har udgivet: The high levels of anxiety, apprehension, and apathy of students in college algebra courses caused the instructor to create and test a variety of math teaching techniques designed to boost student confidence and enthusiasm in the subject. Overall, this proposal covers several different techniques, which have been evaluated by both students and the instructor. The paper proposes a series of study techniques, which are covered on the first day of class and throughout the course. Armed with practical advice about approaching the algebra course, the students learn by example. The instructor uses examples, such as rules of cricket matches as a way to make the material come to life. Other suggested techniques are making chapter notes available to students, and providing example tests before final exams and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: A conference/workshop held in late 1979 which was aimed at improving the teaching of mathematics is reviewed. The conference was a response to the PRIME-80 conference of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), which had produced recommendations that something should be done to reverse the decline of educational skills among entering college freshmen. The conference was viewed as a success by both the participants and the organizers. It was stated that many colleges can offer a conference of this sort in their own community that could focus on the particular needs and issues in mathematics education for the region. Such a conference can provide benefits that can far outweigh the small monetary outlay. (MP) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The 6th Annual Conference of the National Academy for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (NAIRTL) and the 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference was held at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, on June 27-29, 2012. The NAIRTL is a collaborative initiative between University College Cork, Cork Institute of Technology, National University of Ireland Galway, Trinity College Dublin, and Waterford Institute of Technology. It is supported by the Higher Education Authority under the Strategic Innovation Fund. The proceedings from the 2012 NAIRTL conference bring together “key insights” on the topic of Threshold Concepts. This publication includes a selection of papers from the conference. The papers provide insights into how to apply the Threshold Concepts idea to gain a deeper understanding of how students learn, and also how to… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper describes Tennessee’s progress in implementing a comprehensive and coherent approach to education reform from the time of application through June 30, 2011. In particular, this report highlights key accomplishments over the reporting period in the four reform areas: standards and assessments, data systems to support instruction, great teachers and leaders, and turning around lowest-achieving schools. Tennessee’s application for Race to the Top laid out an ambitious education reform agenda at all levels–from the state to the school district to the classroom. The state established equally ambitious goals for improving both teacher and leader effectiveness and student achievement. In the first year of implementation of the Tennessee First to the Top initiatives, the state made modest gains towards achieving those goals. From 2010 to 2011, overall… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The University of Wyoming (UW) teacher education program is a collaborative between UW faculty and educators from school districts throughout the state. Though the university faculty is charged with teaching teachers, the equally important “teachers of teachers” are the exemplary classroom teachers who provide modeling and expertise for preservice teachers. Throughout their training, students participate in campus-based coursework and classroom-based experiences at an assigned school site. There are four program elements: Phase 1, “Focus on Learning”; Phase 2, “Teacher as Decision Maker”; Phase 3, “Teaching Humanities, Literacy, Math/Science”; and Phase 4, a teaching residency. The university views technology as a powerful pedagogical tool, and focuses on using technology to improve student achievement rather than on the equipment and infrastructure. Students integrate technology into their individual and group… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Five years ago the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) launched a revolution in our education system by insisting that all students should be proficient in reading and math by 2014 and demanding comprehensive reforms to reach this national goal, including strong assessment and accountability systems, a highly qualified teacher in every classroom, more choices for students and parents, a new emphasis on school improvement, and the use of research-based instructional practices. Under NCLB, States and local school districts have made strides in putting these reforms in place, and the first returns are promising. The latest results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress show that we have reversed a decade of stagnation in student achievement, with scores rising significantly in both reading and math in the… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This publication compares first-generation students (i.e., those whose parents have no more than a high school education) with their peers whose parent or parents attended college. It focuses on mathematics course taking–the effectiveness of taking algebra in 8th grade and advanced math courses in high school for subsequent college enrollment–and planning strategies students used to prepare for college. The report also examines the involvement of students’ parents, teachers, and other “institutional agents” capable of helping them prepare for college. The results of the study offer both negative and positive findings concerning the experiences of first-generation students. On the negative side, even after controlling for measures of academic achievement, family income, family structure (single versus two parents), and other related characteristics, first-generation students were less likely than their… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This presentation reports on the third phase of research associated with the Teacher as Decision Maker Program (TADMP), a graduate-level program for middle/secondary school certification at Indiana University. Seven teacher perspectives have emerged from the study of 86 individuals from the fields of science, English, foreign language, math, and social studies: (1) Scholar Psychologist; (2) Friendly Scholar; (3) Inculcator; (4) Facilitator of Thinking; (5) Friendly Pedagogue; (6) Empowerer, and (7) Nurturer. The latest research explores the utility of these teacher perspectives as a tool for strengthening self-reflection on teaching among TADMP students. The paper describes and analyzes the impact of four interventions based on the perspectives: (1) initial reflections; (2) choosing a center and gaining confidence; (3) reflecting back on perspectives and teaching; and (4) confirming and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: A survey of prospective teachers’ beliefs about teaching mathematics and writing to diverse learners was conducted for the purpose of improving teacher education programs. Respondents were 319 elementary education students, 71 prospective secondary math teachers, 52 prospective teachers of secondary English, 23 noneducation math majors, and 19 noneducation English majors. Although there is much diversity between and among the subjects, there were some areas of consensus. In answering questions about student diversity, the respondents did not endorse stereotypes about gender differences or differences in content appropriate for students from different family backgrounds. In responding to questions about what would be helpful in learning to teach, they gave the expected endorsement of experience, as well as high ratings for classes of questions about generic and subject-specific teaching methods.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This document contains the transcript of a senate hearing on the crisis in science and math education. The document includes the opening statements of Senators Glenn, Kohl, Bingaman, Lieberman, Heinz, and Sasser, and the testimony of seven witnesses including: Honorable Mark O. Hatfield, Senator from the State of Oregon; Carl Sagan, Ph.D. Cornell University; F. James Rutherford, American Association for the Advancement of Science; Bill G. Aldridge, National Science Teachers Association; Philip Uri Treisman, University of California at Berkeley; Betty M. Vetter, Commission on Professionals in Science and Technology; and Shirley M. Malcolm, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Appendices include the prepared statements of witnesses, pertinent articles, charts, and a statement from the National Society of Professional Engineers. (CW) Link til kilde
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