Africa and more specifically how the LEAP (Langa Educational Assistance Program) school of Science and Maths could be used as a possible model for institutional educational change that may be applied on a national scale. Interviews were conducted during four independent sessions… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Perspectives on Algebra I Tutoring Experiences with Students with Learning Disabilities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The researchers conducted a qualitative analysis of the perceptions of school personnel and pre-service teachers about an Algebra I tutoring program for students with learning disabilities. The researchers surveyed and interviewed the participants about the effectiveness of the program for the mathematics learning of the students with LD at the school and as a learning experience for the pre-service teachers. The school personnel indicated there was a mutually beneficial relationship between the tutors and the school. The perceptions of the tutors revealed considerations about the challenges they face as Algebra I tutors of students with learning disabilities including remembering Algebra I content, posing strategic questions to students, dealing with students’ math anxiety, and conveying Algebra I content accessibly. The tutors reported positive experiences in the program including… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Architecture and Impact of an Open, Online, Remixable, and Multimedia-Rich Algebra 1 Course

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Less than half of the students in the United States graduate from high school and are ready to take college-level math courses. Many years and varieties of remedial math programs have failed to dramatically improve outcomes, especially at scale. The question we face is whether technology in general, and open educational resources in particular, might offer some solutions for improving math scores across the nation. Herein, we describe the work of the Monterey Institute for Technology and Education, and specifically the design and early evidence of impact of their multimedia Algebra and Developmental Math resources. We believe that the structure and function of these open educational resources can effectively meet the diverse needs of the nation’s math teachers and learners, perhaps paving the way to more personalized… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Oregon Applied Academics Project: Final Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report contains the findings of the Oregon Applied Academics research and development project which spanned three academic years from 2010 through 2013. The overall purpose of the project was to develop and implement a technical math course that would meet graduation requirements and improve student performance. The State of Oregon has been actively engaged in the promotion of Career and Technical Education (CTE) curriculum integration over the past decade. The genesis of the Oregon Applied Academics Project began in 2006, with an initial implementation of the Math-in-CTE model with teachers from Lane County Educational Service District. The Math-in-CTE model was developed and tested as an intervention for CTE teachers. As partners in the professional development (PD) sessions, the math teachers learned new, authentic applications of mathematics.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Understanding the STEM Pipeline. Working Paper 125

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: I investigate the determinants of high school completion and college attendance, the likelihood of taking science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) courses in the first year of college and the probability of earning a degree in a STEM field. The focus is on women and minorities, who tend to be underrepresented in STEM fields. Tracking four cohorts of students throughout Florida, I find that large differences in math achievement across racial lines exist as early as elementary school and persist through high school. These achievement differences lead to higher drop-out rates in high school and a reduced probability of attending college for black students. However, conditional on immediately attending a four-year college after high school, black and Hispanic students are more likely than whites to take STEM… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Probability & Statistics: Modular Learning Exercises. Teacher Edition

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of these modules is to provide an introduction to the world of probability and statistics to accelerated mathematics students at the high school level. The modules also introduce students to real world math concepts and problems that property and casualty actuaries come across in their work. They are designed to be used by teachers and students of AP courses (primarily AB and BC Calculus) after the AP exam, but of course they can be used at any time. Statistical thinking is critical in today’s society. Data are everywhere and students will see and recognize misinterpretations all the time. “Probability & Statistics: Modular Learning Exercises” cover: (1) Basic Statistics Concepts; (2) The Normal Model; (3) Discrete Probability Distributions; and (4) Correlation and Regression. Link til kilde