har udgivet: The aim of this study is to find out whether intelligence distributions differ or not according to gender and departmental variables by determining the dominant intelligence (Multiple Intelligence) distributions of prospective teachers studying at Yildiz Technical University Education Faculty. The population of the research constitutes the prospective teachers majoring at Yildiz Technical University Education Faculty in 2014-2015 academic year. The study group contains a total of 254 prospective teachers selected by random cluster sampling method who have been educated in preschool teaching of primary education department (64 people), mathematics teaching (64 people), science teaching (92 people) and CITE (34 people). In this research conducted based on the screening model, Multiple Intelligence Scale developed by Çeliköz et al. (2008) and composed of 11 different situations and 88 questions… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The aim of this study is four fold: (a) to investigate the beliefs of elementary (grades 1-3) and middle school (4-6 grades) math teachers about teaching, learning and nature of mathematics; (b) to explore their teaching practices of mathematics; (c) to study the impact of their educational qualifications, years of experience, major on their beliefs toward teaching, learning and nature of mathematics, and; (d) to explore the relationship between their beliefs about teaching learning and nature of mathematics and their teaching practices. Data were collected using two questionnaires: the Math Teacher Beliefs Scale and the Mathematics Teaching Practices Scale. The study sample consisted of 101 teachers who teach in 11 private schools located in Amman, Jordan. The result of this study showed that teachers’ beliefs towards teaching… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The “Building Blocks PreK Math Curriculum” (Clements & Sarama, 2007) was designed to facilitate children’s engagement in math and talk about math. Much research investigates the effect of curriculum on classrooms or teacher practices. This study used a mediational model to look at a curriculum’s effect on children’s achievement gain, operating through specific child behaviors in the classroom. Specifically, this study looked at how a math curriculum affected children’s focus in math alone or in all learning activities (math, literacy, science, social-studies, and other), talking during math-related activities or in all learning activities, and engagement during math or during all learning activities. Additionally, this study examined how those child behaviors predicted children’s math achievement gain. It is hypothesized in the existing literature that much of the variability… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The current study, a randomized controlled trial, explores how technology and educational transmedia resources can enhance prekindergarten math teaching and learning in preschools, especially those serving children who may be at risk for academic difficulties due to economic and social disadvantages. This research is part of a multi-year summative evaluation of the CPBPBS Ready To Learn initiative, funded by the US Department of Education. A core aim of the initiative is delivering early math (and literacy) resources on new and emerging digital platforms such as tablet computers, interactive whiteboards, and smartphones, as well as better-established technologies such as computers, video displays, and gaming consoles, and to create learning experiences that leverage the unique capabilities of these various technology platforms. The study’s goal was to understand how the… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This study traces evidence of reflection in teacher education and teaching practice by measuring reflection of preservice teachers and experienced teachers and clarifying reflection-oriented reactions to possible confusions or problematic situations considering whether or not they are reflective practitioners. The data were collected from 514 volunteer preservice teachers and 466 experienced teachers teaching science, math, English, Turkish, and primary classes. Teacher Reflection Scale (TRS) (Kayapinar and Erkus, 2009) was used to collect data. In order to analyze the data and obtain descriptive statistics for the item results, SPSS 16.0 was employed. Statistical analyses gave evidence that preservice primary teachers had a high mean of reflection. Under the light of the results gathered from data, experienced teachers did not attain higher reflection scores when compared to preservice teachers.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: A professional development experience for science and mathematics teachers that included coaches was provided for ten science and math teachers. This professional development experience had the teachers develop a lesson that utilized the engineering context to teach a science or mathematics concept through guided inquiry as an instructional methodology. Developing a guided inquiry lesson can be a difficult task for teachers. Science teachers have inquiry standards that they must meet and research indicates that teaching through guided inquiry is an effective method of teaching science content. Mathematics teachers are being asked to incorporate more active and cooperative instructional experiences in in their classrooms. Results of the professional development experience indicate that all but one of the teachers were successful in developing and implementing guided inquiry lessons within… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: “Saxon Math” is a textbook series covering grades K-12 based on incremental development and continual review of mathematical concepts to give students time to learn and practice concepts throughout the year. The series is aligned with standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and various states, and can be adapted for special education students in inclusion classrooms, pullout programs, or self-contained resource classrooms. Although content differs by course, the incremental, distributed approach of “Saxon Math” is the same, with mathematical concepts presented in a series of short “lessons” intended to gradually build understanding and previously-taught concepts practiced and assessed throughout the course. Developed in the early 1980s, “Saxon Math” included four middle school math textbooks used in the studies included in this intervention report.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Grading is one of teachers’ greatest challenges and most important professional responsibilities. Educators are unclear on whether standards-based grades or traditional-based grades do a better job of accurately reflecting what students have learned, so the purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between classroom grades and scores on the Scholastic Math Inventory (SMI) assessment. The individuals were sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade mathematics students from five different middle schools in the same district as they took the SMI assessment. There were about 500 students in the standards-based grading system and about 1,900 students in the traditional grading system. Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) Departments train computer teachers to fill gap of computer instructor in all grades of schools in Turkey. Additionally graduates can also work as instructional technologist or software developer. The curriculum of CEIT departments includes mathematics courses. The aim of this study is to identify attitudes of undergraduate students at CEIT departments towards math. In order to investigate the research question quantitative methods was used. Specifically survey research was preferred. Mathematics Attitude Questionnaire (MAQ) that was developed by Duatepe and Cilesiz (1999) was used and the questionnaire includes 38 items. The instrument was conducted with 122 undergraduate students from CEIT departments of four different universities in Turkey in the spring semester of 2010-2011. Data were analyzed through independent samples t-test and one-way… Continue Reading →
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