Eric.ed.gov – Re-Licensing Teachers into Math and Science: A Creative, Short-Term Solution to the Teacher Shortage.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Because of a serious teacher shortage nationwide, it has become common to find many teachers teaching “out of license”–teaching courses in which they have had few or no college courses. In an attempt to address this problem, New York City has embarked on an innovative program to relicense teachers in mathematics and science to fill the increasing shortages of staff in these areas. The concept has been to take experienced teachers and to give them the tools to change fields, to apply their skills and ideas to math and science, without risking the loss of a job or great financial expense. This paper describes the operations of the model, which has required the close cooperation of 11 universities and colleges, the New York City Board of Education,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Learning To Teach Math Differently: The Effect of “Investigations” Curriculum on Teachers’ Attitudes and Practices.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A number of initiatives have been successful in helping teachers change their knowledge and practices in teaching mathematics. This paper reports on the results of a reform effort using curriculum materials as a vehicle for change. The professional development program called “Insights and Investigations” incorporated four types of professional development experiences. Teachers met monthly in grade-level sessions with one of three mathematics educators on the Delaware SSI/PRoject 21 staff in order to get collegial support and encouragement as they implemented “Investigations” in their classrooms. According to the teacher participants, the combination of utilizing “Investigations” curriculum units in the classroom, having the opportunity to do “Investigations” with their colleagues before teaching it in the classroom, reflecting on their teaching and on student learning through written reflections and discussions,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Midcareer Math and Science Teacher Training Program at Harvard University.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Background information on the shortage of teachers in mathematics and science is first summarized, with discussion of reasons why fewer persons are entering teaching and many experienced teachers are leaving. Then the Midcareer Mathematics and Science Program is described. It is designed to provide mid- to late-career professionals who already possess quantitative backgrounds with the training they need to become secondary school mathematics and science teachers. With six students in 1983 and 20 in 1984, it reaches those for whom the economic constraints of teaching are of less concern, status has already been attained in another field, and the change of pace and environment are welcomed. Conducted during the academic year with optional summer workshops, the eight courses in the program are divided among educational theory, methods… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Her Math, Their Math: An In-Service Teacher’s Growing Understanding of Mathematics and Technology and Her Secondary Students’ Algebra Experience.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This case study investigates an experienced secondary school mathematics teacher’s understanding of mathematics (“her” math) and decisions she makes about her students’ classroom experiences (“their” math). This report focuses on the competing roles of the teacher’s growing understanding of novel technology-rich mathematics and her decisions about activities and expectations in an algebra course in light of her beliefs about learning and teaching. Data document developments in her mathematical understanding and classroom practice during her first 13 months of teaching Computer-Intensive Algebra as a participant in the Empowering Secondary Mathematics Teachers in Computer-Intensive Environments project (CIME). (Author) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Patterns in Teacher Reports of Topic Coverage and Their Effects on Math Achievement: Comparisons Across Years.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The basic rationale for incorporating information about instructional experiences in the design and analysis of assessment data is that student ability, topic exposure, and forms of instructional exposure each contribute to student performance as measured at a given point in time. The purpose of this study is to investigate the degree of consistency of teachers’ content coverage reports with logical expectations about the contents of a course with a given title for two consecutive years and to detect the effects of content coverage by comparing student performance patterns associated with teachers’ reports of content coverage for 1988 and 1989. In this study, analyses were based on teacher and student data from approximately 300 sections of mathematics courses in Pre-Algebra, Math A, Math B, Algebra I, and Geometry.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Toward Instructional Reform in the Math Classroom: A Teacher’s Process of Change.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The reform movement in mathematics education calls for students to engage in problem solving, to discuss and communicate their thinking, and to develop meaningful understandings. This paper reports a case study of a fourth-grade class in line with the reform call, emphasizing the process of change the teacher experienced and the support she needed. The teacher in this study taught mathematics using the Cognitively Guided Instruction approach. Observations, interviews, and student assessments were collected. Reported are four phases of teacher change: (1) the teacher’s teaching and thinking at the beginning of the study; (2) learning, thinking, and stimulating the process of change; (3) learning from and helping individuals; and (4) building on children’s thinking in instruction. Contains 25 references. (MKR) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group = Actes De La Rencontre Annuelle 2012 Du Groupe Canadien D’étude en Didactique Des Mathématiques (36th, Québec City, Québec, Canada, May 25-29, 2012)

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This submission contains the Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group (CMESG), held at Laval University in Québec City, Québec. The CMESG is a group of mathematicians and mathematics educators who meet annually to discuss mathematics education issues at all levels of learning. The aims of the Study Group are: to advance education by organizing and coordinating national conferences and seminars to study and improve the theories of the study of mathematics or any other aspects of mathematics education in Canada at all levels; and to undertake research in mathematics education and to disseminate the results of this research. These proceedings include plenary lectures, a panel discussion, working group reports, topic session descriptions, new PhD reports, and summaries of ad hoc… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Enrichment Opportunities Guide. A Resource for Teachers and Students in Math and Science.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This guide was developed for two purposes: to enrich science and mathematics programs in schools and to encourage the professional growth of teachers of science and mathematics. A basic premise behind the development of this guide is that all students should have a variety of learning experiences, especially students in categorical programs such as Chapter 1, bilingual, migrant, and other compensatory education programs. These students should see that the study of science is not confined to the classroom but offers a way to investigate and understand the curious phenomena to be found in the every-day world. Similarly, mathematics is not only the scientist’s primary tool but also a world of its own full of curious phenomena. This publication lists contests and fairs for individuals and teams; extracurricular… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Why Understanding 1-3/4 divided by 1/2 Matters to Math Reform: ABE Teachers Learn the Math They Teach.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper explains the investigative attempts of The New York City Math Exchange Group (MEG) on elementary mathematics teachers’ content knowledge in Adult Basic Education (ABE). The study is comparative in nature and took place in a workshop at the Adults Learning Maths Conference in Boston. The new members of the MEG professional development group were compared to the veteran members. It is observed that among the experienced MEG members, the ability to compute a division problem, create story problems, and reason mathematically and abstractly were higher than in other studies of U.S. teachers and the sample of new MEG members. It is concluded that it is only through comprehensive and ongoing staff development that all teachers can better understand, apply, and teach mathematics to their students.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teaching Efficacy along the Development of Teaching Expertise among Science and Math Teachers in Taiwan.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: For many teacher education programs, the development of the effective teacher is one of their primary goals. Research has shown that teachers’ sense of efficacy is a significant indicator of effective teacher teachers. This study attempts to reveal novice, beginning, and expert science and mathematics in-service or pre-service teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and how the teachers’ knowledge is related to their sense of efficacy. The expert and beginner teachers reported higher teaching efficacy than the novice teachers as measured by a formal psychological scale. The experts and beginners also related more teaching efficacy-related statements than novices. (Contains 33 references.) (ASK) Link til kilde