har udgivet: This document summarizes the work of the Math Curriculum Project at San Francisco State University. The project developed seven curriculum units for the middle school mathematics program, using microcomputers as a problem solving tool to foster mathematical thinking and develop insights into mathematical concepts. They also created a prototype telephone network that is both a message system and a curricular data base for activities in each unit. Finally, they developed a teacher training model from their experiences in piloting the materials. The report describes the objectives, methods and procedures, outcomes, and dissemination activities of the project. An overview of the units, a network manager manual, a message system user manual, and a list of talks about the project are appended. (MNS) Link til kilde har udgivet: A model for use in identifying assessment needs in association with teacher-made mathematics and science tests at the secondary level was developed. The model focuses on the identification and narrowing of discrepancies between teachers’ perceptions of their testing practices and actual practice. All 19 math and 16 science teachers at a 4-year high school in a mixed suburban/rural school district participated in the project. Subjects’ involvement consisted of completing a brief survey instrument and supplying their most recently administered unit or quarter test. Data from 35 questionnaires and 34 tests containing more than 1,400 items were analyzed. Results cover the nature of classroom assessment, characteristics of teacher-made tests, item formats, cognitive levels treated, quality of items, and teachers’ confidence in testing skills. Topics identified as important for… Continue Reading → har udgivet: In a series of mathematics education workshops in which teachers from adult basic education and vocational education worked together to design teaching situations on particular contents in mathematics in order to make explicit and bring into reflection the teaching strategies used by each group. The workshops constituted a common space of interaction for jointly designing teaching situations and creating common discourses that narrowed the distance between normative curriculum and actual teaching or real curriculum. In order for adult educators to teach effectively they must fulfill the following conditions: (1) they must provide a context for the teaching; (2) the knowledge taught must constitute a solution adapted to the problem; (3) there must be didactic variables that lead to the development of logic in a fruitful way; and… Continue Reading → har udgivet: TOPS, a set of materials designed to improve problem solving instruction, was evaluated in two large urban school districts from Fall 1980 to Spring 1982. At Site A, the program was implemented at the middle school level (grades 5-8), where most mathematics teachers were specialists; they accepted the problem-solving activities after some initial hesitation. At Site B, the program was implemented in grades 3-8, though most often in grades 4 and 5, usually by teachers who were not mathematics specialists. They varied in their belief that the activities would improve problem-solving ability, and, even though in year 2 they were allowed to develop lessons involving problem-solving strategies tied more closely to textbooks and tests, problem solving was never completely accepted by all teachers. At Site A, 80… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This guide was developed for two purposes: to enrich science and mathematics programs in schools and to encourage the professional growth of teachers of science and mathematics. A basic premise behind the development of this guide is that all students should have a variety of learning experiences, especially students in categorical programs such as Chapter 1, bilingual, migrant, and other compensatory education programs. These students should see that the study of science is not confined to the classroom but offers a way to investigate and understand the curious phenomena to be found in the every-day world. Similarly, mathematics is not only the scientist’s primary tool but also a world of its own full of curious phenomena. This publication lists contests and fairs for individuals and teams; extracurricular… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This paper describes Project SMART (Science and Math Access: Resources & Technology), a multi-year professional development effort that includes components for all adults who regularly have contact with children with disabilities. The common goal of each of the components is the development of both efficacy and capacity to inspire children with disabilities to overcome challenges in the pursuit of excellence in math and science education. While the emphasis of the program has been on inservice teacher education, components have been developed for the following groups that support the efforts of children: general education teachers, special education teachers, parents of children with disabilities, and guidance counselors. The model program is intended to promote positive and permanent changes in the academic climate of classrooms and to provide teachers and… Continue Reading → har udgivet: ENLIST-Micros (ENcourage LIteracy in Science Teachers’ uses of Microcomputers) develops state networks of science and mathematics teachers providing inservice education and support for the implementation of computers and technology in the classroom. In Alabama, the project operated from August 1990 through June 1994. Most inservice workshops were held at Auburn University. Participants included 50 urban, 22 suburban, and 31 rural teachers from schools in Montgomery and the Auburn area. The first 2 years of the project focused on training the teacher participants to use microcomputers and to share their knowledge with other teachers. In the third and fourth year, veteran teachers provided individual training and inservice workshops to other teachers. Teacher reactions were overwhelmingly positive and frequently focused on the collegiality and mutual support experienced in the… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The San Francisco Math Leadership Project is an attempt to re-educate elementary teachers, many of whom do not consider mathematics their favorite subject and have limited mathematics backgrounds. The task is to increase the mathematics knowledge of these teachers and build their confidence in their own ability to do mathematics and to teach it. Leadership development begins with a 4-week summer institute and continues with workshops presented by participants at their school sites. In this paper, discussions include background of former participants, goals of the project, and leadership activities of former participants. Three graphs and three tables are included, as well as survey forms and responses. (DC) Link til kilde har udgivet: In 1981, an estimated 25% of the nation’s secondary school teachers had summer jobs outside education. This report on the current status and future directions of employer-sponsored teacher internship programs has an underlying theme: that such programs can make a serious contribution to the career and professional development needs of teachers and to the quality of instruction. Chapter 1 considers how employer-sponsored teacher internships are connected to educational reform. The second chapter discusses the purposes of teacher internships. Eleven pioneer teacher internship programs are briefly described in chapter 3. Many of these programs focus on improving mathematics and science instruction; many also place a strong emphasis on communication skills. All rely heavily on the leadership and motivation of employers to improve scientific and mathematical understanding and competence.… Continue Reading → har udgivet: In this document are a final report and guide from a project to produce a 30-minute training videotape that provided volunteer tutors and paid adult educators with concrete methods, techniques, and activities to help adult learners improve their numeracy skills. According to the final report, representatives of various adult education programs/advocacy groups who had expertise or interest in math were invited to comprise the design team to collaborate on content. The design team also developed the video’s viewer’s guide, “Math Anxiety, a Video Guide for Adult Literacy Tutors.” A scriptwriter, production company, and post-production editing facility were retained to execute the actual production of the video. Appended to the report are correspondence, needs assessment, math video script, and the video evaluation form. The introduction to the video… Continue Reading →